School Shootings And Manipulation Over Consciousness

How to Protect Children and Identify Dangerous Media Content?
November 27, 2024
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School shooting is a grave social phenomenon that, like a raging wildfire, spreads across nations. Every instance of a child’s untimely death is an unthinkable tragedy for their parents and an enduring pain for thousands who learn of such crimes through the media, because these acts target one of society’s most vulnerable groups — children, oftentimes with unseen cruelty and cynicism. School shootings not only fuel societal tension but erode the sense of safety, and instill fear for children’s well-being. Therefore, studying and addressing the root causes of this crisis is paramount if society hopes to achieve a progressive future.

Incidents of school shootings provoke widespread public outrage and a pressing desire to understand their dynamics and underlying factors. After each tragedy, social media is inundated with questions: Could this have been prevented? Perhaps, parents or teachers are to blame for poor upbringing or failing to notice warning signs? What drives teenagers to kill their peers? Why did some youth harbor such profound hatred toward their environment? What is their motive, and how to understand what is driving people toward these horrendous crimes?

Indeed, we should figure out how the transformation of an ordinary person into a shooter occurs. How does someone become a mass shooter, hating everyone and imagining themselves as a demigod allegedly capable of enacting their own judgment on acquaintances and strangers? Why are most shooters found to have been in states of depression, insanity, and bipolar disorder? Why did many harbor suicidal ideation? After all, these fluctuating emotional states typically develop over an extended period of time. The key question remains: who and how shapes the worldview of potential shooters over time, which penetrates their consciousness and subconsciousness by means of specific wording, puzzle coding, and commands that ultimately influence their behavior?

Studies on media influence

Let us turn to research 1 of psychologists, sociologists, and criminologists on how mass media influences crime, given that the basis of criminal behavior is the society surrounding a person, while the media is the main lever of pressure and influence on society and public opinion.

Often the information in the media contains such aggressive impulses and commands that affect not only the consciousness but also the subconsciousness of their audience, forming behavior that is beneficial to manipulators. People are influenced not only by the content of information about violence, but also by the form in which the material is presented. As stated in the works of social communication and criminology experts, the media preach, teach, as well as force and  push their audience to consider aggression and violence as normal and natural phenomena, or even not to notice them at all. That is, a pattern of behavior of a criminal and a pattern of behavior of an indifferent society is set.

The problem of representation of destructive behavior in the media has been covered by many famous scientists, for example, American specialists George Gerbner and Larry Gross from the University of Pennsylvania in their research of Cultivation theory, Robert Baron and Deborah Richardson in their book Human Aggression, Albert Bandura and Richard Walters from Stanford University in their book Adolescent Aggression and many others. All of the best known experiments and studies on this subject were conducted between the 1960s and 1980s.

For example, the study by Albert Bandura in the psychological experiment “Bobo doll” is the  most famous one. The essence of the experiment was that children who observed the aggressive behavior of an adult who beat an inflatable Bobo doll, more often adopted this manner of behavior and also showed aggression, that is, copied it. The results confirmed that children imitated the aggressive behavior of adults they watched. While girls exhibited manifestations of verbal aggression, boys were more inclined to imitate the physical acts of violence. Moreover, while girls displayed only a single act of aggression, boys demonstrated two or more acts of aggression. In other words, exposure to observed violence leads the child to disorder, as well as the adoption of such behavior. As a result, children develop a behavior pattern where aggression is displayed in response to any kind of disturbance.

Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura
Footage from the Bobo doll experiment
Footage from the Bobo doll experiment: 1, 2 – a boy hits the doll and uses a toy gun against it, 3 – a girl throws a toy at Bobo

In the 1960s, George Gerbner and Larry Gross conducted a series of large-scale studies of the impact of violence in the media on the attitudes and behavior 2 of the American public. Gerbner compared the authority of television to that of religion in terms of its scale and degree of influence, arguing that for modern society, television holds the same role that religion did long before its invention.

By the way, originally the concept of “propaganda” was associated with the dissemination of religious information. The term “propaganda,” which literally means “the things which are to be spread” from Latin, originated in 1622 in the Roman Catholic Church’s office responsible for spreading the faith (de propaganda fidei). Establishment of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in 1622 demonstrated the importance of the papacy in the missionary movement. In the beginning, the word “propaganda” meant the spreading of religious teaching through in-depth familiarization with it.

