
THE IMPACT. Episode 9. WACO: The Reason of Tragedy No One Ever Spoke of

October 9, 2024


Washington: As previously mentioned, one of the bloody episodes in the chain of the terrorist acts that caused mass shooting at the Columbine High School was the Waco siege. In the spring of 1993, tragic events took place as a result of which many people died a horrible death. The Waco siege still remains a relevant, widely discussed and burning topic for many Americans. It is one of the most notorious events in US history that has changed American society forever. To this day, it continues to have a significant influence on political and social life in the country.


Despite numerous attempts by various researchers to get to the bottom of it, there are still many dark spots in this story because all discussions, even those representing points of view of the opposing parties, are still being held according to a pattern set by representatives of anti-cult organizations 30 years ago. Today, for the first time ever, the real picture of events in Waco will be presented, and you’ll be able to clearly see for yourselves how the threads from that terrorist attack lead straight to its instigators and final beneficiaries, to the very abode of anti-cultism — to Russia.

Narrator: The Waco tragedy is a classic example of a premeditated public display of a religious organization persecution by anticultists,  involving law-enforcement agencies and other authorities, which turned into a powerful informational act of terrorism. In this case, the target of anticultists was the Branch Davidian religious group that represented an offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

By the time of the discussed events, the Branch Davidian community that resided at Mount Carmel ranch, near the city of Waco, Texas, had been peacefully existing for about 50 years. For a long time, the locals perceived them as a harmless group of positive people. However, in the late 1980s — early 1990s, through the efforts of representatives of anti-cult organizations, the derogatory word “cult” suddenly began to be used as regards the Branch Davidians, which is a classic first step by cult-fighters in dehumanizing their chosen victim for subsequent persecution.

Washington: What was the Branch Davidians community like? They were a group of people peacefully living on their land, in a building they themselves had erected, and were united by joint study of the Bible. Each had their own hobbies, earned their living just like everyone else, had various professions, and came from various walks of life. Among them were Harvard graduates, rock musicians, as well as ordinary mothers caring for their children. There are many similar settlements across America. Those were free people who lived in a free country the way they liked, in accordance with Christian values and the US Constitution. They didn’t impose their lifestyle on anyone and didn’t cause anyone harm.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

F1: I’m Paulina.

M1: I’m Stephen.

F2: I’m Vanessa

F3: Zilla.

Sheriff: We had a bunch of women, children, elderly people. They were all good, good people. They had different beliefs from others, different beliefs than I have, or maybe different beliefs than you have in their way of life, and especially in their religious beliefs. But basically, they were good people. I was around them quite a lot. They were always nice, mannerly, they minded their own business. They were never overbearing. They were always clean and courteous. I liked them.

Narrator: Several years before the tragic events, anticultists had launched a series of discrediting articles and videos in mass media, aimed at the Branch Davidians. At that time, the community leader was a young preacher Vernon Howell who adopted a religious pseudonym David Koresh. He became the main target of the attack of anticultists who started labeling him as a “dangerous cult leader” through the media they controlled.

An excerpt from David Koresh interview (1987), FOX 5 Archives:
M1: Even then, his enemies were saying this self-proclaimed Son of God was closer to Satan.

Narrator: Throughout the entire subsequent disinformation campaign, other members of the organization were deliberately ignored, and almost all of them remained nameless, devoid of individuality. Under the influence of anticultists, mass media presented the Davidians solely as those who had been brainwashed by their leader, who allegedly were almost in a slavish position and unconditionally followed Koresh’s orders.

David Koresh

A demonization campaign against Davidians was led by the already mentioned anticultist and deprogrammer Rick Ross: he organized a group of people who purposefully engaged in demonizing this community. His group included some anticultists from the CAN network, former members of the Branch Davidians they recruited, relatives of those former members, as well as news reporters from a number of periodicals and presenters of popular TV programs. Let’s recall that by the early 90s, CAN was the leading anticult organization in the USA, while Rick Ross was one of the most active deprogrammers in CAN.

Rick Ross

Also, a big role in discrediting the Davidians was played by their former member Marc Breault who had left the community after a conflict with Koresh. Breault had obvious motives for a personal revenge.  

Starting from 1991, he gave a series of interviews where he unprovenly claimed, among other things, that Koresh abused children, and moreover, that he could even kill them using them as “human victims.” Breault also claimed that Koresh allegedly applied “mind manipulation” techniques to control members of his group and could order them to commit mass suicide.

Later on, the anti-cult gang persistently tried to spread this narrative, sending a warning to their accomplices in mass media and the US authorities under the guise of anonymous informants that the Davidians were allegedly planning to commit mass suicide. In their messages, anticultists asserted that Mount Carmel would become another Johnstown if measures weren’t taken. Of course, these allegations had no ground or factual evidence other than rumors and slander spread by individuals whom anticultists recruited. The purpose of this campaign was to draw the attention of law-enforcement agencies to the activities of the Branch Davidian community, and in order to do that, anticultists even resorted to outright lies.

