Three Taylor Swift concerts scheduled in Vienna for August 8, 9, and 10 have been canceled after local police thwarted an attack.
Taylor Alison Swift. American singer-songwriter.
In an Instagram post on Wednesday evening, August 7, 2024, concert organizer Barracuda Music stated 1:
“With confirmation from government officials of a planned terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone’s safety.”

The main suspect, a 19-year-old Austrian, reportedly pledged allegiance to the group known as the “Islamic State” in recent weeks. A second individual, believed to have been in contact with the suspect, was detained in Vienna.
This event has captured our attention for a reason, and we want to align it with the incident in Southport that resulted in mass riots in the UK, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the epidemic of school shootings, the rise of Islamophobia, and the preparation for a third world war.
Let’s jointly unravel this web of seemingly unrelated events which are likely to be links in the same chain. “The IMPACT” documentary will assist us in this endeavor. It is based on materials from an ongoing international investigation into a transnational criminal network of adherents of global anti-cultism.

The documentary reveals that the ideological hub of this transnational network and the pioneer of its propaganda techniques is the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects, abbreviated as RACIRS.

They disguise their activities under a supposedly noble goal of protecting the interests of their country’s main religion — Orthodox Christianity. However, the situation is far more complex. Within the religion itself, there are individuals who, despite outwardly belonging to Orthodoxy, actually champion the interests of anti-cult movements. All of them act in concert, pursuing their own agendas and benefits that have nothing to do with religion per se. Therefore, it is crucial to distinguish religion as a system of values and beliefs from those who have maliciously infiltrated it so as to use it as a cover for their destructive activities.
It also becomes clear that religion is merely a front organization working for hidden entities which the documentary refers to as followers of global anti-cultism.
The radical ideology of present-day representatives of global anti-cultism extends its influence far beyond Russia’s borders. They hold particularly strong positions in China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the United States.
In countries such as France, China, and Germany, anti-cultists have garnered substantial support from public authorities or certain officials and gained an opportunity to influence legislative, judicial bodies, and law enforcement agencies.
A crucial point we would like to highlight is that the documentary presents direct evidence that Nazism hasn’t disappeared; instead, it has transformed and adapted to new external circumstances. However, we can trace a direct transmission of knowledge, experience and methods for combating dissenting groups of people, aiming at their complete eradication.

Representatives of global anti-cultism apply all the Nazi methods, but have expanded and refined them for their own purposes. Their ultimate goal is complete destruction of democratic values and the establishment of a unified Fourth Reich.
After the release of the aforesaid documentary, Egon Cholakian, a US national security and intelligence expert who is part of the investigative team, commented on it. He provided additional information in his remarks, revealing details of how global anti-cultism plans to achieve its goal.

To further correlate various events, it is crucial for us to understand the stages of their plan. Below, we present an excerpt from Egon Cholakian’s address to Vladimir Putin:
“According to the multi-stage strategy of global anti-cultism, the uprising of the Muslim world is the third step in their final strategy to achieve global chaos. As I mentioned earlier, the first step is a civil war in America. The second step is the disintegration of the European Union, accompanied by the escalation of anti-Muslim sentiments and critical violations of Muslims’ rights. The third step is large-scale Muslim uprisings in Europe, followed by the involvement of major Islamic states under the pretext of protecting their fellow believers.
The culmination of this scenario is as follows: major Islamic geopolitical players, taking advantage of the weakened and torn-apart America and Europe, will decide on a global retaliatory step — a full-scale military intervention using nuclear weapons in revenge for years of oppression, hatred, and humiliation.
This scenario includes the mandatory use of nuclear weapons by Islamic countries, which will undoubtedly trigger retaliatory nuclear strikes. Given the significant imbalance of nuclear arsenals between Islamic and non-Islamic countries, such a confrontation will inevitably result in catastrophic consequences for the Islamic world. It will be a terrible tragedy for all humanity.
According to the plans of global anti-cultism, this war will lead to unprecedented human losses. They cynically calculate that the number of casualties will reach at least three billion people. This horrifying number includes almost the entire Muslim world.”
So, now we know who they are, what their goal is, as well as their plan of action, which is simple yet cynical: to incite the Islamic world to aggression against the weakened Europe and USA. Then, under the pretext of “helping”, there would be an intervention in the conflict from non-Islamic countries of the Eastern world where anti-cultists already hold power, so that the situation would be destabilized to the utmost. Finally, they intend to get the divided, war-torn world under their totalitarian control.
It’s important to note that, according to the calculations of anti-cultists, this “civilizational war” would not just wipe representatives of Islam off the face of the Earth, but would also result in massive losses for the countries currently considered the bastions of “Western civilization”. Their populations would comprise the majority of the “billion” sacrificed in this monstrous plan.
Next, in this article it’s important for us to analyze one of the methods indicating the work of adherents of global anti-cultism, namely the method of puzzle coding.
Thanks to the disclosure of certain details from the investigation, this information is available to us for the first time.
What do we know about this method from “The IMPACT” documentary?
The puzzle coding method is a technique of covert manipulation through several waves of informational coding. Each wave contains specific segments which, like puzzle pieces, come together in the depths of the subconsciousness of a potential perpetrator. Once combined, those segments activate a program that prompts an individual to commit a mass murder. As a result of this kind of activation, the person proceeds to commit the crime. However, it appears as though it was their personal decision. They haven’t met with anyone, haven’t been directly incited, and nobody assisted them in their preparation. They haven’t even discussed this topic with anyone. In reality, though, the individual acts as a biorobot, carefully guided towards the target by a skilled hand.

