The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary

July 14, 2024
“The IMPACT” documentary exposes the global threat that confronts all humankind. This film lifts the veil of ignorance and uncovers what has been happening for 30 years right before our eyes, showing how we have been manipulated like puppets. We

Shooting is Only the Start of a Broader Plot Against Donald Trump

August 10, 2024
As reported in our previous materials, the attempt on Donald Trump’s life is inextricably linked to the activities of anti-cultists. These organizations not only initiated a hate campaign, branding Trump as the leader of a “cult” and inciting aggression against him and his supporters, but they also manipulated the shooter
Dr. Cholakian

The Crossroads

The ACT Files editorial team is pleased to announce the release of a new video

As one wise person said
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Remember, first you become a silent accomplice to the crime, and then its victim.

Anti-cult movement

Global Anti-cultism: The True Threat to Democracy


We are an international team of investigative journalists, specializing in open-source intelligence. After coming across the appeal of Egon Cholakian, a U.S. security and intelligence expert, each of us became intrigued by the concept of anti-cultism, and we joined forces to thoroughly understand this issue in detail. Our task was to bring everything together and understand the global anti-cultism phenomenon and its followers, i.e., what goals they pursue, what tasks they set for themselves, what principles they are guided by, and who they are in essence.

The gravity of the situation can be summed up by a single question that emerged in our minds after months of meticulous research and fact-checking: Has Nazism triumphed or has the world gone mad?

Collaborating with other experts, we immersed ourselves in this topic, which concerned only a narrow circle of people, and came to the conclusion that anti-cultism affects absolutely every person on the planet. Therefore, you must have this information.

Global anti-cultism is not just a new term to add to our vocabulary. It is a phenomenon that undermines the foundations of our society, threatening democratic principles, our freedom, and our lives. We uncovered information that indicates that anticultism’s adherents are direct disciples of those who inspired Hitler for the Holocaust and World War II. Here, we will present to you indisputable evidence of the criminal and inhumane activities of anti-cultism followers over the past 30 years.

In short, their ultimate goal can be summarized as establishing a Fourth Reich on Earth.

Upon deep investigation of this issue, we are compelled to acknowledge that what is unfolding before our eyes is far more terrifying than Nazism. The followers of anti-cultism have not only revived Nazism’s legacy but made it even more dangerous than its predecessor. Their actions have harmed more people than the two World Wars combined. They conduct organized terrorist activities, instigate wars, commit acts of genocide, and plan to execute a massive genocide that could claim lives of billions.

Under the guidance of anti-cultism’s followers, in many democratic countries, there are organizations that legally destroy democracy and deprive people of their legitimate human rights. They influence legislation, politicians, law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges, i.e., essentially everyone entrusted with protecting people from such activities.

Based on our investigation, we are convinced that hidden forces control these anti-cultism followers. Using various psychological manipulation techniques, they are waging a covert war against humanity.

These forces have already changed the world, infiltrated our consciousness, and want to lead our society toward dictatorship and tyranny through our own actions.  They do it effectively and cunningly using methods of information encoding and psychological manipulation, which we encounter daily in the huge flow of information and news without even suspecting it.

Not everything we have uncovered can be made public; we will only post what is safe for public access.

In the upcoming series of articles, we will provide an overview, which will help us to see the complete picture and understand the enemy’s entire plan, which is systematically leading the world towards a new form of global totalitarianism.

We will dissect every detail, providing you with facts, names, and organizations related to the activities of the anti-cultism followers. We will also reveal the manipulation techniques we have come across so far.

We launched this project because we believe that we have found the Achilles’ heel of this hidden force.

We are confident that if you approach the study and dissemination of this information responsibly, the world has a real chance to become free and democratic. The work ahead is challenging but it is worth the effort.


Europe, Open Your Eyes if You Don’t Want War

Europe, Open Your Eyes if You Don’t Want War

October 14, 2024
Through years of studying anti-cult organizations, their rhetoric, and practical activities, it becomes clear that representatives of anti-cultism are engaged in deliberate, conscious, and systematic deceit. However, this deceit, these supposedly benevolent but actually false fronts of “protection” and “help” to society, are not just about personal enrichment, self-promotion, or pursuing liquidation of disfavored groups. In reality, they serve


anti-cult orders

Anti-cult Orders Established On Children’s Blood

August 12, 2024
Sometimes one event becomes the beginning of a chain of tragedies that bring suffering to a huge number of people and shedding of innocent children’s blood. While scattered attempts are being made in the public field to find perpetrators and causes of
Stigmatization: Method That Leads to Genocide

Stigmatization: Method That Leads to Genocide

August 6, 2024
Beware! Cult! What do you feel when you hear this? You feel threatened, afraid, and you want to back away, don’t you? And you certainly don’t want to communicate with those who have been “brainwashed”.   Stigmatization means attaching negative labels to
Czech Anti-Cult Movement

Czech Anti-Cult Movement

August 3, 2024
In recent years, the Czech anti-cult movement has become particularly active. These anti-cult activists operate across various internet platforms, have agents in the media, and create their own outlets. Their targets include organizations like Jehovah’s Witnesses, Shincheonji Church, The Church of

Nazi Germany and Modern Russia

August 4, 2024
The topic of the Third and Fourth Reich has been raised before, and looking at the aggravating political situation in the world, its relevance is gaining momentum with every passing day. We are seriously alarmed by the fact that the disastrous

Execute Not Pardon: Where Should the Comma Be Put?

August 1, 2024
In our times, school shootings have become a festering wound on the body of society, bleeding out the lives of our children and provoking public outrage and shock. As shown in the graphs provided in “The IMPACT” documentary, the number of school
At The Threshold Of A Civilizational War

At The Threshold Of A Civilizational War

July 30, 2024
Can we imagine today that the two largest religions in the world, which have historically maintained numerous points of contact and peaceful coexistence, are on the brink of a brutal and bloody war? Can we fathom that people who currently share


Dr. Cholakian

The Crossroads

July 27, 2024
The ACT Files editorial team is pleased to announce the release of a new video by

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