One Life Out of Millions

Have we ever thought about what happens to the children of those people who are labeled as "cultists"?
October 5, 2024

Much has already been said and written about the crimes of anti-cult Nazis. Numerous reports and articles by independent investigators, human rights activists, journalists, as well as testimonies and statements from direct witnesses and victims of anti-cult criminals, have been presented. Yet much remains to be told: every crime committed over the thirty years of their inhumane activities has been documented. However, in the pursuit of facts and evidence, society sometimes overlooks the suffering of real people. Behind all these documents, reports, and statistics lie countless shattered lives, real people with deep inner pain, unimaginable in intensity to an ordinary person who hasn’t been directly affected by anti-cult repressions. This deserves just as much attention as numbers, reports, and documents. This article will focus on those ruined lives, on broken families, and on how the genocide of innocent people unfolds in practice — through the tragic story of one family.

Have we ever thought about what happens to the children of those people who are labeled as “cultists”? Those who have been dehumanized, cast out of the social field, and reduced to the level of non-humans treated worse than animals?

Have we thought about how lies, slander, or fabricated facts, once broadcast by someone, doesn’t end with a publication of a false article or video, but becomes the cause of a shattered life for someone’s innocent child who is later thrown into the hands of scumbags, moral degenerates, that feel nothing but lust, vice, and an inhuman desire to once again mutilate the body and soul of a defenseless child?

It was an ordinary family: a husband, a wife, and two little children (a boy and a girl). They were cultured, educated, well-mannered, and always friendly. The joyful sound of children’s laughter filled their house every day when they returned from school (they were in elementary grades). Their parents’ good jobs allowed them to fully provide for their children, and the home was filled with warmth and order. The parents maintained good relationships with their neighbors, coworkers, and the children’s teachers.

Among other things, the family was religious. Once a week, they attended religious gatherings, socializing with like-minded people. They were members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious organization. Their meetings focused on spiritual topics, involving questions of faith, morality, righteousness, sin, and one’s personal path to God. They were reading the Bible, seeking to understand what was written in this book, which was sacred to them as it is to many people around the world. After the gatherings, the congregation members returned to their homes, finding inner peace, hope, and a sense of purpose. This was their personal path, their own choice, and the hours they spent this way were happy for them. Overall, their daily lives were no different from those of others: law-abiding citizens, loving their families and raising their children.

Everything changed on their daughter’s eighth birthday. More precisely, things had started changing much earlier, though it remained a secret for the children for a while, but not for long. At some point, the children began to notice their parents’ quiet conversations in the kitchen, accompanied by their mother’s tears that were quite rare, and their frequent watching of news on TV and reading articles in newspapers. One day, the children overheard their mother’s desperate voice: “How can anyone believe this dirty lie? How is this even possible? We live in a free country. Our president says all religions are equal before the law, and the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. We are citizens just like everyone else, and we have the right to freely choose our religious beliefs and share them.”

The issue was that some time ago, the media had launched a smear campaign against followers of their religious organization. They were accused of being part of a criminal terrorist group, working for foreign intelligence agencies, among other absurd and baseless accusations. In reality, if members of this organization were guilty of anything, it was only for daring to express their faith in God in their own way, for having their own views on many religious matters, and for understanding certain verses of the Bible differently than, say, some more traditional and established religions do. But that was their personal choice, their private life, and their full right. 

They were law-abiding citizens who had broken no laws. So, at first, they took the slanderous publications calmly, knowing those were blatant lies. At that time, it even seemed like someone’s cruel joke or a misunderstanding that the proper authorities would surely investigate and resolve.

However, no one investigated anything, and things only got worse. The release of those slanderous publications continued, and their number grew rapidly. At some point, as if by a command, the rhetoric across various media outlets escalated to such absurd extremes that it seemed no sensible person would believe it. Citing some anonymous source, the authors of the articles uniformly broadcast accusations of brainwashing, labeling the organization with dehumanizing terms like “sect” and “cult.” They baselessly claimed there was slavery within the organization, constant abuse of children, and various perversions supposedly practiced by its members. All the defamatory publications referenced unclear sources — some anonymous individuals whose identities were impossible to verify. Members of the organization were portrayed as global villains intent on controlling all people, while at the same time being depicted as mindless slaves, allegedly stripped of their free will and reason. Continuous dehumanization, vile slander, and outright lies were combined to create a demonized image of anyone associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

After a flood of defamatory information and emotionally charged manipulative narratives, summarizing all the filth and shaping a specific image of the enemy — that is, a target for persecution — the discrediting materials began to include photos and personal details of members of the stigmatized community, including the parents of these children. As a result, this cruel manipulation of public opinion too quickly influenced people’s attitudes, affecting acquaintances, coworkers, relatives, teachers at school, and neighbors.