Washington: Techniques that were used against Branch Davidians, such as stigmatization, dehumanization and guilt by association, are classical methods in the strategy of anticultists, aimed at persecuting a target group in order to carry out an informational act of terrorism. The anticultists were actually the first to launch the narrative about a possible mass suicide of Davidians, and this very narrative played a decisive role in subsequent interpretation of the Waco tragedy outcome.

Narrator: The events of 1993 began when the leader of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, and other organization members were suspected of violating firearms laws. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) initiated an investigation into the activities of this religious organization based on unverified information — or, simply put, rumors — about the illegal possession of automatic weapons by its members.

David Koresh

Who was actually the source of those rumors?

In the summer of 1992, anticultist Rick Ross forcibly deprogrammed former Branch Davidians member David Block at the home of Priscilla Coates who at that time was the national representative of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN). In the process of deprogramming, which is essentially physical and psychological torture, Rick Ross wrested information from Block about the weapons stored at Mount Carmel and conveyed it to ATF where he had personal connections. 

According to the 1993 US Department of the Treasury report on the ATF raid, the message about the weapons turned out to be inaccurate and “was based almost entirely on the statement of a former Davidian member David Block.” During the investigation of ATF’s actions, the Department of the Treasury later criticized the agency’s excessive reliance on a single dubious source of information.

It is worth noting that at that time, legal sales of firearms were a widespread business in Texas, and it was indeed one of the income sources for the Branch Davidians. Therefore, when federal ATF agents began to show interest in the Davidians’ activities, the organization’s leader, David Koresh, invited the agents to visit Mount Carmel and personally inspect the weapons and the relevant licenses. However, agent Aguilera, assigned to the case, refused this offer for some reason.

Subsequently, after setting up round-the-clock surveillance on the community members, agent Aguilera managed to compile the necessary materials to obtain a search and arrest warrant based on the collected information. The investigation initiated by the US Congress later found out that the ATF investigation had been “gross and untenable”, while the statement compiled by Aguilera contained numerous errors, distortions of facts, incorrect interpretations of the law, improper application of the law to the facts, as well as a great deal of incoherent and confusing information.

In particular, Agent Aguilera’s statement claimed:

– that Koresh possessed a .52-caliber anti-tank rifle, which was a criminal offense. In reality, he owned a .50-caliber rifle, which was totally legal;

– that the Davidians had grenades, but it wasn’t mentioned that the grenades had been legally purchased and that Davidians were selling them at gun shows as paper weights;

– the statement included references to the testimony of a deputy sheriff who reported hearing the sound of a powerful explosion coming from Mount Carmel. However, he  failed to report that the sheriff had investigated and learned that the Davidians were using dynamite legally for construction.

Agent Aguilera

The source of exaggerated claims about illegal weapons, paramilitary training at Mount Carmel, 24-hour observation posts, commands to shoot any suspicious persons on sight, and alleged plans to wage war against the US government, was the previously mentioned former Davidian, Marc Breault, who had abandoned the community due to disagreements with Koresh.

At the same time, the statement against the Davidians did not mention that this former member was blind, yet it claimed he had been personally involved in physical training and firing practices conducted by Koresh, and had supposedly served as a guard armed with combat weapons.

Marc Breault

Thus, ATF agent Aguilera initially maintained the case against Davidians based solely on the testimony of anticultists and their accomplices. Based on these falsified materials, a search warrant for the Mount Carmel ranch, where the Davidian community resided, was issued on February 25, 1993.

Role of Mass Media in the Waco Tragedy

Simultaneously with preparing the ATF operation, anticultists launched an active campaign to discredit the Branch Davidians in mass media. 

Later on, a number of researchers noted the key role the media played in the tragic turn of the Waco events. It was actually accomplices of the anti-cult movement among the media who became the main broadcasters of the anticultists’ dark rhetoric.

Through their efforts, combined with the manipulative tactics of anticultists, an image of members of a dangerous and sinister cult was created out of innocent, law-abiding American citizens, members of the Branch Davidians. Consequently, it was through the prism of the unreliable and defamatory information presented by the media that society, law-enforcement agencies and government officials viewed the Davidians. A significant contribution thereto was made by a local newspaper, the Waco Tribune-Herald, which actively broadcasted baseless accusations initiated by the anticultists.

Mark England, heavily relied on the testimony of Breault, deprogrammer Rick Ross, and other key figures involved in the demonization campaign against the Davidians. At the same time, the author did not seek opinion from competent researchers specializing in studying such religious organizations. And even more so, the perspective of the Davidians and their leader was not represented either.

Interestingly enough, until a certain point, reporters from the Waco Tribune-Herald covered information about the Branch Davidians neutrally, without using the offensive label of a “cult.” However, their rhetoric changed dramatically after the intervention of anticultists. England, the author of the “The Sinful Messiah” series, began actively promoting anti-cult narratives, portraying the 33-year-old Koresh as a fanatical cult leader who used mind control techniques on his followers. Mark England also accused him of polygamy and child abuse and claimed that the leader of the Davidians engaged in sexual relations with underage female members.

