The Real Master of Russia: Who Is He?

August 21, 2024
25 mins read
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Today, two opposite points of view are spread in the world about the President of Russia: some people fiercely hate him and consider him nearly a fiend, while others, on the contrary, idolize and regard him as a messiah capable of saving the world. However, we will take the liberty to suggest a third version and look at what is happening in Russia from a different angle. We will try to show you, dear readers, that one of the above options is a matter of the near future, and the fate of humankind depends on which option Putin himself will choose.

Currently, a set of certain facts indicates that the Russian President is just a nominal figure, while behind him are the real masters of the country — anticultists, and they are doing terrible things, pushing Russia and the whole world into an abyss.

In this article, we will merely present you the facts of what is happening in Russia, and you will decide for yourselves whether Putin has lost control of the situation and is himself under the influence of the architects of consciousness, or, as a former intelligence officer, he is playing a hidden game to identify agents of influence in his environment and strike a crushing blow to the real enemies of Russia and of the entire humanity. We will see the outcome of this grandmaster game very soon. However farfetched it may sound, this fight can be called “KGB Agent vs. KGB Hydra.” (The concept of KGB Hydra was introduced by Dr. Egon Cholakian in his address “Undeclared War. America is Under Attack”.)

In this video, Egon Cholakian introduced the concept of “KGB Hydra” for the first time
In this video, Egon Cholakian introduced the concept of “KGB Hydra” for the first time

So, let’s go step by step: many people notice that Putin always pays great attention to the legitimacy of all his decisions. He necessarily refers to the norms of international law and the Russian legislation. We’re not going to judge why he is so scrupulous, perhaps, it’s a consequence of his legal education, but the fact remains that if there is no law he needs in Russia, it will definitely be adopted. By the way, what exactly Putin is planning can always be assumed from the initiatives he proposes to the State Duma and the Federation Council.

From the very beginning of his activity as the President of Russia, he did a lot for maintaining a new legislative framework to strengthen guarantees for the independence of judges 1, which later gave him the right to always assert: “The judiciary is an independent branch of power that is beyond the President’s control.” We fully agree with this statement by Putin. However, the “independent judiciary” is under the total control of anticultists, just like all the Russian law enforcement agencies including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, the FSB, the General Prosecutor’s Office, and the Ministry of Justice.

Of course, we are sure there are many decent people working in each of these organizations, and they sometimes do not even know whose criminal orders they execute and what consequences follow. Without realizing it, they act in opposition to their President who always says: “The rights and freedoms of Russian citizens must be inviolable.” So, instead of protecting the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, they are a tool of terror committed by a criminal organization that seeks to destroy their homeland and all of humanity. That’s the consequence of the fact that for 30 years anticultists, like a “cancerous tumor”, have been penetrating the Russian legislative, executive and judicial bodies. Moreover, it is worth noting that their activities fully comply with the legal definitions of extremism, terrorism, genocide, and treason. At the same time, they carry out their criminal activities under the auspices of Christianity Orthodoxy, causing irreparable damage to it and sowing division and discord both among clergymen of the Russian Orthodox Church (aka Moscow Patriarchate) and in the entire world community. This is what we’re going to discuss below.

Anticultists label harmless new religious movements, whose followers usually do not even commit administrative offenses, as “cults”, “destructive cults” and “totalitarian sects”, although there are no such legal concepts in the Russian legislation! Even the main Russian anticultist Alexander Dvorkin himself said: “22 years ago, when I started dealing with cults, I said, ‘That’s it! We must urgently introduce the legal term ‘cult’ in order to somehow resolve this issue.’ But then I realized that this definitely mustn’t be done in the current situation because if we introduce the legal term ‘cult’ tomorrow, the day after tomorrow courts would be showered with lawsuits from those very cults that will say, ‘Now you must prove that we’re a cult and show everyone evidence of such a definition. Prove that we meet this definition,’ and most of those lawsuits would end in our defeat. After a relevant court decision, we would no longer be able to use the name ‘cults’ for various kinds of those organizations, the most sinister and unpleasant ones.”

Alexander Dvorkin
Excerpt from “The IMPACT” documentary where Dvorkin says that the legal term “cult” must not be introduced

As it is correctly said in “The IMPACT” documentary, “definition of the terms ‘sect’ and ‘cult’ in the law would automatically restrict their unjustified use, which in turn would deprive anticultists of their main tool that represents a starting point for subsequent illegal actions.”

