International School Shootings: Who And How Is Making Children Shoot Each Other?

Who is remotely programming children to carry out shootings? Who stands to gain from worldwide school shootings? What are the true causes behind these tragic events carried out by teenagers in educational institutions?
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For parents, the tragic and irreplaceable loss of their child at the hands of a programmed shooter in a school or university is not just grief — they lose the very meaning of life, their bright hopes for the future, and the continuation of their family line. This tragedy strikes suddenly, leaving everyone in disbelief that something so horrific could happen in a lawful state. It’s an event that shocks not only the direct victims but also everyone who hears about it — those who read, listen to, or watch the news. Every time a school shooting occurs, parents, specialists, experts, and concerned people make an effort to understand the underlying causes of the tragedy. They search for ways to reduce the risks of such events, protect children, and find effective methods for detecting, preventing, and stopping similar incidents.

School shooting

School shooting

School shooting

School shooting is the act of armed violence or armed assault within educational institutions. This crime carries a high level of public danger. Such incidents have occurred as far back as the 18th century, though they were rare. In the modern world, school shootings have become a widespread phenomenon and have been recorded in several countries.

K-12 School Shooting Database: Incidents by Year 1966-2024
K-12 School Shooting Database: Incidents by Year 1966-2024 1

If you study publications on the spread of school shootings and conduct a comparative analysis, you can identify common approaches to studying this issue in different countries. For example, various studies aim to identify the determinants of the shooter’s deviant behavior. Efforts are made to find a correlation between the criminological characteristics of cyberbullying and school shootings, as well as to implement different measures to ensure the safety of school institutions. However, as practice shows in various countries where these tragedies have occurred, the measures taken are often ineffective because they primarily focus on improving physical security practices at schools, implementing anti-bullying programs, and making it harder to obtain firearms. But all of these efforts address the consequence rather than the root cause of school shootings.

93 School Shootings with Casualties Reported in 2020-21, Highest Number in Two Decades
93 School Shootings with Casualties Reported in 2020-21, Highest Number in Two Decades 2

The very framing of the question, “What makes children kill each other? What are the motives behind these crimes?” leads investigations into a dead end, steering further away from reality. The true organizers of these crimes can be identified by asking, “WHO and HOW are making children shoot each other, manipulating their minds and implanting ideas into their subconscious?”

We recommend that all concerned parties who truly want to understand the truth, address this problem, and eliminate its causes, watch the documentary film “The IMPACT,” especially the chapter titled “SCHOOL SHOOTINGS.” Having watched this factual material to the end, you will realize that mass killings of children in educational institutions are not independent criminal phenomena. School shooting is linked to the concept of terrorism and international terrorism, with programming and engaging youth into extremist and terrorist activities, as well as the coercion or incitement of minors to commit suicide. School shooting is a controlled process, as evidenced by statistics, the nature of the crimes, and the chronology of their spread across countries.

A quote from “The IMPACT” film:

“Each school shooting brings about a series of political and social transformations directed by anti-cult representatives to serve their interests. This leads to significant changes within the state and irreversibly affects the lives of its people.”

School shooting is not just a plague of the 21st century; it is a form of genocide against humanity, specifically targeting its future — the children. This phenomenon is artificially created and implemented in various countries by representatives of global anti-cultism. Global anti-cultism is a new, covert form of Nazism that has now reached an international scale, but it is more cunning and ruthless than it was during World War II.

global anti-cultism

The documentary film “The IMPACT” thoroughly explores the history of the formation of this international covert terrorist structure, along with the horrific psychological and physical abuse methods that anti-cultists taught to members of Hitler’s Social Democratic Party, turning them into Nazis. The film is rich with facts and evidence of the bloody coven and lawlessness, the murder of children and adults in the modern world, all orchestrated by the ideologues of the global anti-cultism. Anti-cultists skillfully manipulate public consciousness, implanting destructive beliefs into people’s subconscious minds to turn them into obedient zombie-like killers.

Just a few of the most high-profile examples are enough to grasp the scale of their diverse and destructive terrorist activities around the world: the Waco tragedy (USA, 1993), where peaceful American citizens, including their children, were killed by authorities whose minds had been influenced by anti-cultists; the Columbine High School shooting (USA, 1999); the 9/11 attacks (USA, 2001); the tragedy at Crocus City Hall (Russia, 2024); and many more. These events left an indelible mark on the memories of millions, not only causing widespread distress but also contributing to a rise in cardiovascular diseases.