Since the 20th century, the word “propaganda” has become widely used. Today, it is associated with the dissemination of any information — facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths or lies intended to influence public opinion. Propaganda in mass media is used to alter an individual’s relationship with the world by means of information messages.

In this regard, George Gerbner noted that violence on TV is greatly exaggerated compared to the actual situation in the real world. He noted that there are many examples of ‘distorted’ reality in TV programs, for example, the most obvious example of distortion is the exaggerated crime rates. Half of the main characters on television shows are involved in acts of violence in one way or another. The scientist noted that such pressure and influence on public opinion would lead to an overestimation of the level of violence in society and an increased fear of becoming a victim of violence, as well as increased interpersonal distrust and the perception that the world is a “mean, evil and dangerous place” – a condition dubbed “mean world syndrome”. Gerbner also highlighted the long-term effects of television viewing on viewers’ perceptions of social reality. This also applies to social media, where prolonged engagement  with platforms can shape users’ perceptions of reality.

The main problem of media violence is that the accumulation of certain information (in this case, about violence) in the human consciousness occurs gradually, as if it were put together like puzzle pieces.

Subsequently, all the accumulated information about violence develops into the idea of violence, of committing a crime or of a positive attitude towards these antisocial phenomena. In his research, American psychotherapist Stephen Johnson showed that it’s only after receiving the necessary information about something that our consciousness will produce an idea about it. This process is the result of prolonged work of both consciousness and subconsciousness. An idea is the result of our brain being able to put together all the information it has received, compare it, and produce an idea. It can be concluded that if a person is exposed daily to media violence — whether through news outlets, television, the Internet, or real-life events — this exposure will eventually lead to becoming accustomed to crime, and the person will get thoughts about the possibility of committing a violent offense.

Criminology indicates that along with the cumulative impact of the media on society, there is also impulse (or trigger) impact. The impact of the media on juvenile delinquency is often impulsive, since teens are less able than adults to control their subconscious urges due to underdeveloped self-control mechanisms. These subconscious aspirations can be released under the influence of “triggers”, which are contained in certain media products and are sometimes perceived as a call or stimulus for aggressive criminal behavior.

Impulse (or trigger) influence is characterized by a short-term effect that ends immediately after the trigger transmission ceases. However, it has a rather strong psychogenic impact on the recipients of the information. Such impulse impact is capable of provoking a person to commit antisocial actions that are uncontrolled or poorly controlled by consciousness, including provoking a crime, and even a series of copycat crimes, which are typically aggressive in nature. This occurs in the presence of additional conditions in the external environment and a certain psycho-emotional state of the subject. In criminology, triggers are isolated and studied in much the same way as the triggers that provoke suicide epidemic.

Media manipulation of teenagers’ minds was described as early as the 1970s by sociologist David Phillips. He described the Werther syndrome, a pattern of imitative cluster suicides following the well-publicized suicide or one described in a popular work of literature or cinema. This syndrome is named after the main character who ended his life by suicide in the famous novel The Sorrows of Young Werther. This book was written by the 18th century German playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. After its release, the novel became famous and spawned a wave of suicides among young people.

Psychologist Benedikt Till from the Medical University of Vienna, who specializes in studying this phenomenon, explains it as follows: The Werther effect describes the phenomenon when the number of suicides rises sharply if mass media pay a lot of attention to a suicide and sensationalize it. If the suicide is described in detail or if the motives of the suicidal person become the subject of public discussion, especially such motives as unrequited love, betrayal of friends, money problems and so on, the effect is particularly strong because the reader identifies with the suicidal person, i.e. is impressed by their image, starts thinking about this all the time and unconsciously projects the possibility of such a suicide onto himself, replaying the suicidal scenario in his head.

Research in the field of criminal justice contains many papers assessing the scale and mechanisms of ‘copycat crime’ 3

These are crimes whose methods and techniques copy the crimes that the criminals learned about in the media. Let us return to the topic of school shootings and mass shootings. Сan it be that hidden glorification of shooters in the media along with the detailed description, narration and video demonstration of their actions contribute to future mass shootings? The German research Institute of Labor Economics IZA reports 4 that in the U.S., news coverage of a mass shooting causes approximately three mass shootings in the following week. There is a lot to think about. 

