What is Their Plan and Key Instrument

The IMPACT. Episode 1. What is Their Plan and Key Instrument? (Video & Text Version)

August 5, 2024
16 mins read


Narrator: May 2, 2024. According to data outlined in Rasmussen Reports, 41% of American voters believe that a second Civil War could occur in the United States in the next five years, including 16% who consider such a scenario Very Likely. It is noted that today the level of tension in American society is at its highest since the time of the first Civil War in the United States.

Washington: The specter of a looming civil war has not arisen in your minds by mere chance, Americans. It has been deliberately implanted through specific psychological manipulations that you encounter daily amidst the vast flow of information and news. You believe you are simply reading various unrelated articles, but you fail to see that they are part of a single scheme, a unified plan of the enemy of democracy, systematically leading the entire world towards a new, unprecedented form of global totalitarianism. The first key strategic stage is to destroy America from within through an artificially provoked Civil War.

This will deliver a fatal blow to democracy, after which it will be easy for the hidden enemy to extinguish the remnants of freedom in other parts of the world. For there will be no strong nation left to stand against them in this geopolitical battle. On the ruins of democracy, chaos will initially reign. Still, it will be a controlled chaos, forcing people to crave totalitarian laws that promise order in exchange for their freedom.

This is the second stage of the plan – the establishment of a new world disorder.

After that, the enemy will move on to the last, final stage of their plan – the establishment of totalitarianism and the complete seizure of power throughout the world.

A broken and divided society becomes the perfect breeding ground for the emergence of a new world order. An order controlled by a totalitarian enemy, an order that threatens the very essence of the freedom we have fought for so long. In this order, the majority of the population will become miserable slaves living in concentration camps, while a small group of rulers will wield unlimited power over the rest of humanity.

Now you are close to the point of no return, but it is still possible to prevent this scenario from unfolding. However, once you cross that line, the enemy of the free world will have gained enough strength and power to completely bring the world to its knees, leaving no room for action. Therefore, the time to change the course of events is now. And to confront the hidden enemy and win, you have to know him by sight. The time has come to expose their methods.

Right now, a hidden war for the future of all humanity is being waged, with the battlefield being your very consciousness. In this war, the main strategy of the enemy of democracy is to implement its plans through your actions, by influencing your thoughts, decisions, and actions with precisely calculated manipultive techniques. As a result, without even realizing it, you become traitors to your country, your people, your children, and even yourselves, merely by falling under the influence of the enemy’s covert attack. What is his primary tool to turn a freedom-loving population into obedient executors of his will? This tool is terror. The terror that is used against you every day but which you do not notice until it is too late.

The enemy’s weapon is terror

Narrator: The Latin word “terror” means “fear” or “dread.” This word first came into prominent use during the French Revolution of 1793-1794. This period was known as the “Reign of Terror” because public executions became widespread in France. In front of large crowds, a person’s head was severed. The guillotine mainly targeted dissenters, those who deviated from the official stance of the time.


The time and place of the executions were announced publicly in advance, and people were gathered specifically to witness the victim’s suffering. However, the main targets and victims of terror were not the individuals under the guillotine. The main targets and victims of terror were all the people gathered in the square and those whom they would tell about it. By witnessing the act, they experienced immense fear and dread. This made people even more controllable by those perpetrating the terror. In addition, alongside the fear, people felt a deep sense of oppression. They understood that the majority of those who faced the guillotine were innocent, punished simply for holding views that threatened the power of the terror regime.

At the same time, society was rife with denunciations and slander. Even the spread of trivial rumors about a person’s actions or statements, which could be interpreted as contrary to the interests of the ruling power, led to execution. In other words, a simple rumor or gossip could result in an absolutely innocent person being publicly beheaded. Every observer in the crowd understood that the next head under the blade could be their own, as there were no guarantees of protection from this fate.

This sense of fear, helplessness, and anxiety led people to completely lose trust in the government and foster a deep hatred for the authorities. This, in turn, led to new waves of protests and mass unrest. The population, having become victims of terror, became the raw material for the creation of subsequent controlled chaos.

What is terrorism?

Washington: Nowadays, the enemy doesn’t need to gather you in squares and publicly execute someone to make you victims of terror. Why? Because it has invented a more efficient form of terrorism that has a similarly powerful and long-lasting influence on you. This is the most sophisticated kind of terrorism. Its danger is that you do not recognize it as terrorism, so you cannot protect yourself against it. It is precisely in your era that the enemy can exploit it — in the age of technology when people have quick access to information, and it can spread rapidly. I’m now talking about psychological and informational terrorism.