Footage from the documentary “The IMPACT”
Footage from the documentary “The IMPACT”

The main weapon of the Nazi anti-cultists is the manipulation of the human mind and subconscious through the media. At the Nuremberg Trials, Hitler’s associate, Albert Speer, said in his final statement, “With the help of technical means like radio and loudspeakers, 80 million people were deprived of independent thought.” By having unrestricted access to key information resources, anti-cultists skillfully manipulate public perceptions through monstrous lies, instilling fear and a constant sense of threat into children’s lives, creating tension in society, shaping public opinion to their advantage, and coding the subconscious minds of gullible individuals and using them to commit crimes. The entire phenomenon of mind control boils down to the fact that anti-cultists program a person so thoroughly that the person is convinced the actions they take are their own desires. This is well illustrated by the responses of shooters after committing school shootings when they survive and don’t carry out a programmed suicide or aren’t killed by the police.

How do anti-cultists operate? Anti-cultists artificially create interest and draw attention to crimes committed under their remote control. They deliberately amplify the significance of these events and popularize them. There are plenty of scoundrels who provide them with news platforms, public forums, and airtime. While society is shocked and disoriented by a bloody incident, like the murder of children, the anti-cultists seize this moment to spread disinformation, false rumors, and their own agenda within society (as illustrated in the article “Who is behind the terrorist attack at the Taylor Swift concert in Vienna?“).

The news influenced by anti-cultists stands in stark contrast to the reporting of ethical journalists, who provide information about events in a measured and factual manner, sometimes not even naming the perpetrator until the case is resolved in court. But journalists connected to anti-cultists behave differently and distinctively. In their articles or video reports, they employ manipulative methods and psychological techniques that violate the law. They delve into the details of the crime, often relying on rumors and the assumptions of private individuals, generating a huge interest in school shootings, making people think about them, watch them, and even take pleasure in the process — watching as children and adults perish. They implant destructive images, prompting people to test themselves — wondering if they could intentionally take another person’s life. These journalists under the sway of anti-cultist repeatedly return to the theme of bloody violence, not evoking empathy for the victims, but instead making the audience imagine themselves in the place of the killers, fueling the desire to commit the same crimes!

School Shootings

They spark an interest in killers and spilled blood, especially the blood of children, by creating the images they need. As a result, many people experience stress, fear, bipolar disorders, and obsessive thoughts on the topic after consuming such news, “How would I have acted in their place?” The most dangerous aspect is that the majority of those who watch or read these news stories, filled with coding implants, begin to replay bloody scenes in their minds, along with the implanted image and behavior of the killer, which have been skillfully embedded into their subconscious. Anti-cultists are well aware of the function of human mirror neurons, where the brain “mimics” the observed action, essentially “trying it on” for itself. Youth are particularly vulnerable to such subconscious implants. It is the anti-cultists who artificially create and nurture, through the media and the internet, an army of fans and imitators of killers, focusing the attention of teenagers on this. This, in turn, sets the stage for future crimes to be committed.

According to a report by the American research center Pew Research Center from December 28, 1999, regarding the survey of the most popular news of 1999: 

Nearly seven-in-ten (68%) Americans said they followed the Columbine High School shootings very closely, placing news of that tragedy behind only the 1992 Rodney King verdict and the 1996 crash of TWA flight 800 among the decade’s most closely followed stories. Fully nine-in-ten Americans (92%) said they followed the shootings very or fairly closely. Interest was particularly high among young people, who tend not to follow news as attentively as older Americans; 73% of those under 30 tracked the violence at Columbine very closely…

At its core, school shootings are acts of terrorism, as the mechanisms behind the crimes are the same. However, the form in which they occur allows the true organizers of these crimes — the anti-cultists — to divert attention from themselves. 

The key to effective manipulation is secrecy: hidden coercion, the programming of thoughts, behaviors, intentions, and attitudes is done covertly and remains unnoticed by the public and the individual. Only then can such manipulation produce the desired effect.

Professor G. Schiller of the University of California, one of the leading experts on American mass media, writes, “Manipulation must remain unnoticed to be successful. The success of manipulation is guaranteed when themanipulated individual believes that  everything  happening  is  natural  and  inevitable,  and  the  fact  of  manipulation  itself  is  not  reflected  in  the  subject’s memory. Manipulation requires a false reality in which its presence will not be sensed.”

Indeed, many fail to notice how and who remotely imposes psychological suggestions and implants into their minds.  They don’t realize what external images trigger intrusive thoughts that alter their mood and behavior, creating the illusion of inevitability and leading them to either passively accept certain events or, conversely, actively participate in them. Our consciousness works in such a way that when a person acts wrongly or makes a mistake, they cannot recall those negative thoughts or images that preceded their actions and created the problem for them.

How do anti-cultists “open the door” to implanting a destructive program into the subconscious of teenagers, compelling them to commit crimes? One of the manipulative methods the anti-cultists use is the method of puzzle coding the human subconscious.

coding the human subconscious.