It should be mentioned that anticultists do not rely on laws in their activities — they simply don’t care about laws! They always rely on the notorious Roman formula and trials based on public opinion. However, public opinion can be much more dangerous than a court decision. If religious extremists are unable to attack their victims in court, they would attack them by means of the second method, manipulating public opinion through mass media.

As Massimo Introvigne 2 once said, “when the religious extremists start working, we see a movement which seems very slow, and perhaps we’re not very concerned because ‘okay, they published a couple of articles in the media, they did the movie, they did the cartoon, it’s not a big deal.’ Intolerance is dangerous, perhaps, not because of what it is today, but because of what it will generate tomorrow.”

Massimo Introvigne
Massimo Introvigne, founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) 3; examines new religious movements and opposes the anticult movement.

Sergey Ivanenko4, a well-known Russian religious scholar and doctor of philosophy, who has been studying religions professionally for more than 35 years, also writes very interestingly about the methods used by anticultists. He compiled the first directory of religious organizations in Russia and is the author of 15 books and over 130 articles on religious studies. His works are distinguished by their accuracy and clear and accessible presentation. Here’s an excerpt from his book “Ordinary Anticultism” 5:

The main addressee and the target audience of anticultists are state authorities, law enforcement agencies, and mass media. 

The priority objectives of anticultists are to stir up intolerance in society towards new religious movements (cults), to induce legislative bodies to adopt ‘anticult’ laws, and to force law enforcement and judicial bodies to suppress the activities of cults.”

The cover of Sergei Ivanenko’s book “Ordinary Anticultism”
The cover of Sergei Ivanenko’s book “Ordinary Anticultism” makes reference to the film “Ordinary Fascism” 6, a Soviet two-series documentary about the history and ideology of fascism.

In addition to Massimo Introvigne and Sergei Ivanenko, a vast number of people have been denouncing the activities of anticultists in Russia for decades and warning society about the threat they pose. Yet, despite engaging in obvious extremism, terrorism, genocide and nazism, for some reason anticultists always escape punishment. After reading this article, you will understand how they manage to get away with it.

First of all, we should focus on Alexander Dvorkin, Russia’s chief anticultist who is the founder and creator of the Irenaeus of Lyon Center website and RACIRS.

Alexander Dvorkin
Alexander Dvorkin

As a matter of fact, the website of the Center for Religious Studies in the name of Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyon is a hit list of individuals and organizations targeted for extermination by law enforcement. Exactly the same thing was carried out in Nazi Germany by the Apologetic Center headed by Walter Künnett, which cooperated with the Gestapo. This is not a coincidence as Dvorkin is a favorite disciple of a Künnet’s follower (you can learn more about this succession in the “The IMPACT” documentary). As for RACIRS, it’s a network of affiliates located in every Russian region and acting under the patronage of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and Patriarch Kirill personally. We’re not talking about the patriarch here though, since he is also a pawn of those who stand in the shadow of his robe and implement their plans to push Russia and the entire democratic world to a totalitarian regime.

In this article, we will highlight the figure of Russia’s chief anticultist and “sectologist”. Only by getting to know him better will you be able to see how easily, with the help of one skillfully appointed individual, global anticultism managed to entangle a huge country with its agents of influence. Thus you will understand who has the real power in Russia today. 

Now, please meet Alexander Dvorkin. We will not list all of his “degrees”, but merely quote a few excerpts on his “education and titles” from one of the numerous Russian websites 7 exposing this “professor”:


Alexander Dvorkin has a third-rate non-core education unrelated to his main activity (passion for “cults” and “sects”), namely:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Russian literature from Hunter College (constituent of the City University of New York), 1980;
  2. Master’s degree in theology from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary of the American Orthodox Church in New York, 1983 (it’s a denominational, non-secular educational institution, which is especially detrimental to the objectivity of assessments in religious studies);
  3. PhD in history of the Middle Ages from Fordham University in NYC, 1988 (it’s a denominational, non-secular educational institution, which is especially detrimental to the objectivity of assessments in religious studies).


Alexander Dvorkin received all his education (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) in the USA; however, he has been living in Russia for more than 20 years to this day and continuously engaged in scientific, educational and expert activities. In such cases, in order to officially legitimize a person’s educational status in the Russian Federation, the so-called nostrification is supposed to take place.

