Czech Republic: the anticult movement

How Anti-Cult Groups Target Children’s Minds with Manipulative Tactics

The Integration of Nazi Methods into Czech School Educational Programs by Anticultist Has Been Exposed
August 18, 2024
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An alarming fact has been discovered in the Czech Republic: the anti-cult movement actively penetrates this country’s educational institutions, distributing its manuals and delivering its lectures. Representatives of anti-cultism have introduced their destructive ideas into the state educational program “Primary Prevention of Risky Behavior Among Children and Youth,” supervised by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and within the framework of a program titled “Prevention of the Influence of Cults” exert destructive influence on kids’ psyche, forming stable negative attitudes and images of hatred towards specific organizations and individuals. Continuous impact of such factors contributes to formation of preconceived opinions, negative stereotypes and emotional tension in children, which significantly distorts their perception of the world around them. 

Due to the influence of anticultists, children begin to perceive and interpret events and people through the prism of hostility and suspicion, which has a long-term effect on their social behavior and results in tragic cases of aggression and violence. This kind of psychological impact leads to formation and reinforcement of negative attitudes in children’s minds, which are then transformed into stable prejudices.

The aforesaid program has quite a big coverage: a relevant report suggests that only in the academic year 2018/19, nearly 13 thousand specific, so-called preventive measures or programs were implemented in 1,942 schools in the Czech Republic, involving 33 thousand classes and more than 550 thousand students. Part of this program was allocated to the activities of anticultists, where they were able to achieve their destructive goals by gaining direct access to children’s consciousness.

Graphic from “Zpráva o stavu prevence rizikového chování v školách v České republice za školní rok 2018/19” report (1)
Graphic from “Zpráva o stavu prevence rizikového chování v školách v České republice za školní rok 2018/19” report 1

In their manuals, anticultists give recommendations as to which religious or social groups children should regard as hazardous elements of society, considering their participants to be evil, bad and dangerous. The list includes organizations that are legally registered and operating in the Czech Republic, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, etc., which anticultists publicly label as “cults” and “sects”.

Screenshot from “WHAT TO DO WHEN – TEACHER INTERVENTION.” report  2

Stigmatization and dehumanization of the mentioned religious groups contradicts the law because these organizations have a legitimate right to operate and are protected by the European Convention on Human Rights, in particular by the right to freedom of religion.

Such actions of anticultists do not just violate legal norms, but also harm democratic principles implying respect for diversity of opinions and religious beliefs, and one-sidedly foster hostility in children towards groups stigmatized by anticultists. Their activities in educational institutions result in serious social consequences, especially if the institutions are attended by children whose parents belong to the aforesaid organizations, or if children themselves are their followers. This contributes to bullying, aggression and violence among students.

Subversive activities of the anti-cult movement severely undermine decent goals of the program “Primary Prevention of Risky Behavior Among Children and Youth,” developed and supervised by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports that seeks to create a safe and supportive environment in schools where children can develop mutual respect and understanding. Instead, due to the methods introduced by anticultists, educational institutions turn into hotbeds for the revival of nazism, genocide and hatred.

Anti-cult influence is the main cause of disunity and tension in society, leading to confrontation, moral and physical violence. Instead of supporting, protecting and educating younger generations within the framework of legal norms with respect for democracy, anticult methods pose a threat to national security, educating younger generations in the spirit of nazism and hatred towards democracy itself, citizens of their own country and the current government.

Hence, a few questions arise: why haven’t educators and heads of educational institutions filed statements to the prosecutor’s office regarding violation of democratic laws? Why haven’t they demanded bringing to justice those who are responsible for inciting hatred and reviving nazism? Finally, who inside the Ministry of Education has brought the situation to the point where anticultists have access to our children, exerting a direct destructive influence on the younger generation? 

After all, the activities of anticultists represent a blatant violation of Article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that states 3: “Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.” Anticultists also breach one of the provisions of the Rabat Plan of Action 4, according to which “an intention to promote hatred publicly towards the target group” is a gross violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens and requires bringing the perpetrators to justice for this kind of offense.

