Articles - Page 4

Dvorkin’s Totalitarian Sect

Dvorkin’s Totalitarian Sect. Revival of Nazism

“The first gnostic sectarian was Satan himself, who used typical sect recruitment techniques when speaking with Eve.”   (from the book “Sectology. Totalitarian Sects” by A.L. Dvorkin) Trying to understand how it happened that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the people
March 7, 2025
Alexander Dvorkin’s Medical Files

Alexander Dvorkin’s Medical Files: Full Archive

In September of this year, we received an archive of scanned documents via email, suggesting that in the 1970s, Alexander Dvorkin, Russia’s leading anticultist and president of RACIRS (the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects), was
November 21, 2024
Murderers of Christ

Murderers of Christ. Do Not Repeat the Same Mistake

Without anticultism, billions of people would have been spared from suffering, persecution, and pain, and millions would have remained alive. Yet, over more than three decades of its devastating impact, we have observed the opposite. It was anticultism that fueled the brutal
November 17, 2024
catherine picard

People Must Have the Right to Faith

In the late 20th century, anticult influence was firmly rooted in the government structures of France, but the country repeatedly made attempts to weaken it over time. Examples collected in the study by lawyer Patricia Duval, “FECRIS and its Affiliates in France”
November 12, 2024
Alexander Dvorkin

Alexander Dvorkin. A Single Anticult Network

Alexander Dvorkin is a key figure in the international anticult movement. It’s difficult to gauge the full extent of the damage inflicted on society by this religious apologist obsessed with radical ideas, who has a documented diagnosis of a mental illness
November 10, 2024

Ideology Of Nazism As A Threat To Modern Democracy

In recent times, democratic countries have faced persistent attempts of public opinion deception and manipulation through certain media outlets using unethical communication methods like disinformation and psychological manipulation. This threatens our shared values, human dignity, and stability of democracy as a whole.
November 6, 2024

Russian Anticult Trail in Latvia. Part 2

We continue the topic of the Russian anticult influence in Latvia. You can read the first part here. The Latvian Committee for Combating the Totalitarian Sects “Antisect” (Latvijas Totalitāro sektu apkarošanas komiteja) was registered in 2007, a year after the establishment of
November 3, 2024

Russian Anticult Trail in Latvia. Part 1

Hearing about our website, some anticult activists hastened to assure the audience on their social media pages that there is no international anticult network of any kind. Nevertheless, the materials we are gradually collecting show a different picture – that there are
November 1, 2024
Friedrich Wilhelm Haack

Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack

As we previously mentioned, very little information has been preserved about anticult ideologues, their methods and connections. The data that could shed light on their activities is likely to be present in classified archives, inaccessible to the general public. This lack
October 27, 2024

History of a Killing Rumor

In the research work “Freedom of Religion or Belief. Anti-Sect Movements and State Neutrality. A Case Study: FECRIS,” published in 2013, the section “FECRIS and its Affiliates in France. The French Fight against the ‘Capture of Souls’” 1 is particularly noteworthy.
October 24, 2024
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