“…Nostrification is a procedure of recognition of documents issued by foreign states on higher and postgraduate professional education. In other words, relevant government authorities must recognize these documents legally valid in the territory of their country…”

The nostrification procedure itself is purely bureaucratic in nature, and there is no need to pass exams corresponding to your specialization (major field of study) or to re-defend your degree theses. Nevertheless, despite living in Russia for over 20 years, Alexander Dvorkin has never managed to prove the legitimacy of his questionable educational credentials from the USA on Russian territory. 

Here is an excerpt 8 from a file by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Department of State Certification of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers): “…Dvorkin has no academic degrees or titles established by the Russian state attestation system…”

Response letter from the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Department of State Certification of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers) to the inquiry of lawyer  A.V. Pchelintsev
Response letter from the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Department of State Certification of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers) to the inquiry of lawyer A.V. Pchelintsev



  1. “…А.L. Dvorkin has the academic title of Professor at the Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities (STOUH), awarded to him by the order of an authorized person of the university founder…” There’s no mention of a thesis defense. An order was signed, and that’s it, “now you’re a professor.” Even though you are a dummy (actually, Dvorkin isn’t even a dummy, but a mere freak. Everyone knows it, and we’ll return to it later). Let’s emphasize again: the title was granted and not earned in a generally accepted, standard and honest way. Moreover, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities is a DENOMINATIONAL educational institution, not a secular one.
  1. ”…On April 12, 2016, the ancient University of Prešov (Slovakia) awarded the STOUH professor A.L. Dvorkin with an honorary doctorate degree (Doctor honoris causa). The diploma says that prof. A.L. Dvorkin was awarded this title for ‘his contribution to the development of scientific knowledge, culture, humanism, international relations and promotion of good relations between the Slovak Republic and the Russian Federation’…” 9 Another degree, again a granted one, not earned via a normal educational and scientific research and teaching process. Just another fake. 
  1. A.L. Dvorkin’s current titles:

– Professor at the Missiology Department of the Missionary Faculty of STOUCH;

– Professor at the Department of Church History and Canon Law of the Theological Faculty of STOUH;

– Professor at the Theology Department of the Supplementary Education Faculty of STOUH.

Except that “professor at the department” isn’t an academic degree, but a job title. (”…There is a job title of a scientific pedagogical worker named ‘professor at the department’ in a higher educational institution. Typically, it is not mandatory to have a professorial rank to hold this position…” 10

Another fake! In Russia, Alexander Dvorkin is not a scientist. He doesn’t have a PhD degree (and neither does he have a master’s degree) that is recognizable in Russia! He doesn’t even have a higher education recognized in Russia.


  1. His bachelor’s degree in Russian literature has never been nostrified!
  2. His master’s degree in theology has never been nostrified!
  3. His doctor of philosophy degree has never been nostrified!
  4. His title of Professor at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities (STOUH) was awarded by a mere order, and its attainment has nothing to do with normal educational, scientific or pedagogical process.
  5. Dvorkin holds a degree of Honorary Doctor (Doctor of Theology), which is respectable as people write, yet it has no relation to the educational, scientific or pedagogical process.
  6. Dvorkin holds the position of “department professor” at three departments of a denominational, non-secular educational institution. It sounds respectable, but Dvorkin has never had a PhD or MSc degree recognizable in Russia (and he never will).

What is the bottom line?

Strictly speaking, in Russia, Alexander Dvorkin is a person with a secondary education, nothing more. He received his secondary education in the USSR, there is no problem with that. Leastwise, he learned to read and write.



Let’s refer to Wikipedia’s article on Theology: “Theology is the study of religious belief from a religious perspective, with a focus on the nature of divinity…” So it is clear to any reasonable person that it’s absurd to give a secular expert assessment of any religious doctrine from the standpoint of theology.

Wikipedia emphasizes: “Not to be confused with Religious studies.” Hence, religious studies is precisely a scientific (!), that is, a secular discipline capable of studying various religious teachings and associations. “Religious studies, also known as the study of religion, is the scientific study of religion. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing empirical, historically based, and cross-cultural perspectives.”

Have you noticed? Theology is “the study of religious belief from a religious perspective…” From a religious, not a scientific one! Meanwhile, religious studies is “the scientific study of religion…” Also, “theology may help a theologian more deeply understand their own religious tradition” (meaning, ONE SPECIFIC tradition), while religious studies investigate ALL religions that existed in the past and exist nowadays.


asks the article author, and we believe you’ll agree with such a legitimate question. And then follows a conclusion: 

“Alexander Dvorkin poses as a professor, but has no valid higher education in Russia. Dvorkin has no academic degrees or titles stipulated by the Russian state certification system. While studying at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, A.L. Dvorkin was expelled for academic failure.