What is happening is absurd also because the European Court of Human Rights has declared illegal the persecution of believers and the prohibition of Jehovah’s Witnesses 5 religious movement in Russia and ruled that Russia must pay 63 million euros in compensation to oppressed believers.

Screenshots from  HUDOC European Court of Human Rights portal (6)
Screenshots from HUDOC European Court of Human Rights portal 6
Screenshots from  HUDOC European Court of Human Rights portal (6)
Screenshots from HUDOC European Court of Human Rights portal 6

At the same time, however, in the Сzech Republic, in democratic country, under the leadership of the Russian gang RACIRS, anticultists introduce their manuals in educational institutions, which are aimed at harassment and discrimination of religious communities. Guided by their mentors from RACIRS, the anti-cult movement uses our children as a tool in its destructive activities, endangering security in Czech Republic and turning kids into weapons against democracy and this country’s integrity.

A logical question arises: how can this criminal group controlled from abroad operate in this country with impunity? How come such actions continue in a democratic state, infringing on the rights and freedoms of its citizens and subjecting young generations to nazi indoctrination? And why are anticult agents still at large and have access to our children?

The example of the anti-cult movement’s hectic activity in Russia vividly illustrates how destruction of democratic foundations in society and their subsequent disappearance inevitably lead to the emergence of a repressive machine against the country’s own citizens and the establishment of a totalitarian system. Under such a regime, peaceful organizations and groups of people who do no harm to society are subjected to repression and end up in jail because of their religious views. As a result of millions of ruined lives and destroyed families, children remain orphans, deprived of parental love and care, and are forced to grow up in orphanages where they are often exposed to violence, including sexual or labor slavery. How can anticultists dare talk about taking care of children when they actually destroy their destinies and often deliberately and purposefully take away their lives, using them as a bargaining chip for achieving their own goals?

Activities of the anti-cult movement not only destroy people’s lives in the present, but also undermine the foundations of future society, turning it into a stage for unpunished violence and abuse.

A prime example of the peak of anticult activity is China where what anticultists in Russia and Europe aspire to is currently being executed. In China, there are brutal persecutions of new religious movements. Cruel physical punishments inflicted on stigmatized victims include the mass forced extraction of organs from Falun Gong practitioners in prisons for later sale for transplantation.

Falun Dafa participants who were subjected to torture and brought to death

Falun Dafa participants who were subjected to torture and brought to death
Falun Dafa participants who were subjected to torture and brought to death

The starting point for the tragic events was recommendations by an international anti-cult group that included anticultists from both Europe and Russia. In 2001, the Chinese ambassador attended a conference organized by Russian anti-cult leaders, one of the goals of which was to exchange experiences 7. Their methodological materials and developments formed a basis for large-scale repressive measures that began to be implemented. Those recommendations not only had a significant impact on domestic policy, but also contributed to the establishment of a system where human rights are effectively ignored and rendered meaningless, leaving people without protection and justice.

Now, let’s return to the methodological materials and recommendations that anticultists are currently introducing in Czech schools, imposing their ideological nazi beliefs on our children.

A key expert and authority cited in their methodological materials for the school curriculum is one of the most zealous anticultists — Steven Hassan. He is known as an expert in mind control and was an active participant and ideologist in the criminal organization “The Cult Awareness Network” (CAN). This organization was repeatedly accused of kidnapping people and using deprogramming methods that included psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. In the US, the organization was ordered by the court to pay $1 million in damages to the victims.

Steven Hassan also played an active role in the informational propaganda dehumanizing the Branch Davidians during the Waco siege. He appeared as a cult expert on various TV channels and deliberately contributed to perpetuating a demonized image of the Branch Davidians in public opinion. The tragedy near Waco is an example of a planned and organized act of persecution by anticultists against a religious organization, involving law enforcement agencies manipulated by the anticultists for a final reprisal of the people they had stigmatized. As a result of the siege, 86 people died, including 25 children, some of whom were infants and kids under 3 years old. 