The initial informational coding attacks are launched with a wide range of impact. The final attacking wave and additional corrective measures are carried out directly within a targeted secondary school, university, or other facility. At this stage, the “Start” command is given to the shooter. Thus, in essence, anti-cultists first initiate preparatory waves of informational coding, followed by guiding and activating waves. Remember these stages as they will help you understand something further.
The first preparatory wave, which is the foundation for laying all the puzzle pieces into a single picture, is glorification of previous perpetrators of mass school shootings or other terror attacks. The key factor exploited by anti-cultists in this case is the human desire for fame.
In this regard, it doesn’t matter how information about shooters is presented. It can be condemnation or, on the contrary, justification of their actions, a biographical overview, a movie about similar events, or anything whatsoever. The primary importance is in the news hook and the manipulative message embedded in it.
What does a teenager see when encountering this kind of information? He sees that an ordinary student, much like himself, who felt undervalued, gained worldwide fame with a single deed.
Now, the most popular media write about him, stars of show business discuss him, and the perpetrator himself becomes an idol for others. It is exactly a desire to become famous and a thirst for glory that provides a fertile ground for growing the seeds of evil, sown by anti-cultists as real terrorists and urging children to commit crimes.
What happens to people who are exposed to this kind of information? Thousands of children and teenagers start imagining themselves in the role of the perpetrator, contemplating, “What would I do if I were him?” They think about what they would do to their classmates at school or peers in college or university. Even many grown-up, sensible individuals, when listening to media reports, begin to visualize how they would carry out such acts. In doing so, a person’s mind involuntarily pictures potential “victims”, those who once wronged or underestimated this person.
Thousands of people contemplate, but only a few turn their fantasies into reality. This is what constitutes deliberate psychological manipulation. You can refer to “The IMPACT” documentary for more detailed information on this subject.
Now that you understand this method, let’s analyze the situation in Southport.
What really happened there?

On July 29, a 17-year-old teenager, Axel Rudakubana, who turned 18 on August 7, brutally murdered three young girls — 6-year-old Bebe King, 7-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe, and 9-year-old Alice da Silva Aguiar — using a curved-blade kitchen knife. He also injured eight other children and two adults. The incident took place at a Taylor Swift-themed event on Hart Street in Southport.

What do we know about the teenager at this point? He was described by a neighbor as a “quiet boy from the church choir,” whose family is actively involved in the local church community. Rudakubana’s father, a Christian, and his stay-at-home mother were both described as “ordinary” residents of a provincial town.
The suspect was apprehended almost immediately and later taken to court for his initial hearing.

During the 55-minute hearing, he covered his face and refused to speak — including confirming his name — and occasionally rocked back and forth or side to side.
It has also been revealed that he had been unwilling to leave the house or communicate with his family for some time before the incident. He has been placed in a juvenile detention center and is set to appear in court again in October. The police have stated that the motives for the attack are “unclear,” but it is not being treated as terrorism-related.
Many signs suggest that Axele Rudakubana was subjected to puzzle coding, similar to other teenagers who have carried out mass killings in schools over the past thirty years. It was this method of remote influence that likely drove him to commit such a heinous crime.
It is now crucial for information about this method to reach the UK police. This would give them a chance to identify the organizers behind the events currently happening in the country. If they apply regressive hypnosis to the suspect, they could easily determine what exactly served as the final trigger. They could uncover what puzzle piece created the irresistible urge in him to go and kill those children. Understanding what kind of information it was would easily lead them down a chain to those who initiated it. It is highly likely that these are the same individuals who spread disinformation immediately after the tragedy, taking advantage of the silence from law enforcement agencies.
How did disinformation spread through social media?
The flow of disinformation about the Southport attack spread almost instantly across numerous social media platforms. According to British media, the name Ali Al-Shaqati was first mentioned by a commenter named Bernie Spofforth, whose X account, @Artemisfornow, regularly shares conspiracy theory content and has a large following.

