Igor Smirnov

Igor Smirnov: Father of Psychotronic Weapons?

Psychotechnologies are the culmination of everything humanity has ever worked on. They are far more serious than the atomic bomb or space travel
September 22, 2024
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For millennia, those in power dreamed of acquiring technologies that would enable them to fully control ordinary people who sustained them. Especially because such technologies offer hidden control over the minds of many. Priests-keepers who are always in the shadows of rulers have coveted and continue to covet this power. For centuries, they’ve been pulling the strings of their puppet rulers in governments across the globe. Wherever there is a leader — a chief, a king, or a president — there are advisors, confidants, sorcerers, and priests standing behind him in the shadows. This has been so throughout history, and unfortunately, nothing has changed to this day. Occasionally though, rulers themselves would don priestly robes, combining secular and “spiritual” power.

Authorities have always sought to discover and study any manifestation of extrasensory perception, magic or witchcraft in order to gain a tool of influencing the masses. Such study was and remains highly classified. In the depths of famous institutions, there were and still are laboratories for the study of the human brain and consciousness.

In the early 20th century, psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev, radio engineer Bernard Kazhinsky, and animal trainer Vladimir Durov combined methods of emotional manipulation with ordinary radio networks. This led to the discovery of thought transmission over long distances, essentially, brainwave impact — a dream of any dictator.

However, they weren’t the only ones involved in this kind of research. Around 1925, Gleb Bokii, head of the 7th Special Department of the VChK(Cheka)-OGPU-NKVD, under orders from the highest leadership of the communist party, conducted studies on paranormal phenomena, Eastern mystical cults, and impacts on consciousness. Alexander Barchenko, as a psychology and parapsychology expert, was invited to cooperate. With Bokii’s support, Barchenko set up a “neuro-energy” laboratory within the Special Department to study parapsychological phenomena, where chemist Evgeny Hoppius was appointed the head. The laboratory, initially housed at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, moved to the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine in 1934 or 1935 and was renamed the Neuro-energy Laboratory. In 1937, the NKVD confiscated Barchenko’s monograph “Introduction to the Methodology of Experimental Influence of Volumetric Energy Field.”

Even before the 1917 revolution, Bokii had a deep interest in Eastern philosophy, mysticism and occultism. His mentor in esotericism was Freemason, physician, theosophist, and hypnotist Pavel Mokievsky. Bokii’s circle included many notable figures, such as the mystic George Gurdjieff, occultist Alexander Barchenko, and physician Pyotr Badmaev.

Peter Badmayev, Alexander Barchenko, Gleb Bokii, George Gurdjieff, Karl Haushofer
Pictured left to right: Peter Badmayev, Alexander Barchenko, Gleb Bokii, George Gurdjieff, Karl Haushofer

Declassified investigation materials on Gleb Bokii, head of the OGPU Special Department who was repressed in 1937, revealed that the department financed a secret neuro-energy laboratory which operated from 1925 to 1937. Although the laboratory allegedly ceased to exist, it is unknown who ultimately obtained the results of the Special Department’s research. It is speculated that some of Bokii’s classified findings (possibly due to correspondence between Barchenko and Professor Karl Haushofer) ended up in Germany where they attracted the attention of the Ahnenerbe. At the request of the latter, during World War II, Abwehr searched for members of the Special Department, attempting to recruit them in exchange for money exorbitant for those times. 

After the defeat of Nazi Germany, most archives of the Ahnenerbe, whose name translates as “Ancestral Heritage,” were seized by the Soviet Union and classified as top secret by the Ministry of State Security (MSS). At that time, the USSR Minister of State Security was Viktor Abakumov. In 1951, he was arrested and repressed, and in 1954, he was executed. The same year 1951, his wife Antonina Smirnova, daughter of renowned hypnotist Nikolai Ornaldo-Smirnov, and their son Igor were also arrested.

Viktor Abakumov, his wife, and their son Igor Smirnov
Viktor Abakumov, his wife, and their son Igor Smirnov
Igor Smirnov’s grandfather, hypnotist Nikolai Ornaldo-Smirnov
Igor Smirnov’s grandfather, hypnotist Nikolai Ornaldo-Smirnov
Hypnotist Nikolai Ornaldo-Smirnov
Hypnotist Nikolai Ornaldo-Smirnov

Igor Smirnov’s grandfather, hypnotist Nikolai Ornaldo-Smirnov, was the first to conduct mass hypnosis sessions on stage and was quite successful. His trail vanished mysteriously in the 1930s, although it is known that in those times, anything related to psychotronic influence on the human will would have caught the attention of Gleb Bokii.