A.L. Dvorkin obtained his higher education in 3 stages, in 3 various unprestigious American educational institutions in separate unrelated fields, among which there are no religious studies or related scientific disciplines. The education Dvorkin received in the US didn’t undergo nostrification in Russia (a check for compliance with the Russian educational standards). This suggests that either Dvorkin forged his higher education diplomas while in the United States,  or he doesn’t have them at all. However, due to his corrupt connections, the absence of higher education and academic degree valid in Russia does not prevent A.L. Dvorkin from working in two government bodies at once.

A.L. Dvorkin’s low educational status and extremist tendencies were the reasons why he was dismissed from the journalism faculty where he had been lecturing for some time.

Letters from Ya.N. Zasursky, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University,  regarding Dvorkin's lack of educational status necessary for lecturing at the university
Letters from Ya.N. Zasursky, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, regarding Dvorkin’s lack of educational status necessary for lecturing at the university

We have deliberately omitted the author’s sharply-worded evaluative judgments where he explicitly suggests that Dvorkin a priori could not receive such an education, let alone such a position, because of his medical diagnosis. Let’s consider this point in more detail. 

In 2014, a scandal broke out: a number of mainstream media reported that Alexander Dvorkin, a well-known anticultist, the creator of a whole field of “sectology” (cult studies) and the chairman of the Expert Council for State Religious Expertise under the Russian Ministry of Justice, had been treated in a psychoneurological clinic for more than four years (from 1973 to 1977), where he was diagnosed with the following mental disorders: cyclothymia (manic depressive psychosis), pathological personality development, and psychophysical infantilism. 

One of the typical headlines in Russia's mainstream media during the scandal with the publication of Dvorkin's diagnosis: “Peculiarities of Russian Sectology: from Madhouse to the Ministry of Justice”
One of the typical headlines in Russia’s mainstream media during the scandal with the publication of Dvorkin’s diagnosis: “Peculiarities of Russian Sectology: from Madhouse to the Ministry of Justice”

In this regard, at the Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, an examination was conducted based on depersonalized copies of documents in order to ensure an independent unbiased attitude of experts to the source materials.

Medical record from Psychiatric Hospital No. 14 where A.L. Dvorkin was hospitalized from March 26 to April 25, 1974 (11)
Medical record from Psychiatric Hospital No. 14 where A.L. Dvorkin was hospitalized from March 26 to April 25, 1974 11

In the copies of documents submitted for examination, Dvorkin’s full name and other identifying information were painted over, so this data didn’t affect the content meaning.

Medical outpatient record from Psychoneurological Clinic No. 3 where A.L. Dvorkin was registered from 1973 to 1977 (12)
Medical outpatient record from Psychoneurological Clinic No. 3 where A.L. Dvorkin was registered from 1973 to 1977 12

Thus, psychiatrists examined only medical data, regardless of who they specifically related to, and gave their expert conclusions solely on the basis of submitted documents, from the standpoint of records contained therein. 

Conclusions 13 are shocking: “The patient needs constant observation by a psychiatrist (visits to a psychoneurological clinic at least once every 2 months and, if necessary, hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital) and continuous intake of psychotropic drugs […] The level of responsibility, discipline, balance, and concentration of attention in such a patient is always significantly deteriorated since the emotional background in such diseases is extremely unstable and is regulated by internal uncontrollable impulses.”

However, during ‘light intervals’ and in the manic phase, he can perform temporary work, manifest imagination and sophistication, form logical arguments and conclusions, create his own theories that are often easily refutable, subordinate inspired personalities to his influence, conduct some kind of propaganda, etc. His activity is unlikely to rely on a serious scientific base maintained through long-term observations or requiring analytical abilities. Those will rather be superficial judgments clothed in a bright ‘cover’ and supported by an emotional coloring that is inappropriate in its strength and modality. Thus, in terms of political activity, the examined individual can carry out and be an initiator of spontaneous protest actions or lead a public movement at his discretion, being its organizer and inspirer. The patient is ineligible for public service and work in public organizations and institutions due to his inability to show a proper degree of responsibility, subordination and diligence. The examined individual will definitely have no difficulty with making a highly important decision, but it will be based on his own, extremely subjective views (…)

Neither can the examined individual be efficient in any kind of in-depth scientific activity, although we shouldn’t forget about the tendency of patients with such diseases to ‘invent’ and to ‘reform’, which an unprepared audience may regard as scientifically justified concepts.”