It is also noteworthy that almost all of the above studies are aimed at studying aggression and violence in the media as affecting human mental health and behavior. However, it is difficult to find studies on the forms in which violence is presented on TV and in the media, and what specific viewpoints and attitudes are shaped in individuals when encountering information about violent situations.

In recent years, new technologies of influence on mass consciousness have become extremely widespread. These are developments from the sphere of psycholinguistics, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive priming, suggestive linguistics and other highly effective techniques of influence that affect not only consciousness, but also subconscious perception of a person. The set of influence techniques is diverse, but all of them are based on the psychology of perception. The use of such new manipulation technologies can be found today in the media, as revealed in “The IMPACT” documentary.

“The impact” documentary

“The IMPACT” documentary film contains rich factual material about remote influence on human subconsciousness, covert manipulation of public consciousness, destructive activities of global anticultism and anticultists — the successors of Nazi ideology and practices of hidden mind control — as well as about instigators and beneficiaries of school shootings and mass shootings in the world community. As practice has shown, after watching “The IMPACT” documentary, many people regain critical thinking, sound judgment and an adult, mature assessment of the current situation, as well as understanding of ways and methods of solving current problems of society, which in the near future will affect everyone.

“The IMPACT” documentary (2024)

In The IMPACT” documentary (2024) you can learn in detail about the method of puzzle coding and how it is used by anticultists in their public informational terror attacks targeting children’s lives, and aiming to activate fear and hatred in people, thus creating conditions for destabilizing society. The film also explores the use of manipulation methods in mass media, which include hidden psychological influence and programming of behavior to perform specific actions that push certain mentally unstable individuals toward committing violent attacks. The documentary revealed that the mechanism of preparation of a school shooting is launched long before the crime is committed, and this event is preceded by an informational and psychological campaign, where for a long time the same media and individual journalists systematically cause a state of aggression, hatred, and fear in their audience through media content. These media and journalists discredit the authorities and police while implicitly glorifying the shooters, up to detailing their routines on the day of the crime, including the use of numbers, i.e. the effect of binding (priming). And this aspect, in particular, deserves close attention.

Taking into account the information from “The IMPACT” documentary, let us consider how we can recognize dangerous content (article) in the media or on the Internet, which contains methods of manipulation and subconscious coding of children and teenagers to commit school shootings. How does the text in the media turn into a coded instruction for violence, while the article itself into a terrorist act delayed in time? Obviously, first of all, we should pay attention to the text of the article itself. 

As a rule, ethical and socially responsible journalists try to cover news events objectively and with a fact-based approach, without excessive emotionality. They cover news impartially and in a balanced manner, with respect for the work of law enforcement agencies, as well as for the families and friends of the victims. Such journalists use respectful language and a constructive approach that leads to a resolution or reduction of tension. They do not allow prevalence of one-sided opinions, or the dissemination of opinions or information that could lead to public panic or leaks of classified information. Moreover, as a rule, such news is reported after the incident, rather than being hyped for a year, as is done by journalists with the exact opposite objectives.

How do journalists with hidden motives, following the instructions and orders of those described in “The IMPACT” documentary, present their articles to the public? You can personally analyze the articles on school shootings for signs of media violence in them. Such articles not only fail to comply with journalistic ethics, but also contain methods of manipulation, including covert psychological influence. You can find such articles in countries where the problem of school shootings remains prevalent. In our opinion, such articles are characterized by certain patterns and regularities. The information presented in them has distinctive features and individual characteristics. Let us share our observations.

Characteristics of media texts covering school shootings

Media texts addressing school shootings or mass shootings, which shape the informational landscape, as a rule, include the following characteristics:

Focus on the Event

▪️ The author vividly and emotionally describes the personal story of a shooter who committed a school shooting  or a mass shooting.

▪️ Speaks negatively about the police and inaction of the authorities.

▪️ Demonstrates detailed reporting: covers old and new details of the crime, provides the shooter’s schedule on the day of the committed crime and his actions.

▪️ Details exactly how the perpetrator acquired or bought a weapon (and which exactly) or explosives (how he made them, where he got them, or the resource he used to learn how to make them).

▪️ Specific mentions of the messages or photos the shooter left on social media.

Hidden Glorification of the Shooter 

▪️ Such articles often feature hidden heroization of the shooter and his motives, describing the shooter’s worldview and hobbies. Oftentimes, the author of the article employs violence-heroizing ideas of violence, for example, that this shooter will “go down in history,” or “be remembered by mankind.”

