We are a group of independent journalists united by a common goal – to defend human rights and protect democracy around the world. We are concerned about the disregard for international conventions and the foundations of the constitutional order in various countries. Without an adequate response from the public, this trend will inevitably lead the world to a global conflict.

The impetus for creating this platform was the investigation by Dr. Egon Cholakian

It caused a broad resonance in democratic countries and became a real revelation for us. This material not only sheds light on little-known aspects of the activities of shadowy intelligence groups but also reveals the depth of their influence on international politics and public consciousness. Under the guise of anti-cult organizations, these groups are engaged in terrorism, genocide, persecution, and reprisals against defenseless citizens around the world.



To uncover and bring forth information about the crimes of this organization to the general public. Our research and publications are dedicated to this. We will fight until every criminal and their accomplices are held accountable for their crimes against humanity and are punished for their entire history of inhumane actions.

“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.




  1. Historical analysis of the activities of this criminal structure and anti-cult organizations: strategic goals, methods of recruiting personnel, organization, and hierarchy.
  2. The use of psychophysical technologies and methods of psychological warfare to manipulate public opinion.
  3. The consequences of the impact on the mental and physical health of the population.
  4. Violation of rights and freedoms as a result of the activities of these organizations.
  5. Analysis of tactics for infiltrating agents into the media and creating manipulative narratives.
  6. The impact of information operations on the political landscape and democracy in different countries, including influence on elections.
  7. Uncovering who is behind many global military conflicts, terrorist attacks, repressions, persecutions, and genocide; who and how stimulates their development and emergence.
  8. The search for solutions and the formation of critical perception and active civic position in society.

As you study the materials presented on our portal, you will be convinced that all people are directly or indirectly victims of the activities of these organizations. We act in our common interests and do not have any political, religious, or financial ambitions. We call for international solidarity and public activity to resist disinformation and preserve the foundations of a free society.

Do not remain indifferent!

You can help defend human rights and democratic freedoms! Share materials, draw the attention of the administration of your city and country, attract journalists to cover this topic, and publish this information on social networks.