Excerpt from “Waco II, the Big Lie Continues” (1994):

Sheriff: There was really no evidence of child abuse. It was only allegations. And again, I say today that we have not ever found any, any proof of any child abuse out there.

At that time, no confirmed evidence supported such claims. The situation was quite the opposite. In fact, back in 1992, the Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) received an anonymous report alleging child abuse at Mount Carmel. Following the anonymous message, CPS staff visited Mount Carmel three times. They conducted physical examinations of 12 Davidian children, and the investigation found no signs of abuse or injury. Due to the lack of evidence supporting the child abuse allegations, CPS officials closed the investigation regarding Koresh. However, that didn’t prevent ATF investigator David Aguilera from including child abuse accusations in his affidavit for a search and arrest warrant for Koresh. Aguilera, in turn, had received this information from Marc Breault.

Marc Breault

Later on, despite the fact that suspicions of child abuse by Koresh were not confirmed, they were still actively promoted in mass media controlled by the anticultists, which significantly influenced the decisions made by the operation commanders and representatives of the authorities. For some reason, even though there was no evidence, mass media and law-enforcement officials treated accusations made by the anticultists and disseminated by their associates as irrefutable facts.

The greatest influence on the law-enforcement officers who prepared the Mount Carmel raid was exerted by anticultist and deprogrammer Rick Ross. 

In fact, Nancy Ammerman’s report to the Departments of Justice and Treasury regarding the actions of federal law-enforcement agencies in Waco stated that Rick Ross “was, in fact, closely involved with both the ATF and the FBI“, and that it was he who provided them and the Waco Tribune with misleading information about the Branch Davidians. 

Thus, both the search warrant and the ATF raid plan relied heavily on information provided by anticultists and their accomplices, rather than on factual materials.

Starting from December 1992, ten weeks before the federal raid against the Davidians, ATF and other federal agents increasingly turned to Marc Breault and Rick Ross for information and consultations. 

Specifically, Breault characterized the Davidians to federal agents as “terrorists.” He claimed that they were no ordinary group of criminals, but allegedly religious fanatics who wouldn’t hesitate to suicide for their leader. Breault and Ross kept supporting the statement that mass suicide was possible, as did Waco Tribune-Herald reporters.

Washington: Anticultists and their associates demonized Koresh and the Davidians to such an extent that at the time the ATF operation began, the authorities, operation leaders and federal agents perceived the Branch of David community as an apocalyptic cult in an armed camp preparing for the final battle of Armageddon against the forces of government which supposedly embodied “satanic” Babylon. They envisioned Koresh as a leader of a paramilitary terrorist group that was stockpiling weapons to start a war against the federal government. 

Representatives of federal authorities were convinced that the Davidians were not going to cooperate during the investigation, that they hated the federal government, were controlled by their fanatical sect leader, and would start a “holy war” at the very first encounter.

Precisely the manipulative actions of the anticultists explain why the ATF agents did not consider a nonviolent way of resolving the situation. That explains why the agents refused Koresh’s invitation to come in person and check the weapons and gun licenses, and why they ignored the opportunity to arrest Koresh outside Mount Carmel while conducting covert surveillance, and, instead, chose to employ the tactic of “dynamic” assault on the building where the Davidians resided.

That’s because in their consciousness, a distorted picture of reality had already been formed and imposed on them by the anticultists through manipulative techniques. In federal agents’ reality, they were going to search not peaceful civilians, but extremely dangerous criminals whom the anticultists described as terrorists and suicide bombers.

Without the bright and demonizing images generated by the anticultists, exaggerating a possible threat from the Davidians which, in fact, never existed, it is unlikely that the ATF would have resorted to such extreme measures. But, unfortunately, the law-enforcement officers had fallen under the influence of anticultists, and by the time the operation began, some of their representatives in the operation leadership were already entirely manipulated, largely through Rick Ross. 

Narrator: A raid by federal agents on the ranch where the Branch Davidians resided, with the purpose of searching and detaining their leader, was scheduled for Sunday, February 28, 1993. The operation was officially codenamed “Trojan Horse”, but later became more widely known as “Showtime”, as the agents themselves called it.

The day before the operation and on the day of the raid itself, a prearranged, massive wave of publications demonizing the Davidians was launched in mass media. Thus, on February 27 and 28, more than 100 media across the country released materials with almost identical statements, mostly reiterating the core narratives of the anticultists’ dark rhetoric against the Branch Davidians. All of the media outlets communicated the same groundless accusations by Rick Ross and Marc Breault against the Davidians, posted in the local Waco Tribune-Herald newspaper.