The puzzle coding method

The puzzle coding method is a form of covert manipulation designed to influence the subconscious while bypassing the critical perception of the conscious mind. It is carried out through the step-by-step process of applying multiple waves of informational coding. Each wave contains information implants, and only when these implants come together do they activate a program for committing mass murder.  In the depths of the subconscious, they fit together like puzzle pieces, creating the desired image for manipulators and setting specific behavioral parameters for the programmed individual. Spaced over time, these “viral messages” overlap in the perception of the individual, forming a full picture of the future crime. This becomes a dominant intrusive  image that drives the person to commit the crime.

The ideologists of anti-cultism identify the region and specific location for a high-profile school shooting incident well in advance as part of their global plans. Organizing such an attack typically takes anti-cult operatives anywhere from one to three years, depending on how significant the event is to their objectives. First, they study the demographic of the target school, including the students’ interests and the online platforms and media they frequent. Then, they selectively place media content on popular platforms in the region, taking into account trends within the teenage demographic and embedding subliminal messages that incite violence. Often, these materials ignite an interest in firearms, portraying them as tools that grant power and fame.

A quote from “The IMPACT”  documentary:

That’s why, seemingly out of nowhere, children develop an attraction to weapons and a desire to inflict harm on others. Just an image that bypassed the critical perception of the conscious mind, penetrated deep into the subconscious, and triggered action. As a result, a teenager who recently made plans for the future, dreamed of romantic relationships, and chose a university or college to attend after school, suddenly, with the obsession of a psychopath, starts planning a real terrorist attack. Thus, cynically and cold-bloodedly, representatives of anti-cultism skillfully manipulate the pliable minds of future executors for their malicious intent. They turn your children into terrorists and mass murderers.”

Successive waves of information encoding are unleashed through the media, the internet, and specialized lectures. These waves leave a lasting impact. The initial preparatory encoding attacks are broad in scope, affecting thousands of people who come under their influence. By targeting the subconscious, they induce bipolar disorder in many individuals. Under such influence, some may experience thoughts of committing a crime or even feel a compulsion to act on the commands embedded in the information received. However, not everyone crosses that threshold to carry out a mass killing.

Subsequently, at regular intervals within the targeted region, particular articles or video segments will be released focusing on notorious past school shootings or related topics, along with heightened discussions in specific social media groups, all aimed at increasing tension. In other words, guiding and activating informational encoding waves will be observed.

The anti-cultists are keen to ensure that only a small number of potential shooters are exposed to the overlapping waves of informational encoding to avoid chaos and achieve the precisely programmed event they’ve designed. Therefore, when selecting the desired psychological profile, they tailor their media content to appeal to such interests among teenagers that are typically contradictory in nature.

A quote from “The IMPACT”  documentary:

For instance, a teenager might be fascinated by space and the possibility of life on other planets, such as astrobiology. What would be opposite in nature to this interest? Life’s opposite is death. So, a teenager potentially suitable for the role of a shooter might also be interested in different models of weapons. This combination of interests is rare in real life, which is precisely what anti-cultism representatives count on.”

This series of precautionary measures allows the manipulators to control both the exact number of perpetrators involved in the attack and the quality of its execution. The final coding wave is launched directly within the school or targeted group, where a subconscious command is given to the shooter to initiate the attack.

The goal of the anti-cultists planning the school shooting is to use the puzzle coding method, through specific subliminal messages that bypass critical conscious control and penetrate directly into a person’s subconscious, to activate a suitable potential shooter. Unaware that their subconscious has been encoded and manipulated externally like a bio-robot, the individual is convinced that their actions are justified and rational, believing the crime is their own decision. 

This is why surviving school shooters during interrogations often say things like “no one helped me prepare,” “no one suggested anything,” and “no one told me about this,” claiming they came up with the idea themselves. The sense of their “omnipotence” and desire to “quickly become famous” seemingly appeared out of nowhere, “all of a sudden.” Essentially, they only remember the initial command to “start.” 

However, by probing into what they were recently reading, watching, or interested in, as well as the online resources they frequented, one can identify manipulative techniques in those materials, trace the authors of the content, or find influencers who are typically connected directly to anti-cultists, if not anti-cultists themselves.

Typically, more than one potential shooter gets caught in the anti-cultists’ influence nets. The stages of informational encoding are similar to casting a specialized fishing net over a lake to catch a specific type of fish. The potential shooters are those particularly impressionable young individuals whose subconscious has deeply absorbed the encoded command. Such a teenager is likely to exhibit a pronounced form of bipolar disorder. However, there will also be those who have been psychologically wounded by these “nets” but have not been “fully coded.” The activation of such youths can be observed in the rising criminal activity within the region where the school shooting took place.