In the 1970s, Igor Smirnov graduated from the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. During his final college years, he started developing psychotechnologies — advanced computer technologies allowing for non-medical diagnosis and correction of a person’s mental and physical state through direct access to semantic memory (the subconscious). At the age of 28, he became the head of a psychocorrection lab at the same university. 

Smirnov’s innovation lay in his original synthesis of psychoanalysis and computer technology. His method of computer psycho-semantic analysis formed a basis for the MindReader 2.0 hardware and software complex for human psyche research. This method’s two main processes — psycho-semantic analysis and psychocorrection — are based on understanding the structure and function of unconscious spheres of the human psyche. Psycho-semantic analysis reveals hidden information in the subconscious, which motivates one’s behavior and intentions and is the cause of many diseases and problems.

Psychocorrection is a non-medical optimization of mental and physical states of a human. Smirnov also became the founder of the science called “psychoecology” — a non-medical discipline that represents a separate fundamentally new field of knowledge, based on the intersection of many fields, but having its own conceptual apparatus — a set of scientific ideas and practical methods for studying, controlling and predicting the behavior and state of a human as an information system in the information environment of his habitat.

Igor Smirnov (born Abakumov)
Igor Smirnov (born Abakumov)

Igor Smirnov (born Abakumov) was a doctor, professor and academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Energy and Information Sciences. He was a pioneer in computer psychotechnologies and served as General Director of the Institute of Computer Psychotechnologies and head of the psychocorrection sector at Moscow Medical Academy. He was the first in the scientific world to propose using computers as a psychotechnological platform.

According to Smirnov’s definition, computer technologies of this level allow diagnosing a person’s physical and mental state as well as correcting it through direct access to the person’s subconscious mind. This kind of penetration enhances anyone’s innate abilities. In simple terms, most people use only 4% of their brain cells. If at least half of the brain cells were engaged, an individual would almost develop extrasensory abilities.

Igor Smirnov
Igor Smirnov

Psychotechnologies are the culmination of everything humanity has ever worked on. They are far more serious than the atomic bomb or space travel. …Right now, we’ve only created a ‘stone ax,’ but even this can already perform a surgical operation. We’ve developed instrumental methods of accessing the subconscious and correcting specific areas. Everything else is just a matter of the specifics of their application.” 1

“The property of higher organisms to interact remotely,” explains Smirnov. “What does this mean? It turns out that when a group of living organisms ‘exists’ in one informational field, they interact. There are no ‘biological fields’ — I’m over that nonsense. The physical nature of the informational field is controversial. No screens block it, and distance only marginally affects it. You can pinch one rat’s tail, and 5,000 kilometers away, another rat’s heart stops. I’m not exaggerating. We’ve tested this on rabbits in Moscow and Samarkand. No doubt, we’ve discovered an experimental model of weaponry!” 2

“In 1980, the chairman of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology visited my lab twice. It was a significant figure, the Hero of Labor, Guriy Marchuk. Many people helped me at that time. In my lab, some employees were actually KGB agents disguised as researchers. All of this laid the foundation for future psychotechnologies.

The core secret of the technology lies in a researcher’s knowledge of human personality structure and how to influence the psyche. For instance, transmitting subliminal words embedded in music through speakers can strike people’s subconscious, altering their behavior.

There is, for example, remote laser psychocorrection. Specially modulated laser beams sent in a particular direction can mentally paralyze people. Mass psychocorrection is feasible through telecommunication channels — television, radio, computer networks, and even print media to some extent. Through these channels, unconscious visual and auditory semantic impacts occur, and such ‘pacification weapons’ can be effectively deployed in conflict zones.” 3

Psychocorrection methods can erase a person’s previous identity, imprinting a new “self” into their brain. Such technology can be used maliciously by turning individuals into zombies and making them puppets.

The tragedy in Waco

Now, let’s compare all of this to an event explored in the investigative documentary “The IMPACT” where Igor Smirnov is mentioned. In the 1990s, Smirnov lived and worked in the US where he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors at Psychotechnologies Corporation (Richmond, Virginia).

On February 28th, 1993, the siege of Mount Carmel compound began near Waco, Texas. The compound had been home to members of the Branch Davidians religious community for 50 years. Locals described them as quite decent people. The community included men, women, elderly members, and children — about 100 people in total.