During the raid on the ranch, a shoot-out began, resulting in the deaths of 10 people including 6 Davidians and 4 ATF agents. David Koresh got wounded. After the federal agents’ deaths, the operation came entirely under FBI control, and the case against the Davidians was reclassified as a conspiracy to murder

Excerpt from “Waco II, the Big Lie Continues” (1994):

Reporter (F): And in actuality, the Branch Davidians reacted the way any American would react when his home was broken into by armed terrorists. They first called the police. They dialed 911.

911 operator (F): 911 What’s your emergency? 

Wayne Martin: There are men, 75 men around our building shooting at us!

911 operator (F): Okay. Just a moment.

Reporter (F): In the tape recordings of these conversations, we can hear the fear and distress of Wayne Martin as he says.

Wayne Martin: Yeah, tell them they’re children and women in here and to call it off. 

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

911 operator (F): Alright… Wayne…

Steve Schneider: (We) aren’t firing… That’s not us, that’s them…

911 operator (M): Ok… tha.. Alright…

Excerpt from archive video of ABC13’s news report, 1993:

Female reporter: …was another victim. A 2-year-old cult member was also shot and killed in the gun fight…

Excerpt from archive video Branch Davidian survivor David Thibodeau on KCENNews, 2023:

David Thibodeau: Imagine, you just finished breakfast and some guy dressed in a black outfit comes with a gun and shoots the member of your family. How is that going to start your day-off? What kind of reaction are you as a person going to give to that person trying to come through your door?

Narrator: The FBI siege of the estate began and lasted 51 days. A massive number of reporters were present on the scene, and everything was broadcast live. Soon, the standoff in Waco became international news, with the whole world watching the events in Texas.

Narrator: Here’s how the events in Waco were described by some journalists present at the scene:

“The FBI assembled what was likely the largest military force ever gathered against civilians in American history: 10 Bradley armored vehicles, two Abrams tanks, four combat engineering vehicles, 668 agents, plus six U.S. Customs officers, 15 U.S. Army personnel, 13 Texas National Guard members, 31 Texas Rangers, 131 officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety, 17 from the McLennan County Sheriff’s Office, and 18 Waco police officers. In total, 899 people participated in the operation.” – Malcolm Gladwell, New Yorker correspondent.

Excerpts from news footage:

Reporter 1 Female: In Waco, Texas…

Reporter 2 Female:…standoff between law officers and cult members of a religious compound…

Reporter 3 Female: …called or known as the Branch Davidians.

Reporter 4 Male: A heavily armed religious cult near Waco.

Reporter 5 Male: Three helicopters, 150 law enforcement officers, some of them from the Houston area.

Reporter 6 Female: Doctor Ken Etheridge. He said that he had never seen anything with this magnitude or severity. He said it was like a war zone.

“The whole thing looked more like a war movie. Only this time, it was happening in real life.” – John McLemore, the first reporter on the scene.

Narrator: Throughout the siege, negotiations between the FBI and the besieged were ongoing, with the official goal of persuading the Davidians’ leader to surrender and lead his people out. During this time, some Davidians left the building, only to be immediately arrested by federal agents. According to video records of their testimonies, everyone who remained in the building for the 51 days of the siege did so voluntarily.

Recordings of Branch Davidians during the siege, 1993:

Woman 1: To my family and friends, I just like to say, I’m fine. I know that you’re all worried about us. I’d just like you to know that we are fine right now.

Ofelia Santoyo: I have decided to stay. I don’t have… I don’t want to go.

Reporter Male: So you’re not being held against your will here?

Ofelia Santoyo: No.

The Henry Family (Female): I’m not held here as a hostage or anything. If any of us want to leave, we can just go now today

Doris Fagan: I’m here because I want to be here.

Scott Sonobe: I’m Scott Sonobe. And I’m not being held here against my will… Don’t worry about me, we’re gonna be just fine. God’s in control.

During the siege, the Davidians were completely isolated. Their phone line was cut almost immediately, and the only people they could communicate with were FBI agents. They could no longer reach out for help elsewhere, and they could only communicate with the media by hanging sheets with written messages in their windows. While the FBI, in turn, continued to consult representatives of the anticult gang.

Subsequent investigation of the FBI’s actions, the study of transcripts of conversations between the FBI and the Davidians, as well as data on the experts contacted by FBI and ATF agents in the Davidian case, revealed that it was the anticultist and deprogrammer Rick Ross who “clearly had the most extensive access to both agencies of any person on the “cult expert” list; he was “closely involved with both the ATF and the FBI”, and “he was apparently listened to more attentively.”

At the same time, the opinions of other experts who advocated a peaceful way of resolving the situation were not accepted. After all, at the time of the siege, federal agents who had fallen under the influence of anticultists, did not take the beliefs of the Davidians seriously, so they didn’t listen to the advice of theologians, religious scholars and Bible researchers who tried to convey to law-enforcement officers that because of their religious beliefs, the Davidians would not react like criminals, and recommended communicating with the besieged in their language. A number of experts appealed to the FBI not to use forceful tactics against the Davidians because this could ultimately lead to fatalities. However, their suggestions were rejected.

