Hardly had the recent scandal over the shutdown of Rumble1 in Russia subsided, as a new one is already breaking out. According to many experts, the slowdown of YouTube in the Russian Federation will soon be followed by its complete termination. Moreover, mainstream media outlets disregarded the news that Roskomnadzor had been granted the right to manage all Internet provider networks in Russia at the request of the Prosecutor General’s Office.

This piece of information indicates a significant expansion of powers granted to Roskomnadzor (RKN) — the Russian federal agency responsible for supervision of communications, information technology and mass media. Roskomnadzor now has the right to:
- Manage ISP networks: the RKN has the power to take over the networks of all Internet providers in Russia.
- Remove malicious content: if malicious content is detected, the RKN is allowed to immediately intervene and remove it.
- Block access to resources: the RKN can block access to any Internet resources that they believe contain malicious content or violate laws.
Previously, such actions could only be taken in the event of emergency, which implies more stringent and rare preconditions for applying these measures. Now, the RKN can exercise these powers without a need to declare a state of emergency, which significantly expands its influence and ability to control online content under standard circumstances.There is no point in hiding it: we closely monitor the Russian domestic political situation and news feed. Thanks to Egon Cholakian’s video address “Undeclared war. America is under attack” and “The IMPACT” documentary, we know that this country is currently the “headquarters” of global anticultism, and all the fateful events for humanity are being orchestrated there.

We are confident that the slowdown of YouTube and, as many experts suggest, its expected shutdown, along with the expansion of RKN’s authority, are closely related to the release of “The Impact” documentary. Anticultists will do all they can to prevent Russian people and Putin personally from learning about their plans and the role they have prepared for them in building the Fourth Reich.

It is safe to say that its building has already been virtually completed.
However, the findings of the 10-year investigation publicized by Egon Cholakian and the film “The Impact” are forcing them to rush and make mistakes, which further exposes their connections in the upper echelons of power in Russia and their criminal activities against the citizens of their country and all of humanity.
We know that history repeats itself. Since the top Nazi ideologists were not exposed and only pawns were put in the dock, we now see that Nazism has reared its head again. The uttermost sacrilege is that this is happening in the country that suffered from nascism the most! So today, just like 80 years ago, the peoples of Russia again face the mission to stop the spread of this “cancerous tumor”! That’s why we are witnessing how anticultists are rushing to put a new, informational Iron Curtain over Russia and deprive its people of access to the truth that exposes their activities! This will enable global anticultism to implement its criminal plan!
Therefore, as never before, it is important for every Russian citizen to watch the investigative documentary “The IMPACT” and Egon Cholakian’s speech “The Crossroads” and to do everything possible to ensure that this information reaches Putin! The fate of all humanity depends on these actions or inactions!
1. https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/04/exclusive-rumble-barred-in-russia-over-platforms-refusal-of-kremlin-censorship/