▪️ The shooter’s photograph is typically presented to readers in the most appealing angle.

▪️ A comparison of this event to previous high-profile school shootings is common. Manipulative techniques include phrases like: “This is a tragedy… this is not the first shooting, because the first one was carried out by… (name of shooter and location of the crime). However, this is not the deadliest incident, because at that time (name the place and time of the event) this many people were killed…”. This information, by its presentation, suggests that the criminal act, which the reader (and prospect shooter) may be planning, should surpass the number of victims mentioned to supposedly achieve greater notoriety than all previous “columbiners,” potentially earning coverage in all major media outlets.

Ideology of Superiority (Nazism)

▪️ These articles often emphasize retribution, the shooter’s desire to “get rid of everyone,” “cleanse the world,” or declare about his beliefs, injustice, thirst for revenge, impunity, self-perceived role as a “god” or “arbiter of people’s fates.”

▪️ His obsession with his “exclusivity and superiority” is showcased. His words are quoted, which, in essence, indicate psychological coding and conditioning such as: “I realized that I’m all powerful and I can do anything to anyone.” “I want to leave a lasting impression on the world.” Or “kill a large amount of biomass and shoot myself.”


▪️ These texts often repeat at first glance seemingly meaningless numbers or numerical data. Clearly, the information containing hidden subliminal implants includes a numerical code. For instance, there might be frequent references to dates, the exact time of the crime, the number of victims, the shooter’s age, or other numerical details. But these numbers will be repeatedly emphasized in such articles.

school shooter

The point is that human consciousness and subconsciousness perceive numbers differently. This peculiarity of our subconsciousness is apparently taken into account by manipulators when they use the method of puzzle coding. In psychology, for example, there is a known peculiarity, where a person’s assessment of numbers is skewed toward previously encountered numbers (even if these numbers have no relation to the assessed number). This is called the anchoring effect, which is a special case of priming.

▪️ There is a hypothesis that numerical coding influences the selection of specific date and time to commit a crime. Moreover, journalists often emphasize to the public that most of the school shooters plan and carry out their attacks on the anniversary of the mass murder in the Columbine High School in 1999 in the U.S., which has become a symbol of school shooters, or Adolf Hitler’s birthday. They also write that the killers were inspired by neo-Nazi ideology. Given the close historical connection between anticultists and Nazis, revealed in “The IMPACT” documentary, much becomes clear as to who exactly commissioned these articles, bloody atrocities against children and unthinkable crimes committed via remote control.


▪️ Often, the author in such articles labels the school shooter with a “diagnosis”. It should be noted that the shooter’s bipolar disorder will be highly pronounced before the crime is committed. Whereas after committing the crime, there comes a remission stage, in which the typical symptoms of bipolar affective disorder disappear, because the subconscious commands implanted in the shooter have been executed.

Incidentally, when studying the enigma of such strange behavior exhibited by school shooters, the question of their psychopathology was removed from the researchers’ agenda almost a decade ago, as most perpetrators turned out to be entirely sane individuals from well-to-do families. Later, an explanation emerged alongside the term “counterfeit deviance,” which means “the tendency to express or pursue normal interests in a manner outside social conventions.” Prior to this, however, it was the media — specifically journalists executing a special agenda — who portrayed school shooters as psychopaths in their articles, allegedly offering explanations to the public for such incidents. In reality, this was done to manipulate public consciousness, instill fear in people, and misdirect investigations. In other words, these public explanations in mass media perpetuated the mistaken belief that school shooters were mentally ill. Consequently, a growing reliance on this myth came at the expense of active prevention efforts. It becomes quite evident who benefited from commissioning journalists to write articles with such narratives, manipulating public consciousness.

Labeling the Shooter as a Member of an “Unknown Sect” – A Red Flag of Anticultists

Labeling individuals or communities with terms like “sect” (for Eastern audiences) or “cult” (for Western audiences) is one of the primary types of destructive illegal activity employed by international anticult groups. This is the first step toward inciting inter-religious hatred, which contradicts citizens’ rights and laws concerning freedom of religion. In this way, anticultists engage in informational terror against undesirable individuals and organizations worldwide, spreading false perceptions about people and the surrounding world to manipulate the consciousness of both the country’s population and its ruling elite.