Excerpt from Waco II, the Big Lie Continues (1994):

Reporter Female: He has no known credentials to support his claim as an expert, yet the FBI allowed him to advise on the course of negotiations while ignoring advice from numerous theologians and genuine psychological counselors.

Narrator: In parallel with Rick Ross’s direct influence on the law-enforcement operation, other representatives of the anticult group carried out destructive media activities. They appeared as cult experts on various TV channels and intentionally promoted a demonized image of the Davidians in public opinion. One of the representatives of the anticult group was Steven Hassan whom we mentioned earlier. 

Rick Ross

Excerpt from The Joan Rivers Show (1993)

Steven Hassan: …so he would take people for hours and hours and hours and mesmerize them through hypnosis, through behavior modification techniques and such, and break down their ability to think.

Excerpt from Waco II, the Big Lie Continues (1994):

Reporter Female: These were the people that we saw over and over in the media as support for the government stories that the Branch Davidians were some evil cult. Marc Breault is the person who contacted the State Department and the Cult Awareness Network and relayed his allegations. Cult Awareness Network, known by its initials, CAN, targets religious groups around the world for hate campaigns in the media. CAN members always make the same allegations against each group they attack: “perverted sex”, “child abuse” and “brainwashing”. It reads like a worn out script that has been repeated so many times against so many different groups.

Narrator: The people who lived at Mount Carmel, including children, were never presented to the public as personalities. The Federal Bureau of Investigation didn’t share with the media the videos of the Davidians recorded during the siege, so that Americans wouldn’t regard them as human beings, feel sympathy for them, and stand up for them. According to James T. Richardson, a sociologist of religion, “The dehumanization of those inside Mount Carmel, coupled with the thoroughgoing demonization of Koresh, made it easier for those in authority to develop tactics that seemed organized for disaster.” Thus, not only law-enforcement officers, but also the public developed a false image of what was really happening in Waco.

Excerpt from archive video Branch Davidian survivor David Thibodeau on KCENNews, 2023:

David Thibodeau: …and again, you hear “the demonization,” “the demonization.” It’s like… These are people, as the… Davidians were people. The people that died at Mount Carmel were people. They’ve never been truly humanized until they did the Waco series.

Washington:: The reason behind all that was going on was one factor that back then neither federal law-enforcement agents nor US intelligence officers took into account. This detail, which had a fateful impact on the outcome of the events in Waco and remained unknown to this day, was that representatives of anticult organizations used hidden manipulative technologies to influence people’s consciousness and subconsciousness. Such information messages that are built on the knowledge of these special psycho-technologies and contain hidden imprints able to bypass critical analysis by consciousness and penetrate directly into the depths of the human subconsciousness, were repeatedly disseminated in the media. For this very purpose the anticultists needed a large-scale campaign for demonizing the Branch Davidians, and that’s why they invested so much effort in dissemination of their false accusations. Therefore, absolutely different articles and videos in seemingly unrelated media contained the same repetitive narratives. Basically, all of this was part of the anticultist strategy of psychological manipulation of the public. In fact, anticultists were accusing others of what they themselves were actually doing, for they were the ones who were applying mind control and brainwashing techniques.

In this way, using methods of psychological influence on the masses, with the help of the media, the anticultists literally zombified the American people. They intentionally dehumanized the Branch Davidians to instill in people’s consciousness a picture that the Davidians were dangerous and harmful to society. Although in fact, the most dangerous at that time were the anticultists themselves. For the first time, they carried out such a large-scale terrorist act that was repeated in the information field multiple times and had a tremendous impact on all those who had fallen under its attack. As a matter of fact, all people, who in one way or another were exposed to the information sourced from anticultists, ended up infected with hidden destructive imprints.

Americans who were following the events in Waco via television or newspapers at that time were subjected to coercive psychological manipulation by the anticultists. That’s why the majority of people began to believe the descriptions that dehumanized the Davidians and accepted the picture of events presented by anticultists as a fact. They had no chance to resist this kind of manipulation, against which virtually the entire population of the planet is defenseless.

The hidden manipulative influence by the anticultists similarly affected ATF, FBI and other law-enforcement officers, as well as government officials who participated in the Waco events and were in direct close contact with the anticultists. The officials were subjected to the highest degree of psychological manipulation and were literally brainwashed by the anticultists, so they acted unlawfully against law-abiding American citizens and committed a blatant violation of basic democratic human rights and freedoms. For this very reason law-enforcement officials manifested inhuman aggression against the Davidians, ignoring common sense and rejecting an opportunity for a peaceful and fact-based resolution.

In turn, the Davidians developed an impression that the federal agents who encircled Mount Carmel were trying to kill them; and today there is considerable evidence that their fears and perception of events were not unfounded.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

David Koresh:listen, Jim… There’s nothing that hurts me more than bein’ called a Cult Leader, alright? If I’m wrong, people like me don’t deserve to live, OK?