Some of you might be surprised. When you hear the word “terrorism”, stereotypical images immediately come to your mind: a bomb exploding in a crowded square, shootings, taking of hostages at mass events, or airplanes crashing into skyscrapers. In most cases, you even picture an image of a terrorist of a specific nationality and religion. However, few people know that the enemy has intentionally narrowed your understanding of terrorism to these images in order to distract you from other forms of terrorism and its essence. This means you won’t be able to recognize other kinds of terrorist attacks that are carried out against you every day. What is the real danger of informational terrorism?

Informational Terrorism

Narrator: Informational terrorism is a direct influence on the psyche and consciousness of people to shape desired opinions and judgments that guide people’s behavior. It’s a form of negative influence on individuals, society, and the state through various types of information, aiming to weaken and destabilize the constitutional order.

Washington: Nowadays, simply scrolling through the newsfeed in your gadget in the morning can make you a victim of informational terrorism. Murders, shootings, persecutions, slander, suffering of innocent people… Story after story. You listen, read, and watch as innocent people in various parts of the world — public figures, groups of people, international organizations, religious and political entities, and even government officials — are subjected to hatred, groundless discreditation, brutal persecution, and public punishments. It’s unfair, unjust, and inhumane. Yet, government institutions allow this to happen and often participate in those repressions themselves. Each of such stories is an act of terrorism aimed against you and your countries.

It is crucial to understand that not every negative news story or unpleasant piece of information you encounter in the media is an act of informational terrorism. Informational terrorist acts are not just a chaotic spread of negative information. Unlike ordinary bad news, acts of informational terrorism carried out by the enemy of democracy are always meticulously planned and systematic. An informational terrorist attack is always a targeted and organized campaign aimed at achieving specific goals.

The ultimate goal of an informational act of terrorism is to instill a sense of helplessness and fear in society, and most importantly, to create conditions where the population, meaning all of you, would begin to distrust your country’s leadership. Later on, you will learn how the enemy uses informational terrorist attacks to destabilize the constitutional order in your countries. Informational terrorism purposely targets your subconsciousness, bypassing critical thinking. It’s a whole scheme of influencing your mind and psyche, which the enemy itself developed. Through informational terrorist attacks, the enemy has been breaking your psyche and that of billions of other people for many years, causing division among you.

Informational acts of terrorism conducted through the media have two types of consequences: internal and external. Let’s start by examining the internal consequences: destruction of your mental and physical health.

Influence of informational acts of terrorism on health

Cardiovascular diseases have been the leading cause of death worldwide for 20 years and remain at the top of the list of the ten leading causes of death. However, they never claimed as many lives as they do nowadays. WHO has indicated these diseases to be the main cause of death globally over the past two decades.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 697,000 people died from cardiovascular diseases in the USA in 2020, which makes up 1 in every 4 deaths.


In Europe, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) reports that cardiovascular diseases cause about 4 million deaths annually, making up almost half of all deaths on the continent.


In Russia, cardiovascular diseases accounted for over 45% of all deaths in the country in 2021.

Why, despite the advancement of healthcare and the implementation of new technologies, does the problem not only persist, but continue to aggravate?

While many risk factors are named, the primary cause is frequent or chronic stress. Stress is a fear for one’s life and safety. In present-day society, people have become accustomed to this kind of fear as an integral part of their lives. However, what causes this constant stress, and how have people been kept in this state for more than thirty years? The root cause of continuous stress is the numerous informational terrorist attacks that people worldwide are subjected to every day through the media. The impact of the informational acts of terrorism on human health has been thoroughly studied and scientifically proven.

Let’s look at the facts discovered by the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior of the University of California.

Alison Holman and her colleagues from the University of California, Irvine, collected data on the mental state of about 5,000 Americans for their study. This data collection was completed right before the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, where hundreds of people were injured. Mass media extensively covered the incident, repeatedly showing footage of the explosion, the ensuing horror, and people’s deaths. They also published harrowing photos: blood-stained sidewalks, people who lost their limbs, and many other frightening images.


A few weeks after the attack, the researchers decided to assess changes in the mental state of those people whom they had previously surveyed, following the Boston tragedy. It was no surprise that the mental health of those present at the scene of the terrorist act had significantly deteriorated. However, the researchers discovered something unexpected: the psyche of those surveyed who were not present at the tragedy site, but later watched the news about it suffered much more. The high level of stress those people experienced wasn’t related to them personally knowing anyone who had died, had been injured or present at the explosion site. Their stress was solely due to the constant stream of information released by the media.

Another study proved that repeated media coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing caused more acute stress in those who watched and read about it, compared to the direct influence of the terrorist attack on those who were at the explosion site.