Targeted alterations of public sentiment provide anticultists with opportunities to implement destructive, manipulative programs. These efforts aim to program society itself, create destabilization, and amplify fear and a sense of insecurity. Such a society is easier to control.

You can check for yourself whether such anti-cult  implants are present in your own mind. Answer this question: “What emotions do the words ‘sect’ or ‘cult’ evoke in you?” A negative response, in the absence of direct evidence or personal experience, already indicates that the anticult manipulative narrative has been embedded in you through the media — designed to divide and sow hostility. After all, in practice, you don’t personally know the people or organizations labeled as a “sect” or “cult” by anti-cultists. You’ve never seen or interacted with them personally, but you have already been conditioned to see them as “subhuman.” This was the case in Nazi Germany, where Jews were branded with yellow stars and compared to animals — i.e., “subhuman.” Then came the Holocaust and World War II. Remember this: a small lie is a step toward a big war. The “sectarian/cultist” narrative in your consciousness begins with accepting anyone as “subhuman,” ultimately culminating in global warfare and total annihilation of all, including those who bought into this image and embraced the Nazi idea of one group’s superiority over others.

Hidden Promotion of School Shootings

Such articles often capture attention by alarming, fear-inducing headlines, such as “Deadliest mass shooting in the country’s history,” “The most horrific mass shooting ever,” “Terrifying school massacre,” etc.

  • When discussing the problem of school shootings, these articles may reference historical cases of mass killings of children, mention films that subtly glorify school shooters, or list video games and internet resources that allegedly influenced the shooter (e.g., social media platforms, websites on crafting homemade weapons or explosives, or forums for Columbine followers, etc.).
  • In such destructive articles, there are often deliberate mentions of and references to online communities on social networks where the life stories of serial killers, mass murderers, or school shooters are glorified, propagated, discussed, or described in detail. These communities may also focus on notorious school shooting incidents.

It is worth noting that in such social media groups, often supported by anticultists or individuals connected with them, leaders of the community engage in manipulative tactics to influence the consciousness of their members. As a rule, in some cases the leaders of these communities assume the names of infamous killers, speaking “from a first-person perspective.” They respond to questions and initiate discussions aligned with the persona they’re impersonating. In other words, they deliberately embed the image of a killer into people’s subconscious, creating conditions that encourage community members to quickly adopt this role. In other cases, discussions center around suicidal ideation, including methods, techniques, and ideas of leaving life “beautifully” or “meaningfully.” 

“The Lone Wolf”

In our view, anticultists, through their agents in the media, deliberately propagate the myth of “lone wolf” school shooters — individuals who supposedly “radicalize independently and plan attacks without any influence or support, either online or offline.” This falsehood is imposed upon the public, creating conceptual confusion among experts. The purpose behind this deception is to conceal traces of remote manipulation of minds of teenagers, including through social connections in online environments. These traces point directly to the masterminds behind these crimes — the anticultist organizations — and expose their criminal activities, their network of informational terrorism, and its international links, including ties with the global press.

Moreover, since anticultists have access to academic circles and influence law enforcement agencies by delivering lectures to them, they also benefit from creating confusion among experts and persistence of inaccurate typologies within research fields. Furthermore, in certain countries where anticultists engage in destructive activities, their efforts have ensured the continued absence of specific legislation establishing criminal liability for this type of crime.

Lack of Harsh Criticism of the Shooter

A notable feature of such articles is the absence of harsh criticism or condemnation of the shooter’s actions, as well as any discussion about the potential severe punishment they might face for their crime.

Criticism of Authorities

  • Articles on school shootings often include direct or indirect criticism of the government, law enforcement, or specific representatives of these institutions.
  • They highlight and condemn mistakes or missteps by officials.
  • There is an emphasis on claims that law enforcement representatives allegedly lie or deliberately distort facts to “conceal their incompetence.”

Essentially, this is a manipulation tactic aimed at discrediting the authorities. Its purpose is to deliberately undermine the credibility of authorities through such publications, leading to a negative impact —tarnishing public perception and damaging prestige. This includes the tactic of accusations and mockery, which erode citizens’ trust and respect, fostering fear, aggression, hatred, and mistrust among the population of a given country.

Anti-cultists are well aware of this manipulative method and actively employ it in mass media, knowing that discrediting authorities weakens their connection with the public. This, in turn, creates a favorable environment for destructive activities of anticultists and flourishing of criminal behavior in society, ultimately leading to social destabilization.