Articles kept coming, and the attempt to avoid reading them led nowhere: one of the local TV channels aired a news report with the same false information as in the articles. The report revealed the family’s home address, their children’s school, their parents’ workplaces, and displayed their photos in close-up as if they were dangerous criminals being wanted. In reality, this innocent family, along with others like them, became the victims of anti-cultists and targets of brutal public persecution driven by anti-cult agents in the media. As a result, they faced an outpouring of societal hatred, ridicule, and threats — all because they chose to love God rather than fear Him as traditional churches often preach. And this continued day after day, week after week, and month after month.

No one noticed exactly when the shift occurred. Their friendly acquaintances, neighbors, coworkers, relatives, and even those considered friends — people who had known them for years — began to hate them, despise them, or, at best, avoid them. More often, they attacked, mocked, threatened, insulted, and accused them of sins they had never committed. It seemed like those were the same people they had always known, but now they were driven not by their personal experiences with this family, but by someone else’s imposed opinion. They saw the family as something different, something beyond human likeness and dignity. The feelings of injustice, betrayal, and loss of their place in the familiar social space were overwhelming… Just yesterday, they had been full members of society, but today, they were no longer considered human. Now, they were outcasts branded with the shameful label of “cultists.”

While it might have been possible to put up with their role as outcasts, what about the children? They didn’t deserve such a fate. Moreover, the experience of other persecuted families like theirs showed that, at any moment, child protection services could knock on the door and take their children away. Fear for their children became the parents’ main and constant worry. It was this fear that broke the unfortunate parents the most, intensifying the unbearable, prolonged torture, yet at the same time driving them to hold on as long as possible. In this worsening situation, the future became a terrifying unknown where they couldn’t be sure if they would be able to protect their children. Suddenly, they found themselves in an unjust, cruel world aimed at their destruction. The only question that lingered, unanswered, was: What for?

Constant tension among the adults deeply affected the children who, in addition, became targets of mockery and insults at school. Their peers stopped talking to them, teachers became biased and started giving them lower grades, and parents of other students demanded that their children be seated away from these “cultists,” or even requested their transfer to another class or expulsion from the school altogether. Parent group chats, instead of discussing their children’s behavior and academic performance, became filled with rumors and gossip spread by anti-cult agents on social media, targeting both this family and their entire religious organization. Swayed by anti-cult manipulations, artificially stirred panic and lies, society became a source of hatred and rage directed at those labeled as “cultists,” who were actually no different from everyone.

One night, someone threw a Molotov cocktail through the open window of the children’s bedroom. The quick actions of their parents prevented a disaster. A few weeks later, the father lost his job because “people like him don’t belong in a prestigious firm.” It turned out that someone had called his employer, vividly describing his involvement in a “criminal cult,” naturally, with a multitude of fabricated details. Every time he tried to find new employment, he was rejected — somehow, a directive with slanderous, false information about him, his family, and their fellow believers had been circulated within professional circles.

The parents made numerous attempts to defend their family, reaching out to the media to shed light on the reality of what was happening, to refute the lies, and to explain everything at their workplace, hoping to reconnect with friends and colleagues. Yet, who would believe “cultists”? Their voices were drowned out by the flood of anti-cult lies and manipulations.

The harassment didn’t stop with media attacks and violence from ordinary citizens. Soon after, law enforcement came and arrested the parents, accusing them of involvement in and financing a terrorist organization. The last thing the adults saw that day were the tear-filled eyes of their children, full of fear and horror. The last thing the children saw was their father being beaten, their parents handcuffed, and the furniture being smashed during the search. Along with the police, child protection services arrived and took the children away.

The following days for the children were like a fog: a big house, many other children, unfamiliar adults… From the very first day at the orphanage, they had a strange and inexplicable sensation — a feeling so clear, yet beyond a child’s comprehension, that they had been discarded like broken things and were no longer needed by anyone. Their lives belonged not to them, but to those adult strangers, and they were entirely at their mercy. There was a complete absence of personal space and severe violations of personal boundaries. 