The story was then picked up by Channel3 Now after Spofforth’s post. The X account used to disseminate Channel3 Now’s articles has only 3,000 followers. However, on that same platform, posts suggesting that the Southport attacker was a Muslim, migrant, refugee, or foreigner garnered at least 27 million views, according to Stephen Hutchings, a professor of Russian Studies at the University of Manchester and the lead researcher of the (Mis)Translating Deceit disinformation project.

While the fake story undoubtedly reached huge numbers of real people, the startlingly high number of impressions likely came about because “many of Channel3 Now’s followers will not be real people but actually bots who reshare things that seem to be gaining traction online”, explains Hutchings. 2
He also stated that Channel3 Now is part of a complex network of modern information warfare stretching from the grief-stricken streets of Southport to the Russian city of Izhevsk, roughly 800 miles east of Moscow. He added that certain forces from Russia have long been actively involved in inciting radical sentiments in Britain and other countries through such projects.
This information becomes particularly valuable in light of what we revealed earlier in the article about the transnational structure of global anti-cultism, with an ideological center in Russia.
What started as a trickle soon turned into a flood, causing disinformation to surge across social media, with this name being picked up by thousands of other accounts linked to Russia. Some Russian-language Telegram channels specified that the attacker was from the Middle East.
“A knife-wielding refugee from Syria burst into a room where children’s dance and yoga classes were being held and started attacking everyone while shouting “Allah Akbar!” reported the “Russia Now” channel.

Similar posts emerged on the “Dyadya Slava” (Uncle Slava) and “Putin on Telegram” channels, as well as in user profiles on the social network X. Meanwhile, the “Russkyi Mech” (Russian Sword)channel published a post titled “Islamist Kills Christian Children Again,” naming the perpetrator as Ali Al-Shakati. The authors of the post emphasized that the “terrorist” was an illegal immigrant who came to the United Kingdom about a year ago.
The story was then picked up by Russian state media, which quoted Channel3 Now in their reports.

This statement was also shared by far-right figures, such as Tommy Robinson, the founder of the anti-immigrant English Defense League, which played a significant role in inciting riots in Southport and other locations, and the notorious influencer Andrew Tate, whose posts about Al-Shakati garnered millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes.

After such a massive information campaign, riots erupted just a few hours after a memorial service for the victims was held at the dance school. On the evening of July 30, between 200 and 300 people gathered near a local mosque and soon began throwing stones and bottles at the police. More than 50 law enforcement officers were injured, and five rioters were arrested.

Merseyside Police stated that the violence was instigated by supporters of the far-right English Defence League. According to one of the city’s MPs, the blame lies with thugs who came to Southport to exploit the death of three children “for their political agendas.”

Large-scale anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant protests ensued in many British cities, escalating into riots and violent clashes with law enforcement within a week after the attack in Southport. The scale of these riots is depicted on a map created by journalists from The Guardian:
American entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk, in response to the widespread unrest in the UK, commented on the inevitability of civil war in the country.
“Civil war is inevitable,” the businessman tweeted, reacting to one of the videos showing protests in British cities.