However, starting from 1991, they became the target of a transnational terrorist network of anticult organizations. Anticultists always use the same methods: slander, discrimination against a targeted religious or public organization, and dehumanization of its members in order to justify subsequent violence against them. At the same time, media outlets launch a wave of articles and TV shows labeling a community or organization as a cult or a destructive sect, and thus intimidate the public. The goal of the informational terror attack is to instill fear, hatred and a desire to eliminate or destroy the object of fear — the target of anticultists.

In 1993, anticultists, first Rick Ross and then Steven Hassan, participated in a discriminatory campaign to destroy the Branch Davidian community. To influence the Davidians with psychotechnologies, Russian scientist Igor Smirnov was invited to Waco.

Rick Ross
Rick Ross

During the 51-day siege, powerful spotlights were directed at the compound to deprive the community members of sleep. Also, loud sounds including screams of slaughtered animals were played to mentally break people down.

On April 19th, 1993, the decision was made to storm the compound using armored vehicles, tanks, and CS gas, a military-grade chemical weapon. The U.S. military machine pounced upon peaceful American citizens.

Mount Carmel on fire
Mount Carmel on fire

FBI’s high- and low-ranking officers, who had sworn to protect the rights and freedoms of Americans, launched an armed assault. The compound caught fire, but firefighters were not admitted to the scene to extinguish the blaze and save the people inside. As a result, 82 people died, including the elderly, women, and children.

The victims in Waco
The victims in Waco

Why did law enforcement act this way? During the operation, they consulted only with anticultist Rick Ross, a self-proclaimed expert on cults, while ignoring the advice and help offered by religious scholars. Another anticultist, Steven Hassan, appeared daily on the Today show co-hosted by Katie Couric. They influenced public opinion, portraying the Branch Davidians as a dangerous cult.

Thus, the influence also extended to the FBI and ATF agents involved in the raid. Although the  official US authorities deny the involvement of Russian scientist Igor Smirnov in the tragedy, according to his wife, Elena Rusalkina, he was indeed present there.

Masters of Mind Control

In 2009, a documentary titled “Masters of Mind Control” (Russia) was aired on Russian television, and it was partly dedicated to the tragic events in Waco.

Elena Rusalkina
Elena Rusalkina, Scientific Director of the Center for Informational and Psychological Security named after Academician I. Smirnov; Doctor of Medical Sciences, wife and colleague of Igor Smirnov, the founder of Russian psychotronics and the creator of psychoecology science

“It was 1993,” she recalls, “when we were in Washington. At the invitation of the US government, Smirnov was lecturing on psychotechnologies. This coincided with the self-immolation of David Koresh’s cult in Texas. At that time, the US government officially contacted Igor Smirnov for help.” 4

Igor Smirnov and Elena Rusalkina
Igor Smirnov and Elena Rusalkina

Later in the documentary, the narrator says, “Smirnov suggested playing a music record for the cult members, which included subliminal messages from their relatives asking them not to commit suicide. Those appeals were inaudible to the ordinary human ear, but their psychological impact had been tested in advance. However, Americans did it their own way. They played the relatives’ messages ‘out in the open’ while the troops stormed the building. The result was dozens of deaths and injuries. This operation became the FBI’s most disastrous in history.” 4

“A lot of people died,” says Elena Rusalkina. “That was self-immolation. In our opinion, they might have provoked the self-immolation by doing everything in ‘conscious mode.’” 4

Here is another quote by the narrator from the same documentary: “Experiments on brain influence have been conducted for over a century, but only psychologist Igor Smirnov managed to enter a person’s subconscious, read their thoughts, and even change them. Many of his works are still classified as top secret.” 4

Having made 17 original discoveries in psychotronics, Smirnov dreamed of a world of geniuses — people with no complexes or diseases. In Western countries, he was nicknamed the “father of psychotronic weapons.”

The Nord-Ost Terrorist Attack

“Yes, indeed, people call me the father of psychotronics and so on,” said Igor Smirnov. “But I always respond in the same way. You can use a kitchen knife to cut sausage or someone’s throat. Similarly, atomic energy can be used in two ways, yet they first made a bomb and then a power plant… My colleagues and I make weapons — of course, it’s weapons — for fighting human diseases. I think a malicious mind could use them for other purposes, as a tool for suppression or destruction. Maybe. Technically, it is possible.” 4

Smirnov’s developments attracted great interest from intelligence agencies that regarded his discoveries as a powerful weapon.

The Dubrovka hostage crisis, also known as the Nord-Ost terrorist attack, took place in Moscow from October 23 to 26, 2002. A group of 40 armed Chechen militants took 916 people hostage in the Dubrovka Theater during a performance of the “Nord-Ost” musical.