Jim Cavanaugh: … listen… listen…

David Koresh: Do you understand me, Jim?…You know, don’t burn our building down…

Jim Cavanaugh: Ah, we won’t do that…

David Koresh: Don’t, don’t shoot us all up… They’ve got to have that time.

Washington: The strange behavior of law-enforcement officers and their excessive belligerence towards peaceful citizens who showed no resistance was noticed by experts who hadn’t been zombified by anticultists and arrived on the scene as consultants. Seeing what was happening, soberly assessing the situation, and foreseeing what the use of aggressive tactics against the Branch Davidians could lead to, they offered quite logical and reasonable options for resolving the conflict in a nonviolent way. But they were not listened to because those in power had already been programmed by the anticultists into the violent scenario. The representatives of law-enforcement agencies and authorities were sure they were doing the right thing and were acting in an absolutely lawful manner; after all, they believed they were facing enemies, not law-abiding citizens.   

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Alan A. Stone: I thought the main problem was going to be understanding the psychology of the people inside the compound. But as I got into it, I quickly became aware that the psychology of the people outside the compound was more important to an understanding of what happened. They needed to take control. And the tactic of people, in particular, needed to show him who’s boss.

Bob Ricks: We are trying to reinforce to them that we are in charge of the situation, that the compound is under the complete control of the government. It is, in fact, no longer their compound. That we have the ability to exercise whatever control we want over that compound, and we will do that from various times to demonstrate to them the fact that they are impotent in their ability to control their everyday lives.

Dick Reavis:  The FBI wasn’t prepared to share David Koresh’s contention that we should wait on God to resolve this. The FBI is God. It’s gonna decide how this is gonna be resolved.

Washington: The federal agents in charge of the operation were confident that they were in control of the situation. But this firm conviction was an illusion instilled by the anticultists. In reality, they were no longer in control. It’s the anticultists who had originally created this situation and held the levers of control.

Such manifestations of abnormal behavior are clear signs that perception of all these people had already been distorted at that time by the manipulative technologies of subconscious suggestions used by anticultists.

Narrator: The FBI also employed aggressive psychological tactics during the Waco siege to supposedly force the besieged to voluntarily leave the building. Water and electricity supplies were cut off. Powerful floodlights were aimed at the ranch windows, shining around the clock to prevent the people inside from sleeping. Loudspeakers continuously blared irritating noises and high-volume music. A tank was brought in to clear the area around the building, crushing cars and nearby structures. Clearly, the mere presence of military equipment had a strongly demoralizing effect on the people inside the building.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Clive Doyle: If they thought that we were all brainwashed and such a bunch of crazies, why would the FBI push David or the rest of us to the limit? Why would you bombard the building day and night with lights and music and noises and wear these people out, not knowing how they’re gonna react?

Janet Reno:  These, er, pieces of equipment were unarmed, as I understand it, and were contracted. I mean, it was like a good rent-a-car.

Mr.Zeliff: Good rent-a…? A good rent-a-car? A tank going into a building?

Washington: Why did the FBI use such methods against peaceful Davidians? Who was behind plotting the tactics of aggressive psychological influence on the besieged people? 

It’s an established fact that the stress escalation strategy employed by the FBI was based on the recommendations of Rick Ross and his accomplices. Moreover, further investigations revealed that the FBI followed the advice of anticultists and applied to the Davidians typical deprogramming techniques, including depriving Koresh and his followers of food, water and sleep and repeatedly exposing them to excruciatingly disturbing sounds. In other words, the tactic of aggressive psychological attack on the Davidians was nothing but an attempt of mass deprogramming. It means that the anticultists, who had mastered their skills of physical and psychological violence on individuals, in the case of the Davidians made an attempt to deprogram a whole group of people. This proves that sabotage of peace talks and protracted siege of the building were originally instigated by the anticultists who sought to put an end to the activities of the Branch Davidians by first exposing them to psychological pressure. And when it became obvious that deprogramming methods failed and, on the contrary, only united the people inside the building, the situation took a fatal turn.

Narrator: The catalyst for initiating the forceful stage was the unfounded conclusion by FBI agents that there was no reason to believe the Davidians would leave the building voluntarily. This was reported to the U.S. Attorney General.

It is worth noting that throughout the siege of Mount Carmel, it was repeatedly observed that the actions of the tactical team of federal agents sabotaged the work of their colleagues in the negotiating team. The goal of the negotiators was to build rapport with the Branch Davidians in order to gain their trust. In contrast, the tactical team’s efforts were aimed at intimidation and harassment. The negotiators themselves noted that such aggressive tactics undermined their own attempts to gain Koresh’s trust and achieve a peaceful surrender of the Davidians.

Moreover, the FBI actually made their statement that further negotiations were pointless after an agreement had been reached between their agents and the leader of the Davidians, David Koresh, that all of the Davidians would voluntarily leave the building immediately after Koresh would write his interpretation of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse.