Moreover, it became obvious that media coverage of such events could rapidly spread acute stress among a large number of people. A number of studies confirms that exposure to traumatic content can activate fear circuits in the brain and trigger memories — the two key processes linked to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Similarly, repeated coverage of traumatizing stories in mass media can prolong acute distress. Unlike collective trauma that can fade over time, media exposure maintains an acute stress response by keeping traumatic memories active in a person’s consciousness. This can contribute to continuous replaying of the same anxious or depressive thoughts or memories. These kinds of thoughts themselves can induce stress even when there is no immediate cause for concern. Such “mental rumination” worsens a person’s psychological state and influences their physical health. Extensive media coverage makes local disasters more widely known, spreading their influence beyond the incident area and turning them into public traumas with negative health consequences. For example, television coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco tragedy, and the events of September 11th caused widespread PTSD among people.

Let’s consider the findings of another study. Research on the consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attack found that acute stress reactions to the events of September 11th, 2001, caused a 53-percent increase in cardiovascular diseases in the following three years. Within a few weeks after September 11th, 2001, there was a significant rise in cardiovascular diseases in New York and surrounding areas.

The same was observed in Florida, suggesting that people who experienced stress from watching the terrorist attacks in mass media developed health problems. Moreover, similarly to the Boston bombing case, people who suffered from distress were neither participants nor direct witnesses of the attack. They simply received information about the events of September 11th through the media.

All of this indicates a direct link between informational terrorist attacks in mass media and deterioration of people’s health. Today, many studies focus on the influence of negative information on human mental and physical health. Research on the aftermath of numerous crises has led to the conclusion that the more manipulative news a person consumes, the higher the likelihood they will develop symptoms of stress, anxiety, and PTSD.

Prolonged deep stress weakens the immune system, leaving a person without internal protection, while the decline in immunity is a trigger for subsequent deterioration of physical health.

Studies have shown that continuous mental processing of fear- and anxiety-inducing information from informational terrorist acts significantly affects the cardiovascular, endocrine, and immune systems. This contributes to the development of related diseases: acute myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac arrest, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and arrhythmia. Chronic stress increases the risk of stroke fourfold, contributes to the development of diabetes and cancer, and greatly increases the risk of depression and suicide. All of these indicators have drastically surged over the past 30 years.

CONCLUSION: The purpose of any terrorist act is to destabilize society as a whole. This is achieved by inducing severe stress and fear. Constant stress leads to deterioration of the mental and physical health of a huge number of people. Through informational acts of terrorism, the stability of society’s life is undermined. This undeclared informational and psychological war has been going on for years and has claimed more lives worldwide than the two previous world wars combined. Considering that cardiovascular diseases alone, which are the leading cause of death worldwide, kill 17.9 million people annually, and adding 10 million deaths a year from cancer with 20 million new cancer cases every year, the scale of this terrorist impact is tremendous. The most alarming fact is that the majority of people are unaware of the true cause of this massive genocide, of this crime against humanity.

Washington: What you’ve just heard are well-known facts. Analysis of these facts indicates that it is the informational terrorist activities of the enemy of democracy that have caused such horrifying consequences. The only explanation for such a sharp rise in psychological and physical ailments is the actions of humanity’s main enemy. As a matter of fact, America repeatedly faced political and economic stresses, even the Civil War, without seeing a similar rise in various diseases. And this trend is not confined to America; it is worldwide. Analyzing data from democratic countries, we can see a clear pattern: in regions where this enemy has been active in mass media, the health situation is just as alarming. Please note that the rise in diseases has been particularly notable in the last 30 years. That’s no coincidence. It was 30 years ago that the enemy of the democratic world gained strength and began its activities. However, I’ll go back to this and give you more detail later.

As I mentioned earlier, the informational terrorist attacks carried out by the enemy through the media have two types of consequences: internal and external ones. Now you know that diseases are internal manifestations of informational acts of terrorism, so it is time to discuss the external consequences: civil unrest, strikes, and revolutions. I will now explain how the enemy of democracy destabilizes society and your countries through informational acts of terrorism.

How informational acts of terrorism destabilize society?

Washington: Any informational act of terrorism carries lies, manipulation, and incitement to hatred or violence. By means of informational terrorist attacks, the enemy instills destructive beliefs into your subconsciousness, filling you with fear and eroding your patriotism. How does this happen?

First, you witness an informational attack in mass media. It can be about anything, for example, a story with false accusations against individuals, whether they are politicians, businesspeople, believers, or supporters of some political parties. On the one hand, you trust the media that broadcast this story, but on the other hand, you understand that the accusations are baseless and violate the presumption of innocence. This causes an inner conflict in you, robbing you of peace and a sense of security. You start fearing that you might be the next to have your rights violated. You subconsciously realize that if the laws failed to protect someone, they won’t protect you next time either.
The fact that authorities either break the law or fail to respond to its violation means only one thing to you: that authorities support those violations, which generates fear and distrust. An individual who observes it all goes through several stages of reaction: first stress and rejection, and then hatred towards the authorities.