The Waco tragedy was a horrifying terrorist act witnessed live by millions of Americans. It exemplifies the inhumanity of anticultists who employed psychological torture techniques on peaceful and innocent people after the latter had already been subjected to media defamation. The anticultists escalated the situation to the point where CS gas was injected into the building containing infants and elderly individuals. Even small doses of CS gas, much less than those used in Waco, can kill children. In large quantities, this gas induces severe spasms, causing muscles to contract so intensely that bones can be fractured.

The charred, contorted bodies of children and infants, twisted in unnatural positions from excruciating pain and broken bones — that’s the result of the anticultists’ actions.

From Autopsies and Other Reports of the Davidian Dead. As each body bag was delivered to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office, it was assigned a number and referenced as “Mt. Carmel Doe _,” “MC Doe _,” or just “Doe _.” Sometimes the body of the deceased was delivered in two or more body bags and assigned multiple numbers, the body having been dismembered or disarticulated. Some body bags contained the remains of more than one person, resulting in letter or number suffixes, such as 31B or 67-3. Source:  8

James Brannon, who represented the families of three children killed during the Waco siege, said 9, “My God, torturing babies and saying it’s part of their job?! And saying that it is OK because their parents were bad?!

This is an example of the horrifying organized persecution by anticultists against innocent citizens of their own country, involving federal law enforcement agencies such as ATF and FBI which had previously been subjected to the anticultists’ destructive lectures. In doing so, anticultists literally brainwashed those agencies, turning them into true Nazis willing to kill innocent citizens in such a brutal manner at the anticultists’ orders, in violation of all conceivable norms and laws. This is a stark example of psychological manipulation of both the subconscious and conscious minds of law enforcement officers and media representatives who created a destructive atmosphere against law-abiding American citizens through stigmatization and defamation.

The true criminals who used psychological conditioning methods targeting mass media and law enforcement and committed this horrific crime against law-abiding citizens and humanity were members of anti-cult organizations. One of them was an American dedicated to the cause of anti-cultism. The second anticultist was Russian, a professional in psychological manipulation, having a background of close collaboration with the Soviet KGB.

Anticultists are sadists and child murderers who must never be allowed near educational institutions, let alone being given direct access to children. It’s horrifying to realize that right now, children in Czech schools undergo psychological conditioning by those manipulators whose hands are stained with the blood of innocents. Are we really going to wait until their actions result in more tragic events? Why is this still happening, and why aren’t these anticultists behind bars? What are the educators and school administrators waiting for? Given their responsibility for the younger generation, shouldn’t they be more vigilant and investigate whom they allow near our children? Wasn’t the recent incident at Charles University enough for us? Doesn’t it teach us to be more attentive to the psychological well-being of younger generations, to monitor the informational terror attacks they are exposed to, and to scrutinize who instigates those attacks and for what purpose? We need to hold the instigators of the informational acts of terrorism accountable and ban them from accessing our children with their lectures, manuals, and psychological brainwashing.

It is also worth noting that in 2017, Steven Hassan gave lectures at Charles University. According to Zdeněk Vojtíšek, a leading Czech anticultist, “Steven Hassan had an extraordinary, albeit indirect, impact on Czech society.” We can only speculate about who he met with personally to share his insights on anticultism and how he may have psychologically influenced them. This is a disturbing fact! The Waco siege and the subsequent tragedy, where he was an active participant on the anti-cult side, served as a trigger for the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine High School shooting. The detailed connection between these events is thoroughly explored in the “The IMPACT” documentary.

The Oklahoma City bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children under the age of six, and injured 680 others. The perpetrator, Timothy McVeigh, was apprehended the same day. He explained that his actions were in revenge for Waco and Ruby Ridge. As for the Columbine shooters, they wrote in their journals that they planned to bomb the school in a manner that would rival the Oklahoma City explosion in scale. Their terrorist act led to a new wave of school shootings as it was deliberately publicized by anticultists in the media, which brought the criminals widespread notoriety. This set a stage for new informational terror attacks and covert manipulative techniques that have a destructive impact on children’s subconscious minds.