By sheer coincidence, the orphanage where the children found themselves was under the control of anti-cultists — the very ones responsible for the campaign of harassment and disinformation in the media against their mother and father. At the orphanage, the children’s lives turned into a real hell. They were the “children of cultists,” which meant they were labeled as “criminals’ children,” “terrorists’ children,” “subhumans,” and so on. Over the years of their destructive activities, anti-cultists had attached a multitude of degrading labels to the term “cult.” The caregivers, driven by hatred for everyone branded by the anti-cult agents, mocked the children, beat them, and instilled in them a belief that they were unworthy of life, that their parents were “not human,” and therefore they were “not human” either. They were the children of “cultists,” “little cultists innately corrupt with brainwashed minds.”

In addition to physical abuse, the children were sexually abused. These and other innocent kids were raped by those who prayed to God because the orphanage was attached to a church. The most horrifying, shocking and disgusting thing for these newly arrived children was meeting some of the clergy. The little 8-year-old girl, “sinful” and “unworthy,” was forced to recite prayers while she was being raped, “driving the demon of cultism out of her.” A similar thing happened to her brother who was repeatedly called to talk to a member of the clergy and, after being sexually abused, was sent to “confess” to the clergyman’s colleague to repent of his sins.

Their nightmare continued until they were picked up. At that moment, a fleeting hope flickered: perhaps their mom and dad had been released, and they would soon see each other again, so no one would cause them pain and suffering. At least the fact that they were leaving that horrible place and those cruel people seemed like good news to the children. 

However, their mom and dad had not been released, and the kids were taken in another direction. Moreover, at one of the stops, they were separated: the boy was put into another car, while the girl remained in the same one. From that moment on, their last hope shattered. The truth was that the children were simply sold like goods — sold by those who had imprisoned their mom and dad, sold by those who tirelessly fought against “cults” and for whom these children were as much “non-humans” as their parents. Children of “cultists:” who are they in the eyes of society? Who are they in the eyes of all of us?

Upon arriving at a new place, the bewildered 8-year-old girl saw other girls like herself — some were a bit older, while others were younger. “Another orphanage,” she thought, cautiously watching the people in long dark clothes. “Maybe they won’t hit me here.” But that wasn’t an orphanage; it was a place where wealthy individuals came to buy little girls for a hefty sum of money for a certain period of time. It was a hot spot for pedophiles and perverts, creatures without hearts, without souls, without morality and humaneness, ready to pay any price for “goods”, to then make up for this purchase by perverted satisfaction of their animal instincts and base desires. For them, those kids were purchased commodities, while for the owners of that establishment, they were a source of income. 

No one looked at this 8-year-old girl as a human anymore. She was expected to earn back the money that had been paid for her. On average, she had to work off that money about ten times a day. It’s terrifying to imagine how a child felt, being sexually abused in the most perverted way multiple times. It’s terrifying to imagine the grief and horror her parents were experiencing, being many kilometers away from that place, not knowing where their children were, serving time in prison based on fabricated charges by anti-cult agents, and being completely powerless to find and protect their kids.

Imagine a little girl, who is only 8 years old, serving ten men a day because she has to work off the money paid for her. This little girl is raped brutally with all kinds of perversion every day. Do you think this is fiction? Do you believe it doesn’t exist? Unfortunately, this is a reality, and there are many children like this. Doubt it? These places exist in many countries, and many people are aware of them. Talk to different individuals, seek out these places, and engage with the local population — you’ll uncover a hidden life. Find such an establishment, enter from a different angle, pay as a client, and instead of abusing a child, just talk to them; treat them as a human. You will be horrified by what those children endure. 

Would you want this to happen to your child? Or do you think it’s unrealistic? But the parents of this girl, who serves ten pedophiles a day, also thought that something like this couldn’t happen to their child because they didn’t break any laws, they were good people, they prayed to God and followed his commandments.  

In light of this tragic story, a question arises: so whom do anti-cultists mock? Living people? Or laws that cease to function when law enforcement serves the interests of anti-cultists? Or the commandments of Jesus Christ? Or is it all of the above? So, who are the anti-cultists really?