What can this lead to?
Analyzing the situation in Britain and comparing it with the materials we possess, we must conclude that this is yet another step bringing humanity closer to a civilizational conflict. Once again, the followers of global anti-cultism have exploited children to carry out their sinister plans, as they have done many times before.
The Independent 3 reports that the incident in Southport has become a catalyst for a wave of unrest, with deeply rooted Islamophobic sentiments among certain segments of the population being cited as the cause of such demonstrations.
The Runnymede Trust, an analytical center focused on racial equality and civil rights, warned that this “violent racism has long been simmering under the surface” of society.
“What is happening is the direct result of years of normalised racism and Islamophobia, enabled by politicians and the British media,” a charity spokesperson said.
The article also mentions that in March, Muslims in the UK reported being too scared to leave their homes after dark, as new figures from a London charity, Islamophobia Response Unit (IRU) revealed that the number of Islamophobic incidents skyrocketed by 365 percent following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.
After closely examining the situation in the UK, we also found a direct parallel with the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow on March 22, 2024.
In both cases, public aggression ultimately targets Muslim immigrants. The country is experiencing an escalation of tensions between ethnic and religious groups, bringing it closer to the brink of civil war.
TAs this story continues to unfold, more and more people are forgetting about the murder of children.
But who will uncover the truth? Will the authorities take action? Will people demand that those responsible for programming a teenager into committing murder be found?
We are haunted by another question: Why must children pay with their lives for the actions of adults who can hardly be called human?
The highest degree of hypocrisy lies in the fact that those with blood on their hands present themselves as respectable individuals and defenders of children. They are invited on television as experts, advising law enforcement on whom and how to punish. They have deeply infiltrated the governments of many countries.

Those orchestrating the bloody scenario sit on the sidelines, sipping coffee with satisfaction, delighted that their maniacal plans are being carried out by ordinary people.
They were once filled with power and believed they were acting in secret, hidden in the shadows. And that was the case until July 14, 2024. Thanks to the creators of the groundbreaking documentary “The IMPACT” and those leading the international investigation, it became clear who they are, where they are located, as well as what their plans and methods of execution are.
Our concerns also extend to the possibility that the incident in Southport was used to program millions of teenagers and children to commit future mass and bloody crimes. This brings us back to singer Taylor Swift. From the description of the puzzle coding method, we recall the first mass wave of coding, driven by the desire for popularity.
Naturally, the information reached her. Given the connection to her fan club, she couldn’t remain indifferent. She stated that the stabbing at a dance class dedicated to her music, which resulted in the deaths of three children and injuries to eight others, left her in “completely in shock.”

She shared a post on Instagram, where she is followed by hundreds of millions of fans, many of whom are children and teenagers. Now, in their minds, the thought “my idol spoke about this” is taking hold. Consciousness builds an easy path to popularity, as we mentioned earlier. In the minds of millions of children, images are now swirling — some imagining the possibility of committing a similar crime, others fearing they might become a victim of such brutality.

As soon as news spread worldwide that an attempted terrorist attack was foiled at a Taylor Swift concert — and that Muslims were again to blame – no one will analyze the situation critically. Many children who are already toying with the idea of committing a crime have formed the image “Muslims wanted to kill my idol”, while in the heads of another part “take the knife” image has formed, because “then my idol will know about me”.
It’s worth noting that the 33-year-old Swift is the biggest pop star in the world — a phenomenon on par with Beatlemania or Michael Jackson in the early 1980s. In the U.S., a staggering 53% of adults consider themselves Swift fans, with an even higher percentage among children and teenagers.
In July, she became the first woman to have four albums simultaneously in the top ten in the U.S., and she now holds the record for the most No. 1 albums by any woman in history. Just a few months before that, she became the first artist to claim all ten of the top spots on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart.
All of this speaks to the immense love from her millions of fans, who now have two coding “puzzles” embedded in their minds. One of these is directed against billions of Muslims.

Can you imagine how many U.S. citizens, who love Taylor Swift, have been subjected to this influence?
To recall, on July 14, 2024, the United States was already teetering on the brink of civil war. We previously wrote about how the shooter who targeted Trump also fell victim to puzzle coding.
Given the plans and methods of the followers of global anti-cultism, it’s clear that all of this is part of a larger single scenario, where the first chapter is civil war in the United States, and the third is a civilizational conflict. What could this lead to? You already have enough information to analyze and connect the dots.
In conclusion, let’s present an allegory that accurately describes the current situation in the world. Let’s imagine our society as a human body. Right now, followers of global anti-cultism are injecting a poison into this body, leading it toward destruction.
When we finally bring the true culprits to light, they will be brought to justice. Nazis were once condemned, but unfortunately, Nazism was not fully eradicated, and its virus has mutated and persisted into our times. However, now we have everything needed to eliminate it.
Additionally, if Axel Rudakubana had watched the documentary “The IMPACT” a day before the Southport tragedy, there would have been an 80% chance that Elsie, Alice, and Bibi would still be dancing to Taylor Swift’s songs and delighting their parents. The people of the United Kingdom would not have faced the horrors they are currently enduring, and the world would not be inching closer to a third world war.
“Do we have a chance to change everything?” Now we can answer affirmatively — yes, we do! If everyone receives the antidote to this virus of Nazism in time.