Based on the experience of Russian and world psychiatric practice and the expert opinion of psychiatrists from the Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, these mental disorders cannot be cured completely.”

You can familiarize yourselves with these medical records and expert conclusions in the article “Stigmatization: Method That Leads to Genocide.”

Shocking, isn’t it? Please remember the conclusions of this commission — they will be helpful in your further analysis of the facts. 

Now, we present excerpts from the expert opinion 15 by Doctor of Law and Professor at the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration, Mikhail Kuznetsov 16, dated December 27, 2000, on the content of Dvorkin’s book “Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research,” presented by Dvorkin as a scientific work. Thanks to this book, he gives lectures to officers of the Interior Ministry, Investigative Committee, FSB (Federal Security Service) and appears as an expert in mass media including TV.

Now, let’s quote: “Analysis of the concept and content of A. Dvorkin’s book ‘Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research’ (Nizhny Novgorod, 2000) allows for an unequivocal conclusion: from the perspective of academic religious studies and Orthodox Christian mission, Dvorkin’s book is completely useless. For Orthodox missionaries, serious researchers, law enforcement and other government agencies, this publication holds no interest. Moreover, the use of Dvorkin’s book “Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research” in Orthodox theological schools can be harmful, while its use by specialists may only lead to confusion and damage. Dvorkin’s book is methodologically incompetent and unsuitable for use as didactic material or as a textbook in educational settings.

“Analyzing the first edition of this book (‘Introduction to Sectology: A Textbook for the Sectology Course’, Nizhny Novgorod, 1998) is entirely pointless. The abundance of semantic and factual errors (such as in the section on Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.) and a totally incompetent classification of sects, cults and so on, rendered the author’s attempts to create a textbook on sectology futile, leading instead to the opposite result.

“Dvorkin’s second edition which he frequently refers to as a ‘textbook’ is pretentiously titled ‘Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research’, but unfortunately, an analysis of the book reveals no systematic approach to the material, which Dvorkin has merely assembled in a mechanical manner.

“The unsuitability of Dvorkin’s book in the Russian context is primarily due to the fact that it is largely based on foreign sources (written by others), with an unacceptably small amount of space dedicated to analyzing the activities of sects and cults in Russia. While reading the work under review, one might even question the appropriateness of the author’s self-identification as an ‘Orthodox Christian scholar.’

“The biggest flaw of the book is the author’s confusion and lack of a systematic approach to the subject. You get a strong impression that the author at times does not fully understand the subject of his research or the trends in development of the issues described.” (This conclusion reads more like a medical report and closely resembles psychiatrists’ opinion about Dvorkin’s mental state, don’t you think?) 

Expert opinion
Expert opinion by Doctor of Law and Professor at the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration, Mikhail Kuznetsov, dated Dec. 27, 2000, on the content of A. Dvorkin’s book “Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research”, p.1

We’ll skip over the detailed page of the conclusion (available for review here 16) and proceed directly to the harsh summary: “There’s no point in highlighting every flaw found in A. Dvorkin’s book. Otherwise, this conclusion would span dozens of pages. In conclusion, we reiterate: A. Dvorkin’s ‘Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research’ is unlikely to be of any interest or use to Orthodox missionaries, secular scholars — whether they are religious studies experts, legal professionals, sociologists, or others — or to law enforcement and other government agencies, for the reasons mentioned above and many more.”

Expert opinion by Doctor of Law and Professor at the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration, Mikhail Kuznetsov, dated Dec. 27, 2000, on the content of A. Dvorkin’s book “Sectology. Totalitarian Sects: Experience of Systematic Research”, p.3

Now, the cherry on top — another excerpt 17 from the same document by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science: “In the current Nomenclature of Specialties for Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Workers, a specialty ‘sectology’ (cult studies) does not exist.” 

Thus, we have a bogus scholar in a nonexistent academic discipline, with an incurable psychiatric diagnosis, writing a “textbook” for all the law enforcement agencies whom he lectures to, as well as for the courts where he often appears as a prosecution witness or an expert!

