ukraine war

The IMPACT. Episode 6. Genocide of the Entire Country. The “Ukraine” Case. (Video & Text Version)

September 18, 2024

Washington: Representatives of the terrorist network of anti-cult groups have not limited their targets to specific organizations and their members. They carried out a successful campaign to demonize an entire nation. The goal of this campaign was to prepare the public in their targeted country for aggression against this nation and to justify the extremely brutal and ruthless actions that were subsequently taken against its people. In fact, the anti-cultists orchestrated and legalized a genocide against an entire nation – the people of Ukraine.

The “Ukraine” Case

Ukraine war

Narrator: Representatives and accomplices of the anti-cult movement made a series of outrageous statements about Ukrainians and Ukraine as a whole. These defamatory statements began to surface many years before the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia as a preparatory stage of propaganda aimed at shaping public opinion, injecting, and ingraining necessary narratives in people’s minds. These statements have only intensified and taken on more radical forms now that the military conflict is in its active phase.

Ukraine war

Quote of Roman Silantyev, member of RACIRS: “And in general, the situation with mass hysteria we observe in Ukraine resembles, in essence, what happens in cults.”

Narrator: One of the first to spread the idea that Ukraine is afflicted by Satanism, which is linked to Nazism, was Vladimir Rogatin, a corresponding member of the European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism (FECRIS). By a remarkable coincidence, this individual conducts his activities in Ukraine while also being an active mouthpiece for Russian anti-cultists.

In 2014, he began explaining the cause of the Euromaidan by attributing it to the harmful influence of new religious movements. He added that they were also behind what happened in Ukraine in 2004, namely the Orange Revolution.

Quote of Vladimir Rogatin: “Discrimination has reached a qualitatively different level. We must acknowledge that it wasn’t just Orthodox Christians and Uniates; there were also neo-pagans, Baptists, and various movements involved in the Maidan protests.”

This completely aligned with the opinions of FECRIS Vice-President Alexander Dvorkin, who had previously made similar statements:

Excerpt from an interview “Totalitarian sects and colour revolutions” with Alexander Dvorkin: “We saw that the first Maidan was driven entirely by neo-Pentecostals, who were the main active forces. The second Maidan had a more complex religious component, involving not only cults, but also the Uniate Church, which belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. However, Ukrainian Uniates are a special case, and in many ways, in general they have, you could say, a cultist mindset as well. Well, there were also neo-pagans and Scientologists too…”


Similar sentiments were expressed by the RACIRS Vice-President Alexander Novopashin:

“So, what did the Ukrainians do — or rather, their American curators and mentors? They began to direct these destructive cults and organizations. Remember the saying: if you can’t beat them, lead them. Surprisingly, it was the American intelligence agencies who first started fighting the cults. But they failed. Then, they decided to try to control the cult leaders through bribery, intimidation, and so on. It worked. The same thing was done in Ukraine. Now, totalitarian sects (that is, destructive cults), while continuing their main destructive activities, have also started working for the Ukrainian regime. Neo-Pentecostals and neo-pagans took an active part in the Orange Revolutions, for example, on the Maidan. There, they gained considerable ‘combat’ experience and can now be used to organize and sustain street riots in Russia.”


Narrator: In the same 2014 interview, Rogatin stated: “In Ukraine, there is a growing influence and presence of various satanic cults. According to various estimates, there are more than a hundred satanic groups operating in our country, with a total of about 2,000 followers.”

RogatinSubsequently, this rhetoric of Satanism supposedly “engulfing” Ukraine was picked up by high-ranking Russian government officials. They used similar narratives to justify the war as a necessity to “de-satanize” Ukraine.

"de-satanize" Ukraine

Thus, the Assistant Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Alexey Pavlov, stated, “I believe that, with the continuation of the special military operation, it becomes more and more urgent to carry out the de-satanization of Ukraine, or, as the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov aptly put it, its ‘complete de-Shaitanization.'”

Alexey Pavlov

Pavlov also mentioned the Church of Satan, which has allegedly “spread throughout Ukraine” and claimed that “Through network manipulations and psychotechnologies, the new regime has transformed Ukraine from a state into a totalitarian hypersect.”

Quote of TV Host on Tsargrad: “Ukraine, the whole country, is just one new cult.”

Quote of Solovyov Live: “This is an absolutely anti-Christian, absolutely anti-Orthodox political regime.”

Narrator: Additionally, back in 2014, on the website of the Missionary Department of the Novosibirsk Diocese (chaired by the aforementioned Alexander Novopashin), an article was posted containing the following statements:

“I just want to draw attention to one charming circumstance. Namely, the principle of Ukrainian-like state organization… almost completely coincides with the principle of organizing a totalitarian sect, or destructive cult. 