This is a typical story, one of millions. Over the past 30 years, numerous organizations have faced pressure: secular, religious, social, private, and so on. Many countries have seen anti-cultists create extensive lists containing hundreds or even thousands of undesirable organizations, each with thousands or tens of thousands of members. All of them are uniformly labeled as “cults” or “sects,” and their members are subjected to persecution. Their children have become victims of an anti-cultic form of Nazism, where some individuals have imagined themselves as gods over others and believe they can judge the fates of millions of adults and kids.

The system of anti-cultic Nazism has not only destroyed this specific family and other families, but has also robbed their children of a future, permanently traumatizing them mentally, emotionally, morally, and physically from a very early age, irrevocably ruining their lives. The ordeals faced by the children of so-called “cultists” today are a truth that no one cares about, and those children are not just hundreds or thousands; they number in the tens of thousands, even millions. They are scattered across well-known locations in various countries, known to everyone except the authorities and child protection advocates — those who shout from the podium and “care” about children, only to receive another tranche of funding, that is, their share for yet another batch of children who end up in those sordid places, sometimes with society’s tacit consent. Don’t the authorities and intelligence agencies know that? They are aware of where you’ve liked something, what you’ve watched, who you’ve been with, and what you’ve talked about. However, they don’t know what is being done to those children, as they are the children of “cultists.” To those under the anti-cultists’ control, “cultists” are not humans.

For these unfortunate children, evil has taken on clear boundaries, outlined by the walls of the buildings where they serve dozens of scoundrels daily. For these mutilated children, evil is embodied in the features of the adults they see in the changing faces of those fiends who torment them, reveling in the fleeting power they wield over defenseless children. For these kids, the concept of moral relativism will never exist again. While we, as adults, have been bargaining with our conscience for 30 years, these children have drunk the cup of grief and suffering to the dregs. Are these bargains with conscience appropriate today when someone’s life – specifically, the lives of innocent children — is at stake? 

Can we speak neutrally about racism, terrorism, or oppression? No. It is necessary to condemn and stop them. But how then can we discuss the facts of child slavery and the cruel sexual, physical, and moral violence inflicted on children from a young age? What should we call anti-cultists for their crimes, for the millions of shattered families, for the stolen futures of millions of innocent children, their ruined health, and their devastated lives?

Will we continue this game with our own conscience today, a game that has already been lost, lost 30 years ago when in 1993, ABC reporter Debbie Johnson stated on live television that “a 2-year-old cult member was shot and killed in the gun fight”? In other words, not a two-year-old child or infant was killed, but a “two-year-old cult member.” From that moment, anti-cultists unleashed their criminal activities, and innocent children — alleged members of “sects” and “cults” — began to perish non-stop across the globe. In reality, they were just as much citizens as anyone else, with the same rights taken from them by anti-cultists — followers of Nazism.

of this has been happening before the eyes of the seemingly law-abiding citizens, like us, and the law-enforcement agencies that allowed this nightmare to persist for 30 years, using their authority to turn away from the suffering of others and to care for their own children while forgetting about the children of other people — the very citizens they are supposed to protect. From that moment, we, as humanity, have lost. Over these thirty years, the number of those persecuted by anti-cultists has only increased, yet society remained silent and chose to play this game with its conscience. Will we continue this game with our conscience today, when there is only one step left until complete defeat, and our children’s lives are at stake?

Is one life out of millions a lot or a little? It’s a little when it doesn’t concern you. But it’s a lot when it’s about you.

* In 2017, in Russia, the hideout of modern anti-cultism, which spreads its anti-cult influence worldwide, the Supreme Court ruled to terminate parental rights for involving children in “sects” (“cults”) and attempting to turn their offspring into terrorists. This ban also affected the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Scientology. As a result, in that year alone, courts in this one country issued 40,000 decisions to revoke parental rights. Some of the children taken from their biological parents were handed over to relatives. But where are the rest? This question remains not just open, but is also a matter of conscience for law-abiding citizens of Russia and the world who allowed this nightmare to unfold.

Such things are happening far beyond Russia, across the globe where there are representatives of anti-cultism, their agents, and citizens caught up in anti-cultism, contributing to the construction of a Fourth Reich. It is they who supply a vast number of little children to brothels, and it is the anti-cult activity that facilitates the rise of child trafficking right before the eyes of everyone, including law enforcement.

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