We’d like to emphasize that all of this information is publicly available. There are no secrets here whatsoever. You might ask, how is this even possible? The answer is quite simple: Dvorkin is merely a pawn, like many of his circle. Apparently, thanks to his diagnosis, he turned out to be a perfect candidate for recruiting new agents of influence in the media, law enforcement, and other fields. It took time — almost 30 years — but it has paid off, so now the anticultists who surround Putin have built their vertical of power, where the Russian President plays the role of a mere figurehead.

You don’t believe it, do you? Here’s just one example: Russian Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov (2008–2020) graduated from Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities where, coincidentally, “professor” Dvorkin teaches!

Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov (2008-2020)
Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov (2008-2020)

Following Konovalov’s appointment, there was a notable surge in the activities of anticultists. It was during his tenure that the Expert Council for State Religious Expertise established by the Russian Ministry of Justice became controversial, primarily due to its head — sectologist Alexander Dvorkin.

Here’s the opinion 18 of Anatoly Pchelintsev, editor-in-chief of the “Religion and Law” journal, honored lawyer of Russia, senior partner at the law firm “Slavic Legal Center,” Doctor of Law, and member of the Commission on Improving Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice of the Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation 19: “Powers of the Expert Council for State Religious Expertise must be clearly outlined in the law on freedom of conscience, which should include a separate section dedicated to expertise. The new composition of the council under the Ministry of Justice has been granted extraordinarily broad powers by the ministry’s own order. Yet, the chair of such an ‘extraordinary’ council is a person without a higher education recognized in Russia, without Russian academic degrees, and with a highly controversial reputation. Moreover, contrary to Russian law, this individual holds dual citizenship — Russian and American. Dvorkin and his network of ‘anticult’ centers are essentially a pseudo-Orthodox sectarian organization. Furthermore, leaders of the ‘anticult’ centers who joined the Ministry of Justice’s council, e.g. Alexander Kuzmin, have been involved in extremism. For example, on March 26 this year, a ruling by the Central District Court of Khabarovsk came into force, following a lawsuit by the prosecutor of Khabarovskiy Krai, which declared the leaflet ‘Beware of the Sect! International Society for Krishna Consciousness,’ produced by the regional branch of the ‘Young Guard of United Russia,’ as extremist material. The author of the appendix to this leaflet is ‘sectologist’ Kuzmin. According to Anatoly Pchelintsev, another member of the Ministry of Justice’s council — Yaroslavl journalist Evgeny Mukhtarov, has been subject to administrative penalties for illegal activities. As Pchelintsev emphasized, it is necessary to ‘forcefully raise the issue’ that the council includes outright extremists.”

Can you imagine? The council under the Ministry of Justice, tasked with determining whether an organization is extremist or not, includes extremists! Moreover, it is chaired by a man who must be under constant psychiatric observation!

Now, another question: how many more ministers, judges, deputies, and “independent journalists” has Dvorkin and other anticultists recruited while traveling across Russia and giving “lectures on the dangers of cults and sects” over the past 30 years? It’s a rhetorical question. However, it’s not difficult to identify them all. We know many of them, even though we rely only on publicly available information. By the way, do you know what position Konovalov holds now? He has become the Presidential Envoy to the Russian Constitutional Court, and probably, you’ve already guessed whose interests he represents there.

Despite all the aforementioned facts, we know that law enforcement agencies in Russia are quite effective as evidenced by high-profile arrests of senior officials for corruption. This demonstrates that no one is above the law, and everyone is equal before it. We also recognize the severity of Russian laws, where even a social media repost can lead to a real prison sentence. Yet, for some reason, the quality of law enforcement’s work seems to decline when it comes to anticultists. We specifically reminded you about the harshness of Russian laws which apparently do not apply to members of RACIRS. 

Let’s examine two similar cases of expressing the same opinion: one by a regular Russian citizen and another by an anticultist. For instance, in the Spassky District Court of Primorsky Krai, local resident Dmitry Tretyakov was sentenced to two years probation for publicly calling for extremism due to a repost on Telegram. 20

Dmitry made a repost from the channel of activist Arkady Babchenko, where the latter called for a more radical form of protest involving Molotov cocktails and setting up barricades. Tretyakov was charged with publicly calling for the overthrow of the constitutional order in Russia. He was held in pretrial detention for over a year and then released from the courtroom under the law allowing time served in pretrial detention to be counted at one and a half days per day.