…Meanwhile, for people who found themselves in a cult and once swallowed the cultist lie, this lie becomes a norm.  Cultists not only lie to themselves and others, but they also stop perceiving any opinion different from the one imposed on them by the cult. Therefore, simply talking, persuading, or proving – is a useless and thankless task… We must remember that the war in Ukraine isn’t for territories, the war is for souls, and it will continue in one form or another until activities of the Cult are stopped…” 

Svetlana Zamlelova

Narrator: All this rhetoric is aimed at instilling in the minds of Russians the idea that the current military conflict is not just a war, but a “holy war.”

Bishop Pitirim

Quote of Bishop Pitirim (Tvorogov): “It is clear that, loving Ukraine, the Lord is now punishing it. And I’ll repeat once again: in order to understand what is happening, you need to understand why the Lord is punishing Ukraine. Why exactly Ukraine? Ukrainians now hate Russians because Russians are merely “God’s tool”; it’s like a belt with which a father punishes his child.”

Quote of Vladimir Solovyov, talk show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”: “It’s a holy war. It’s a war for what we believe in, so I wouldn’t be surprised if calls are voiced in churches and mosques.”

Narrator: The rhetoric of a holy war is necessary for the state to justify its aggressive actions, in order to make people believe that their country and they themselves are fulfilling some sacred duty. The purpose of these narratives is to convince the public that a war leading to the destruction of the victim state, the deaths of countless people, and the destabilization of the entire democratic world is acceptable and even necessary. 

Most importantly, this global anti-cultism seeks to divert citizens’ attention from how their own country, which initiated this war, is turning into a totalitarian state.

Evgeny Nikiforov

Quote of Evgeny Nikiforov, Director of the Orthodox Radio Radonezh: 

In Ukraine, the disease is so advanced that it’s no longer possible to cure it with any persuasion, negotiations, or anything like that. Only surgery is possible there. So the only response to those Nazi speeches may be the Solntsepek weapon. It should all be burned down, absolutely… Someone may tell me, ‘Oh, that’s not a Christian way!’ It is quite Christian. It’s just the ethics for those people; they position themselves as pagans, excuse me, so let them get what pagans should. Not the New Testament ethics is applicable there, but the Old Testament ethics, that of Elijah the Prophet who himself cut the throats of three hundred servants of Balaam. With these ones, we should do the same — destroy them without any doubt. Just the Old Testament ethics, and they actually understand this language only.”

sacred war

Quote of Priest on TV: “Be this vehicle sanctified in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Quote of Priest at the front: “Andrei and I took holy water with us. I told all the brothers to lay out the machine guns, and we sanctified all the weapons. That is, we performed the rite of consecration. I drew a cross on my machine gun so that nobody would confuse that it’s my cross, the priest’s cross. It is my weapon, my sword.”

Quote of Priest on TV: “Be these weapons blessed and sanctified by sprinkled holy water…”

sacred tank

Narrator: The final chord, which indicates the ultimate goal of a number of such rhetoric, is the statement of another RACIRS leader, Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, who called Ukrainians cannibals:

“For me, they are all cannibals… I called them so because I saw them like that. These inhumans spill human blood, the blood of children and women, our blood; they devour people’s lives and feed on suffering. So who are they? Cannibals. And all those who committed terrorist attacks on our land, whom I listed earlier and whom I didn’t name, are cannibals. It is useless to put cannibals in a cage. They’ll still remain cannibals, even if you keep them there all their lives. Therefore, cannibals must be destroyed.”


Narrator: And these are the direct words of the leaders of RACIRS, FECRIS, and their accomplices, which manifest xenophobia, incite interethnic and interreligious hatred, and encourage the deprivation of life based on national and religious identity. Just as the Nazis, under Hitler’s regime, declared the Jewish nation to be non-humans with the support of anti-cultists of that era, today’s modern anti-cultists label Ukrainians as a cult, in fact, calling for the destruction of an entire nation, which tantamount to genocide. This is not a coincidence but a deliberate action.

satanic items found in ukrainian military

Quote of Priest with a rifle magazine: “What we are seeing now is a war, primarily a spiritual war because the Antichrist is attacking the Holy Rus, the Orthodox Christianity. I’d like to teach you to load cartridges correctly, so that the cartridges hit the target, precisely destroy the enemy, and not fly aimlessly in the air. Thus, holy fathers teach us this way: when you take a bullet, you load it and say the following words: ‘Holy Mother of God, save us. Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us. Holy Mother of God, save us. Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us. Holy Mother of God, save us. Holy Father Nicolas, pray to God for us. Tsar Nicholas II, pray to God for us.’”


what is sacred about killing people

Narrator: What does the Bible say? “You shall not kill!”.