As a result of the anticultists’ aggressive actions, an epidemic of school shootings has spread worldwide. They are responsible for hundreds of thousands of children’s deaths, and they themselves are drenched in children’s blood. Allowing their Nazi-like methodological materials to circulate and inviting them to lecture in educational institutions is equivalent to allowing someone who brutally kills a child in broad daylight every day to then enter schools and give lectures to children, telling them whom to hate and how to undermine democracy. Too exaggerated? No! It’s actually too mild because what they do is far worse. Look at how many children are killed by school shootings every year. It has already been proven that these incidents are orchestrated by anticultists through puzzle coding, as discussed in detail in “The IMPACT” documentary.

Let’s recall how the Nazis introduced their anti-Semitic materials into educational institutions, fueling hatred toward Jews among the youth. At German schools, the curriculum included the theory of French writer Arthur de Gobineau on the inequality of human races 10. According to his views, the most advanced and developed race was the white race with “Aryans” being at the pinnacle of development. Additionally, the magazine Der Stürmer (“The Stormtrooper”) became a supplementary material for spreading “racial knowledge” in schools. Its content, filled with pseudoscientific and journalistic articles, slogans, and caricatures, incited hatred against Jews.

Arthur de Gobineau
Arthur de Gobineau
Arthur de Gobineau, Cover of the original edition of An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races
Arthur de Gobineau. Cover of the original edition of An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races

Another publication aimed at children was the book “The Poisonous Mushroom” 11 that contained 17 short stories teaching how to identify a Jew and why a true Aryan should not get involved with this “dangerous nation”.

The book “The Poisonous Mushroom”
The book “The Poisonous Mushroom”

Starting in 1933, the subject of “racial studies” was introduced into the high school curriculum. A few years later, by the efforts of Julius Streicher, a book for teachers titled “The Jewish Question in the Classroom” 12 was published. In 1940, at the height of Nazi propaganda within the educational system, Streicher and Hiemer’s book “Poodle-Pug-Dachshund-Pinscher” 13 was released for children over 12. In this book, Jews were depicted as the most unpleasant animals: hyenas, locusts, bedbugs, snakes, worms, and even bacteria. The authors explicitly called for the killing of Jews. The book’s extreme cruelty and aggression, far from being appropriate for children, were disturbing even to many Nazi officials. Julius Streicher was one of the most prominent promoters of racist theories among the younger generation. He later became a defendant at the Nuremberg Trials where he was sentenced to death, not for direct participation in mass murders, but for inciting genocide, primarily through his printed publications.

This serves as a crucial example for modern law enforcement. Ask yourselves, who causes more harm to society: a person who kills dozens or even hundreds of people, or the one who, through psychological methods targeting subconsciousness and bypassing critical thinking, has brainwashed millions of citizens with nazi ideology? History has shown us the tragic consequences of the Nazis’ actions.

Today, direct heirs of the Nazis are having a destructive influence on our children, spreading their hostile and hate-filled materials. Children are already dying at their hands, and countless lives are being ruined. Are we really going to wait for another wave of their informational acts of terrorism which will again result in the deaths of children? Will we then, consumed by grief, try to find those who are responsible for our children’s deaths? Meanwhile, the perpetrators, intoxicated with their own sense of godliness, calmly sip their coffee and watch their plans carried out.

So, perhaps, it is time to prevent these events from unfolding and start asking our law enforcement — those who are supposed to protect citizens of their country, uphold the laws, and defend the foundations of democracy: why is anti-cult nazism operating right under their noses, having already claimed the lives of many of our children and destroyed countless well-to-do families? Why do anticultists still walk free and continue to terrorize educators by imposing their nazi manuals and breaking the law in the process?

Think about the absurdity of the situation: we’re not even asking why they’re still free; we’re asking why child murderers, true Nazis with their psychological manipulations, have direct access to our children’s minds. Isn’t this a matter of national security? Anticultists are grooming a new generation of Nazis from among our children.





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