Special forces were called in to free the hostages, but the operational headquarters also developed another plan. Academician Igor Smirnov suggested placing vehicles around the theater and equipping them with an acoustic system that, according to him, could control people’s consciousness.

“They could indeed destabilize the situation in the hall,” recalls his wife, Elena Rusalkina. “We only needed two hours for that at the most.” 4

Smirnov knew that psychotronic impact has side effects, and reportedly, he immediately warned the special services about that. “You can destabilize a situation in this way, but it’s never clear in which direction,” says Igor Smirnov in the “Masters of Mind Control.” “You can, for instance, provoke a mass suicide.” 4

The Nord-Ost Terrorist Attack
The Nord-Ost Terrorist Attack

During the hostage rescue operation carried out by FSB special forces, sleeping gas was used. All the terrorists were killed, but 130 hostages died too (according to official data), and most of them perished from the effects of the gas. Early in the morning on the third day of the siege, gas began to be pumped into the theater. Both in 2002 and later on, authorities would call it a sleeping gas, but its formula remains classified to this day.

What triggered the decision to use the sleeping gas is unknown. By the way, let’s recall that in the Waco tragedy, FBI agents also used gas first. Yet, the reasons for launching the assault in the Dubrovka Theater remain unclear as negotiations were still ongoing and did not reach an impasse: the terrorists were gradually releasing the hostages, and there was hope for a favorable ending for many people. However, someone gave an order, something was messed up with the gas, and the “successful” operation on freeing the hostages ended in a tragedy with the number of victims amounting to 174!

On the Olympic podium

In 1979, the Soviet Union was preparing athletes for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. “The task was solved elegantly, from our point of view,” recalls Elena Rusalkina. “All the athletes we worked with during the 1980 Olympics won gold. Before the Beijing Olympics, the sports committee also contacted us.” 4

The 1980 Moscow Olympics
The 1980 Moscow Olympics

Academician Igor Smirnov made 20 original developments, many of which are still in use by special services today.

“Smirnov had specific methods,” says his wife, Elena Rusalkina, “that, among other things, can actually erase memory and change the contents of memory. There are such methods…” 4

“Those who consider this to be science fiction are deeply mistaken,” says Elena Rusalkina. “Is it possible to make a zombie? Yes, it is possible.”

Do Psychotronic Weapons Exist?

So, do psychotronic weapons capable of influencing the human will and mass consciousness exist in the world? Undoubtedly, such technologies already exist, and someone is using them. “The IMPACT” documentary provides clear evidence of this. However, history is full of secrets, this subject is top secret and highly classified, and it’s no surprise. We have to gather information bit by bit and put puzzle pieces together to understand who stands behind the terrifying signboard of “global anticultism” today. After all, it is its representatives who are using these destructive technologies.

There is a reason to believe that Igor Smirnov, the “father of psychotronic weapons,” is far from being their creator. He merely touched upon these destructive developments and became involved in several tragic events. Nonetheless, it was enough for the world to be horrified by the consequences of their use. It’s no secret that in the 1980s Smirnov worked closely with the KGB (USSR Committee for State Security), and his research was supervised — it couldn’t be otherwise. Similarly, in the 1920s and 30s, nothing paranormal escaped the attention of the head of the Special Department of the VChK(Cheka)-OGPU-NKVD, Gleb Bokii, who was said to know all the secrets of the USSR.

Looking at the aggravating political situation on the planet, we have no doubt that psychotronic technologies are being actively used nowadays by representatives of global anticultism. It is highly likely that they are also being deployed for mass military propaganda and control over the population’s minds. Considering Egon Cholakian’s public address to Mr. Putin in the video “THE CROSSROADS” and various analytical articles previously published on our website, such as “Anti-cult Orders Established On Children’s Blood,” “But Who is Their God?” and “Nazi Germany and Modern Russia,” one can draw certain conclusions. Namely, that a crime against humanity is being committed right now, right before our eyes, and we must stop it!



1. https://archive.ph/2014.11.25-120618/http://moikompas.ru/compas/psiho
2. http://va-sk.ru/man/mir/1089-igor-viktorovich-smirnov.html
3. https://www.syl.ru/article/314621/igor-smirnov-biografiya-knigi-otzyivyi-tsitatyi-tvorchestvo-i-interesnyie-faktyi
4. http://ntstv.ru/content/documentary/docfilm56.shtml


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