Quote of Tkachev: “Do not load a ‘Grad’ rocket without prayer. For each of these, as you load it, say: ‘Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!’ and so on, and so on, and so on… And then whoosh… boom…”

Narrator: Jesus said: “You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, ‘You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.’”

You shall not kill

Quote of Priest with a grenade launcher: “The Moscow Theological Seminary is fighting against NATO. Christ is Risen!

priest with granade

Narrator: Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”


Quote of Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill: “If a person dies when fulfilling this duty, then he undoubtedly commits an act equivalent to sacrifice. He sacrifices himself for others. Therefore, we believe that this sacrifice washes away all the sins that this person has committed.”

Washington: After everything you have seen, tell me, how should the public perceive these people, representatives of Russia’s front religion and their faithful anti-cultist proponents? Who are they in essence? When even at the highest level, the leadership of this organization, calling for hatred, violence, and killing, violates God’s commandments just as the Nazis once did. 

Gott mit uns

When using the name of God, as the Nazis did in their time, they break Christ’s commandments, justify sadism, and call for the destruction of peaceful, innocent people. Can this organization be called religious, let alone Christian? Can we consider them followers of Christ? Answer this now: who is their god, and whom do they truly serve?


Washington: You have just seen a small part of what is actually happening, and this is only the beginning. In labeling certain groups and individuals as “cults” and “cultists,” the ideological center of terrorist anti-cult gangs did not limit itself to specific organizations, citizens of their own country, and Ukrainian citizens, whom they believe need to be destroyed. The anti-cultists’ narratives have long extended beyond Ukraine. Today, they have already labeled the United States, all of Europe, the entire Western democratic world, as cults and have declared them to be satanists.

Denazification of Europe

Totalitarian sect named USA

Quote of Andriy Tkachev a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church: “…in order for the world to live in God’s way, and not in a satanic way, since they’ve already built a big satanic village with and without us, where there is one starry-striped boss who teaches everyone to live in a satanic way.”

Quote from Alexander Novopashin’s article: “… the Ukrainian political regime is certainly terroristic, extremist, and misanthropic. It is nazi. The Z sign denotes a world where there is no place for nazism and satanism. Ukraine is rapidly rolling downhill, according to the plans prepared by western and American experts…  The special operation on denazification is carried out not just to destroy the hydra in its lair. We defend the whole Russian world, we defend our civilization, we defend Russia from this evil, from the anti-system, because if we don’t do that, this infection might spread very widely, like a cancerous tumor. There are no societies that have developed one-hundred-percent immunity against it. We can see that in the West”.


Excerpt from Vladimir Putin’s speech on September 30, 2022: The complete denial of a human, faith, and traditional values. The suppression of freedom takes on the characteristics of an inverse religion: outright satanism.



Excerpt from Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Churh’ s speech on the 12th Christmas Parliamentary meetings:And the war is not yet lost. It is very important that our country, which relies on its centuries-old spiritual and cultural tradition, having formed its own code of moral values, be capable in some sense also of leading this resistance… I will say an incredible word now, against the Antichrist.”


Narrator:Today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord” 

— Quote of Adolf Hitler. (1925). Mein Kampf.

Mein Kampf

Washington: As you can see, the public actions of anti-cult organizations’ representatives lead to tragic events that occur some time after their information injections.

The rhetoric of anti-cult organizations’ representatives, besides being filled with manipulative techniques, contains numerous hidden meanings. Anti-cultists do not simply make public statements – they serve as the mouthpiece for the enemy of the democratic world who openly announces its plans through them. Additionally, their statements exert a covert influence on authorities, providing them with directives for action. 

In announcing their future plans, the hidden orchestrators of the global anti-cult network have already designated the entire democratic world as their next target. And notably, it is the anti-cultists, as heralds of this covert force, who dictate the rhetoric that is later adopted by Russia’s top leadership, including President Putin, who embodies authority for millions of Russian citizens. 

To understand what the hidden enemy has already prepared for each of you, listen carefully to what this person, echoed by President Putin, has to say:

Quote of Novopashin

Narrator : “But if the question ‘When will all this end?’ is asked of me as a priest, then my answer is ‘Never.’ Once Ukrainian Nazism is dealt with, another aggressor country will emerge through which the USA will begin to threaten Russia. So  the Civilizational War is inevitable…”


civilizational war

Washington: As you heard, he explicitly said that  the Civilizational War is unavoidable. Do you know why he said that? He said it because he knew that both America and Europe would soon be mired in civil war. He said it because he is already chilling champagne to celebrate his victory. And this was said by a seemingly inconspicuous person, but he is one of the leaders of anti-cult organizations that are part of global anti-cultism. And he is echoed by President Putin himself. 

Now, here any intelligent person would ask: who truly holds power in Russia?

power in Russia

Our investigative series will continue.

Watch all episodes of “The IMPACT” documentary.

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