Guns have remained the leading cause of death for children and adolescents in America
Guns have remained the leading cause of death for children and adolescents in America 3

As mentioned earlier, under the direction of anti-cultists, the media often provides extensive coverage of only the event that serves their agenda while deliberately ignoring other criminal incidents committed by young people in the region during that period. Particular attention should be paid to the inexplicably high rate of violence among children and youth in the area: teenagers randomly killing strangers on the street, young people attempting or committing murders of their parents or close relatives, senseless killings by parents of their own children, terrorist incidents carried out by youth, armed violence in educational institutions, aggressive behavior in minors, and a spike in suicide attempts among minors, among other things. 

All of these are indicators that a similar destructive program, implanted through informational encoding by terrorist anti-cult groups, has partially taken root in these young individuals as well. Teenagers and children commit murders of strangers under the influence of anti-cultist coding simply because their reality has been distorted. This is a side effect of the puzzle coding method and its consequence — bipolar disorder.

Anti-cultists exploit the fact that surviving school shooters cannot fully recall the thoughts — or, more importantly, who implanted those thoughts — that preceded their activation. The remote killers-manipulators seem to believe that this will conceal their interference in the subconscious of the shooter they programmed. But they are mistaken.

The human brain, much like the internet, remembers everything. Once formed, inter-neuronal connections function like a flash drive: yes, they can be erased or reformatted, but skilled specialists can recover all the information. In today’s world, this is no longer a challenge. By applying regression hypnosis techniques, any professional hypnotherapist can extract any necessary information from the subconscious, as the brain retains every detail, including exactly when, how, and through whom the initial image and desire to commit the crime first emerged. 

Clearly, evidence obtained under hypnosis is not admissible in court. However, when a school shooter under hypnosis recounts the specific articles or broadcasts that pushed them toward the crime and solidified their image as a killer, it directly points to the manipulators, who then become easy to track down. This practice is already being successfully used in international investigations.

It’s important to understand that everyone is susceptible to manipulation and subconscious coding methods — some more than others. However, knowing psychological defense techniques and doing everything in your power to eradicate school shootings from society is something anyone can achieve. Ultimately, the lives of our children are at stake, and every parent must protect them from the twisted maniacs of anti-cultist neo-Nazis who dream of total control.

The deliberate and systematic extermination of children on an international scale is the most heinous crime against humanity! For anti-cultists orchestrating this vile crime, their only interest lies in gaining control over children’s minds by fragmenting their consciousness. They create conditions that foster the development of manic-depressive psychosis (bipolar disorder) among young people, forcing them to experience shock, fear, despair, and depression. They activate primitive behavioral patterns in children, driving them toward self-destruction. Many cases of school shootings end in mass murder — children killing other children, random people, or even their own parents before taking their own lives. The anti-cultists are already drenched in the blood of children and innocent victims. Their punishment is inevitable.

Anti-cultists are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They pretend to care about people, about children, but in reality, how many thousands of children have they already killed? How many lives have they destroyed? The grief they have caused and the colossal consequences of their covert neo-Nazi activities are felt worldwide: the destabilization of nations, the incitement of civil wars, and large-scale conflicts between states, ethnic groups, religious communities, and other groups. How many millions of innocent victims, shattered lives, and terror attacks and wars have they orchestrated over the past 30 years of their hidden existence? And yet, these criminals, the murderers of our children, remain free!

And right now, anti-cultists continue brainwashing both children and adults, fueling hatred and driving people to kill one another. We, the people, read their articles, listen to their lectures, watch their videos, and by doing so, boost their ratings. We work alongside them, live next to them, serve them, and even regard them as “respected figures” who, according to their deceitful narratives, supposedly care about our children. Meanwhile, they revel in the blood of children and in their power over us! Isn’t it time to put an end to this anti-cultist lawlessness that has crossed every boundary of morality, ethics, and law?

The only way to defeat global anti-cultism — the plague of the 21st century — is to ensure that those who truly spread it — all the culprits and organizers of these crimes — face the appropriate punishment and answer to all of humanity for their atrocities. This process is already beginning worldwide. There is no place in civilized society for such vile criminals with twisted minds. For the broken lives, the shattered futures of millions, and especially for the blood of children on their hands, they must inevitably answer to the global community!

Tags: school shooting, organizers of school shootings, who kills children, secret operations, puzzle coding method, the impact, informational terror attack, school shooter, anti-cultists, mind manipulation, youth violence, mass murders, shooting in schools, social media bullying, cyberbullying, crime prevention, extremism, terrorism.




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