Anticultist Konstantin Putnik 21, Dvorkin’s pawn in the Chelyabinsk Diocese of ROC, fully agrees with Dmitry Tretyakov. In one of his articles, “A Splash of Cold Water on Hot Patriotic Heads” 22, he openly calls for the overthrow of the Russian President: “I’ll tell you even more: such an attempt to ‘replace’ the current head of state should be expected because, if it doesn’t occur, it will pose another extremely important question to public consciousness: isn’t the ongoing special military operation in Ukraine a fragment of some complex intrigue whose meaning we do not yet understand, but where not only Zelensky but also his Russian counterpart are marionettes?”

anticultist Putnik’s article
Collage of statements from anticultist Putnik’s article where he openly calls for the replacement of the current President of Russia
Anticultist Konstantin Putnik
Anticultist Konstantin Putnik

If you think that this article, full of hatred towards the Russian President and calls for rebellion, went unnoticed by the public, you are mistaken. Russian citizens publicly demanded that a criminal case be opened against the article author and submitted complaints to the FSB, the Investigative Committee, and the Prosecutor General’s Office. However, nothing ensued, and you can definitely guess why. After all, Putnik, just like Dvorkin, lectures to law enforcement and is a representative of ROC, RACIRS, and the real masters of Russia!

Konstantin Putnik and Alexander Dvorkin
Konstantin Putnik and Alexander Dvorkin

Now, following all of the above, we’d like to remind you that Vladimir Putin called adding 23 Jehovah’s Witnesses to the list of extremist organizations “complete nonsense.” He expressed his opinion at a meeting of the Presidential Council on Human Rights on December 11, 2018:

We must treat representatives of all religions equally, that’s true, but we need to take into account the country and the society we live in. However, it doesn’t mean at all that we should include representatives of religious communities in the lists of some destructive, let alone terrorist organizations. Of course, this is complete nonsense. We need to figure it out carefully, I agree with you on this point,” Putin said.

Do you think they have figured it out? The question is rhetorical. 

To paraphrase Mark Twain, “rumors of the tyrant Putin are greatly exaggerated.” By the way, probably anticultists themselves spread those rumors, shifting responsibility for their dark deeds onto him.

What do we see today? Despite a huge number of public and parliamentary inquiries to law enforcement as well as journalistic revelations about the extremist activities of Dvorkin and his accomplices, they successfully continue to implement the plan of the global anticult network, using the patronage of agents of influence who have already infiltrated various government authorities in Russia. 

Yet, you certainly understand that these mentally ill “talking heads” themselves would not be able to develop a strategy for bringing the entire world to its knees. Behind global anticultism, there are true professionals who gathered sick scoundrels, equipped them with the most terrible weapons that penetrate deep into subconsciousness and destroy a human from within like a virus or a trojan horse, and guided them in the needed direction. That’s who the enemies are.

Believe us, those who are in charge of it all have brains and decent education, but they are not visible, and for all humankind they do not exist. Instead, we see jerks and idiots, people without principles, ready to betray their homeland, bring it to its knees and force it to bow to Nazism along with the whole world. These underlings are ambitious and selfish individuals having no morals, no decency, and no honor. 

Yet, the weakness of global anticultism is that they operate in the information field, moreover through sick corrupt individuals, idiots and scoundrels. Not a very reliable team, is it? They were strong as long as they were secretive, but now, when their whole coherent plan has started crumbling, many of them begin to cooperate with investigators and turn each other in. Betrayal is a norm for them. They betrayed everything they could by joining the ranks of anticultists, and so they easily betray each other as soon as they get caught. That’s their essence.

The paradox of the current situation is that the investigation Egon Cholakian told the whole world about can, indeed, ultimately save not just the lives of billions of innocent people, but also Russia and even Putin himself. 

This article had been in progress before Egon Cholakian’s video “The Crossroads” was released, and we are happy to realize that our journalistic investigation, based on an analysis of open sources, came to the same conclusions as intelligence agencies did with their undoubtedly far greater capabilities.

In conclusion, let us remind you of an episode from the recent past. “Who is Mr. Putin?”, the Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin asked at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2000. 24 years later, this question is more relevant than ever! To become the Last Emperor for a short while and remain a puppet of real grandmasters, or to make a decisive move, meet with Egon Cholakian and get a folder with secret information that will help save Russia and all humankind from imminent death. The choice is yours, Mr. Putin…




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