What goals do anticultists pursue by criticizing any authorities and blaming them for school shooting tragedies?

From “The IMPACT” documentary:

“…artificially induced and maintained fear drives part of the population to demand stricter measures and tougher laws from the authorities. However, these initially well-intentioned initiatives that were supposed to prevent new crimes, are subsequently used by anti-cult representatives and their accomplices within state structures against the people themselves. This results in greater subjugation of the populace, increased control over citizens’ lives, and the suppression of free speech. Thus, people are gradually stripped of their last rights and freedoms. As a consequence, a previously democratic country moves closer to a totalitarian regime”.

By the way, tracking the destructive publications of an anticultist accomplice involved in informational terrorism is quite simple, especially when such an individual persistently writes, regardless of government changes, about how bad the authorities are. The internet remembers everything. All it takes is accessing the digital archives of the World Wide Web to locate the articles published by the outlet where the author contributed, and then analyzing their rhetoric over the years. This approach can help uncover not only hidden manipulative implants but also a range of legal violations, such as promoting the ideology of mass killings in educational institutions, inciting school attacks, encouraging violence, and actions aimed at stirring up national, racial, or religious hatred.

This includes incitement to discrimination, hostility, and the dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, as well as degrading the dignity of individuals or groups based on gender, race, nationality, language, origin, religion, or membership in a social group. All these actions, when committed publicly, via mass media or information and telecommunication networks, including the internet, entail criminal liability.

Connection Between the Journalist-Author and Anticultists

  • Typically, the authorship of such articles can be traced back to the editor of a specific publication, a journalist, or a group of interconnected journalists who often take turns addressing the same topics over an extended period in their publications — topics such as school shootings, investigations, stories, and related issues.
  • Pay attention to the rhetoric these authors employ. Do they have articles that defame the reputation of individuals, authorities, or police? Analyze their involvement in scandals or unlawful and baseless accusations against people, often based solely on their “opinion” or unsubstantiated “assumptions” as authors. Look for manipulative methods in their publications, negative associative images or historical analogies, attaching labels like “cult,” “sect,” or “subhuman” to undesirable individuals — reminiscent of practices during the Nazi era.
  • Anticult racket groups use all these tactics — disinformation, slander, false accusations, sowing discord, hatred, and division — in their commissioned publications. Check for evidence of the author’s connections to anticultists or anticult organizations, such as group photos, joint activities, articles, participation in common conferences, or relationships as friends, mentors, or colleagues. Investigate their affiliations with religious orders or organizations, both within this country and abroad, to uncover where they receive their “assignments” and how they synchronize the narratives in such articles.

Pay attention to the frequency and timing of publications focusing on a specific school shooting incident that occurred in the past. This might involve a series of similar articles published either frequently or at regular intervals. Typically, mainstream media outlets stop covering such events after a while. However, a specific group of journalists may persistently sustain the information wave, repeatedly bringing attention to the long-past incident in great detail. This manipulative approach allows these manipulators to shape public opinion to their advantage and control the perception of events, ensuring thought programming, and solidifying desired narratives in people’s minds.

Measures and prevention

What steps can eradicate this societal tragedy and save children’s lives? General methods to prevent armed attacks in educational institutions include:

  • Monitoring potentially dangerous public content in the region and reporting such cases to the relevant authorities while warning the public about the destructive activities of global anticult collaborators. Once sources of destructive influence containing subliminal implants are identified, it is crucial to publicly expose this informational crime as quickly as possible and notify law enforcement. Such actions can prevent crimes and save children’s lives.
  • Recognizing the presence of bipolar disorder in students. Bipolar disorder is an essential and natural accompanying factor in external subconscious manipulation aimed at programming an individual. Monitoring educational institutions can help identify clusters of rising bipolar affective disorders, that is hotspots that are already targeted by anticult representatives and where a terror attack may be planned in the near future. Therefore, initiating diagnostic procedures to detect bipolar affective disorder in students is vital for preventing tragic events and identifying individuals prone to committing school shootings in advance

  • As part of preventive measures, it is important for young people to know the truth and to foster an atmosphere where a child feels safe reporting intrusive thoughts to parents or educators. These adults can then preempt potential situations, ensure the child’s safety and that of their classmates, investigate whether others have similar obsessive images, and conduct appropriate explanatory conversations.
  • Monitoring the country’s information landscape. Another indicator that can point to the preparation site for a future crime is the uneven dissemination of information about new school shooting cases. When a high-profile armed attack occurs at an educational institution with a significant number of casualties, it naturally sparks widespread public resonance, and the news wave sweeps across the nation. Initially, the information spreads like wildfire, but its intensity gradually fades. However, if in a specific region anticult representatives have already planned a similar attack, the informational echo of the event will linger longer and resonate louder in that region compared to the rest of the country. Alternatively, the information may resurface in the media landscape even after the news wave has subsided.