Washington: Definitely, those people were perfectly aware that the law-enforcement officers intended to stop the activities of the Branch Davidian as a religious group; they realized that as soon as they would exit the building, they would be immediately arrested, and their children would be taken away by social services. Despite that, they agreed to come out. While the media promoted the anticultists’ mindset that Davidians were an allegedly dangerous suicidal cult, in fact, those people clearly demonstrated by their actions that they wanted to live, and they fought for their lives to the end.

Excerpt from 1995 Congressional Hearings on Waco:

Dick DeGuerin: On April the 14th, there was a major breakthrough, and that breakthrough was David Koresh’s letter to me, which I promptly gave to the FBI, that said that he’d received his mission, that he was working on writing his interpretation of the Seven Seals, and that everyone inside was relieved that they didn’t have to die now, that the prophecies were not being fulfilled now and that this would be resolved.

Phillip Arnold: He waited 51 days, and then he said, the word came to him and said, “write.” And he wrote. This was brought out the day of the fire by one of the survivors. He was keeping his promise of April 14th. We believe they would have all come out safely.

Janet Reno: What I was faced with was a situation where the negotiators said, we think we have reached an impasse. Nobody else is coming out voluntarily. We looked at the entire situation and we made the best judgment we could. I’m very satisfied that in the information furnished to me by the FBI, I was informed.

Narrator: A key factor that significantly influenced the decision-makers was a speculation that the children in the building were in danger, and that they had allegedly already been victims of abuse. These claims were fueled by the series of articles under the collective title “The Sinful Messiah”, co-authored by Marc Breault and Rick Ross. Based on the belief formed under the influence of these anticultist narratives promoted in the media, the US Attorney General decided that it was necessary to begin an operation to free the hostages and assault the building where Davidians and their children were located.

Excerpt from “Waco II, the Big Lie Continues” (1994):

Janet Reno: The Bureau, time after time, asked Koresh for some evidence that the children were okay. We did not receive verification that the children were okay. We had concerns for the children.

Excerpt from “Crimes of the Century: The Siege at Waco” (2013):

Davy Aguilera: Their concerns were the children. They had candy bars in their pockets to give out. Chocolate for the kids. Wow.

Washington: The Davidians themselves had no idea that an attack was being planned against them. On the contrary, they believed they had made progress in the negotiations and that the ordeal they had been enduring would soon come to an end. They didn’t know they had only one day left to live.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Child: A…are…are you gonna come and kill me?

Jim Cavanaugh: Hello? No, honey… nobody’s gonna come and kill you.

Child: A…are you gonna come in and kill me?

Jim Cavanaugh: No…no… nobody’s comin’


Narrator: On the 51st day of the siege, on April 19, 1993, armored vehicles were sent to the building where the besieged were located. The vehicles began meticulously demolishing parts of the structure and releasing a special gas inside.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Specialist Male: The gas supplies a number of irritants to the nostrils, to the eyes, to the skin. Just touching to the skin can be extremely painful. You can have certain symptoms of nausea. You can have certain symptoms of inflammation with regard to membranes. So it is extremely uncomfortable.

Dr. Erik Larsen: They would be coughing, choking. They would probably be unconscious. Uh, some of them would probably be dead. Some would be, basically, inert. They may still be alive, they may still be breathing, but they’re not going to be doing anything.

Narrator: The falling walls, destroyed by armored vehicles, effectively killed some of the Davidians, as evidenced by forensic reports. The tank repeatedly drove over their bodies, tearing them apart. 

Then, a fire broke out in the building in three different places simultaneously. The officer in charge of the operation refused to allow firefighters to approach the scene, claiming that the Davidians might shoot them.

Excerpt from news footage:
Reporter Female: This looks like probably the fire chief and fire marshals. And we have, at this point, two fire engines headed by.

Excerpt from 1995 Congressional Hearings on Waco:

Jeffrey Jamar: When the fire did start and the fire trucks did arrive, I didn’t let them in. I held him at the checkpoint because I didn’t want the firemen to drive into gunfire. I just wasn’t going to permit it. It was a.. It’s a terrible thing and a very terrible decision to have to make.

Excerpt from archive video:

Man with loudspeaker: This is not the way into this. Lead your people out, David. Be a messiah, not a destroyer.

Narrator: After American citizens were poisoned with gas and their house was set on fire, the authorities kept shouting “Get your people out, David.” Even though they knew very well that there was no one to come out: many were already dead at that moment, and the rest were burning alive. This show was staged by the representatives of the law enforcement agencies for the media and possible future investigations in order to avoid responsibility.

Narrator: Mount Carmel burned to the ground. Seventy-six people died, including 25 children, some of whom were infants and toddlers under the age of three. 

The organization leader, David Koresh, was found with a gunshot wound in his head. The causes of the fire remain undetermined to this day. Less than a month later, bulldozers destroyed the remnants of the burned buildings, which critics of the government regarded as an attempt to cover up the circumstances of people’s deaths.