The final stage is a loss of patriotism because he doesn’t understand why he should defend a state that doesn’t protect him. The person decides to defend only himself. He makes the following conclusion: “I witnessed a crime on national television. Authorities are idle and support this crime, which means they intentionally break the laws and are behind those violations. Authorities want to deprive me of my legal rights and freedoms, hence they are a threat to me.”

People always strive to eliminate the source of their constant stress and fear. As a result, when authorities become an enemy to the people, people express their distrust and protest through demonstrations and strikes, which lead to revolutions. However, even after a change in the government, the situation does not resolve, and an individual continues to experience severe stress. Because, regardless of the party affiliation of the new government, the enemy of the democratic world remains in the shadows, continuing its informational terrorist attacks, and the whole cycle begins anew.

Informational terrorism will always target current authorities in order to destabilize society and weaken the constitutional order in a chosen democratic country through the actions of its own people.

In addition, the enemy of democracy simultaneously carries out numerous informational terrorist attacks aimed at dividing citizens among themselves. The enemy incites hostility and hatred in society by first dividing, then pitting various groups against each other, and broadcasting this conflict through the media. Manipulating human consciousness in this way, the enemy forces you to believe that you, the citizens in this country, are enemies to each other. Through acts of xenophobia, extremism, and terrorism, the enemy artificially generates hatred towards a chosen group of people, nationality, race, or community, embedding a lasting negative perception of them in your subconscious. Globally, the enemy’s actions lead to a situation where, due to continuous internal destabilization, social order gives way to chaos, and democratic laws cease to function. Ultimately, this most often results in civil war which completely destroys what was once a free country. This is precisely what the enemy of democracy aims for, as it thus gains more power and brings closer global totalitarianism.

The most alarming thing is that the enemy accomplishes it all through your actions, merely by instilling the necessary beliefs. For this very reason, informational and psychological terrorist attacks are more terrifying than physical ones, for they directly influence your subconsciousness, bypassing critical thinking. Thus, when destroying your own country, you will believe that you act for the benefit, consciously, and according to your inner convictions.

Washington: In order to create provocative informational acts of terrorism and flood global media with them, the enemy of democracy uses its numerous branches — tentacles that penetrate various sectors of society and disguise themselves as mainstream information agendas. Today, using one of the enemy’s many branches as an example, I will show you how it operates and explain why it is vital for each of you to be aware of this.

One of those branches is a network of international criminal terrorist organizations. These organizations, which I will discuss later on, became the subject of an investigation that revealed the main patterns, methods, and tools used by the hidden enemy in its war against humanity. The results of this investigation, which lasted a whole 10 years, have been made public by Dr. Egon Cholakian, an American intelligence educator and national security expert.

As part of the international investigation, on June 22nd, 2023, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on the eighth review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. In this resolution, the General Assembly provided the most comprehensive definition of terrorism and identified activities that essentially constitute terrorism.


Terrorism includes any activity aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Denial of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy;
  • Incitement to commit terrorist acts and acts of violence that spread hatred and threaten human lives;
  • Creating threats to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of states;
  • Impeding the enjoyment of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to life, liberty and security;
  • Destabilizing governments.

This resolution calls for combating any manifestation of terrorism.

Washington: Thanks to such a comprehensive definition of terrorism, the enemy can no longer hide its incessant terrorist attacks. So, why have I focused specifically on this branch of the enemy — the network of international criminal terrorist organizations? Because this branch is well-studied, and its organizations use the same key methods and tools as those applied by other branches, which the enemy has created for establishing global totalitarianism. Once you understand the enemy’s actions in one field, you will be able to recognize them in all other fields as well. This means that all the schemes that the enemy can only implement in secrecy will stop working as they become obvious.

This network of international criminal terrorist organizations uses methods of informational terrorism, cloaking itself with government authorities and democratic laws. Those organizations do not fear publicity since their activities are usually not evaluated by society critically. Very few people even know that those organizations exist, observing only the tragic outcome of their activities. They remain out of the public eye. Yet, being a part of the enemy’s unified scheme, they represent a crucial link in achieving the enemy’s global goal — the destruction of democracy in America and the entire democratic world. This network of international criminal terrorist organizations is a vital component in the enemy’s scheme because those organizations operate openly. They are like a litmus test for democracy: where they operate, democracy no longer exists, and where they appear, democracy will soon vanish.

I am speaking about anti-cult organizations that represent a well-organized transnational terrorist network.


Our investigative series will continue.

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