It’s important to bear in mind that if the names and images of perpetrators continue appearing in news reports, remaining in the region’s or city’s information landscape, this contributes to the covert heroization of shooters and reinforces the key subliminal implant that “they will be remembered for life.” This phenomenon is a red flag for vigilant observers. If you notice such a trend in your city, stay alert. The propagation of a glorified shooter image represents the first preparatory wave of information coding and the foundational implant that shapes future shooter behavior. If this image is artificially sustained in the information space somewhere, it signals that psychological conditioning of students to identify the next shooter has already begun in one of the region’s schools. Simultaneously conducting psychological testing across educational institutions for a sudden rise in bipolar disorders can, with a high probability, pinpoint the school or university where anticult representatives have planned the next school shooting.

From “The IMPACT” documentary:
“This chain of evil will not end, and children will continue to suffer and die as long as global anti-cultism exists and its representatives can freely use their hidden manipulative techniques to influence people’s minds and conduct acts of informational terrorism through the media”.

The problem and its solution

The problem lies in the fact that most citizens are passive subjects of informational influence, which means they themselves support the conditions for successful manipulation over them.

Meaning, they remain unaware of the methods used to manipulate them. They do not verify the accuracy of information in the media. They do not defend their rights and those of their children, or fellow citizens. Nor do they counteract global anticult agents of influence in the information space — those who, in essence, set the stage for children’s deaths and secretly revel in their power, while remotely manipulating teenagers like puppets to carry out the next school shooting. Those who sit comfortably, sipping coffee on their couch, watching the news of the child murders they orchestrated, delighting in the spilled blood, and planning their next sensational article to code new shooters from zombie-like imitators, sowing hatred and discord among people. Any lie they craft, any destructive image or illusion they deliberately create, can become a programmed directive in someone’s mind if they convince that person to believe it.

In their public speeches and lectures, often delivered in educational and government institutions, anticultists speak extensively about their concern for children’s safety. Yet, they are the very ones covertly inciting children to outbursts of hatred, intolerance, and aggression. It is anticultists who create conditions in society that drive children — and sometimes even adults — to take up arms and shoot others. As informational terrorists, they beget new terrorists. In this way, they achieve their desired results through the hands of others.

Through the media, television, and the Internet, anticultists transform gullible individuals into a programmed, controlled crowd, driven to hate and destroy one another once the anticultists’ manipulative directives are activated in their minds. Every act of manipulation leads to confrontation, and confrontation leads to wars. A key element of anticultists’ manipulation is the orchestration of distracting and shocking events. Why do they do this? To disable critical thinking, increase the suggestibility of their target audience, and turn them into a controlled mob driven solely by herd instincts.

Anticult ideologues compel citizens to commit crimes and spread deliberately false information designed to discredit authorities. Anticultists are dangerous because their propaganda, carried out through bloody precedents executed by others, induces shock, forces people to dwell on injustice, violence, and crime, and pushes them to plan and commit monstrous acts. This gives anticultists power over people, enabling them to manipulate those in a state of stress.

The low level of public awareness regarding the work of their consciousness, self-improvement, as well as a lack of knowledge about modern methods of manipulating people’s mind and ways to prevent destructive manipulation over society can lead to tragic consequences. This creates a situation where manipulation of public consciousness, along with increasing aggression, cruelty, and violence, will become a tool for totalitarian control. 

Therefore, it is crucial for society to be educated in matters of informational security, to ensure the safety of children, and to exercise oversight over the activities of the media, television, the Internet, and the gaming industry by implementing information filters. Global anticultists strive to divide people, but only individuals themselves, acting consciously, can unite into a social and cultural community to collectively confront the challenges of the modern era — challenges that directly impact their safety and the safety of their children.



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