A year after those events, representative of the anti-cult gang and deprogrammer Rick Ross, who had a dramatic impact that contributed to the tragic outcome of the Waco events, was already describing David Koresh’s personality and characterizing the Branch Davidians in new media reports in the following way:

The group is without a doubt, without any doubt whatsoever, a highly destructive, manipulative cult … I would liken the group to Jim Jones. … [Koresh is] your stock cult leader. … They’re all the same. Meet one and you’ve met them all. They’re deeply disturbed, have a borderline personality and lack any type of conscience. … No one willingly enters into a relationship like this. … So you’re talking about deception and manipulation (by the leader), people being coached in ever so slight increments, pulled in deeper and deeper without knowing where it’s going or seeing the total picture.”

Washington: Even after the deaths of those people and their children, anticultists continued their smear campaign to demonize the Branch Davidians, aiming to cement the image of sinister cultists, psychopaths, and suicides in public consciousness. They used this horrific tragedy for their own ends, turning it into an informational terrorist act — essentially, an act of intimidation for all other religious communities and a precedent for undermining public trust in law-enforcement agencies of our country, which were supposed to guarantee lawfulness and order in society instead of causing mass deaths.

Since the FBI controlled the flow of information about the Davidians in the media, they were never able to share their own version of events with the American public. All Americans have seen in the media are images of the crazy David Koresh and the same repeated unsubstantiated accusations by anticultists. Dehumanization of the Davidians, combined with the anticultists’ manipulative techniques, turned the American citizens into a faceless group of religious fanatics. Such media coverage of the events produced an illusory perception that the deaths of American citizens were not a ground for public protests against excessive force used against them. Therefore, until the very last moment, the entire country was silently observing the events in Waco as yet another reality show, until those people and their children burned alive in the fire. Realization of what had happened started coming much later and not to all observers of this terrorist attack organized by anticultists.

Even now, in articles about those events, you might see the phrase “about 80 cultists died.” Not “PEOPLE”, not “American citizens”, but “cultists.” This terminology is used by anticultists and their supporters to ensure that the deaths of those people do not evoke sympathy or regret in you. It is meant to absolve you, as a society, of guilt for allowing this to happen and for letting the actual perpetrators of this mass murder go unpunished.

The Waco tragedy, the terrible death of all those innocent people and their children, is essentially an act of genocide carried out by anticultists through representatives of the authorities and law-enforcement agencies. And in this case, those who committed it are no different from the Nazis during World War II.

Excerpt from 1995 Congressional Hearings on Waco:

Mr. Zimmermann: When someone suspected of a crime, even if it’s child abuse, even if it’s capital murder, we give them a trial. The jury finds them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before they go to sentencing. Then a jury or a judge sentences them, and an appeals court makes sure the trial was conducted with due process. And then, and only then did we kill them. We don’t kill them first, like happened in Waco on April the 19th.

Aftermath of the Waco Tragedy

Excerpt from 1995 Congressional Hearings on Waco:

Dick Rogers: And I’ll remind the American people one more time that during that entire time, those six hours, and indeed those 51 days, the FBI never fired one shot at the Davidians. 

Joseph R. Biden: David Koresh and the Davidians set fire to themselves and committed suicide. The government did not do that.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Farris Rookstool: Assertion to me, that the media and that the government has made a kind of blanket declaration that the Branch Davidians committed, quote, “mass suicide”. To equate it to a Jonestown, Guyana, um, suicide.

Bill Clinton, White House News Conference. April 20, 1993:

Bill Clinton: The Bureau’s efforts were ultimately unavailing because the individual with whom they were dealing, David Koresh, was dangerous, irrational, and probably insane. …I was frankly surprised, it would be a mild word to say, that anyone that would suggest that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves.

Washington: The Waco tragedy became one of the most significant and bloody failures of American intelligence agencies in the country’s history. 

Being under the influence of manipulative techniques by anticultists, federal agents committed physical, psychological, constitutional and judicial violence against American citizens whom they regarded as members of a dangerous cult, thereby despising them and not considering them humans.

To this day, this event remains the most severe case of Americans confronting Americans since the Civil War between the North and the South. And it happened as a result of manipulative actions of anticultists. American citizens who followed the events in real-time were divided by contradictory media reports — actually the result of orchestrated information terrorism by anticultists — into those who regarded the Branch Davidians as an insane, suicidal cult and those who believed the deaths of almost a hundred people were due to reckless actions of federal authorities.

However, the majority of the American public became angry at the FBI. Federal agents were seen as demons, uncontrollably killing peaceful citizens. Later on, among peaceful citizens, there emerged avengers, that is, new terrorists created by the media’s informational acts of terrorism, who were actually yet another victims of the anticultists. This eventually culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing.


APRIL 19, 1995

Narrator: On April 19, 1995, the second anniversary of the Waco events, an unknown individual drove up to the building housing the FBI and ATF headquarters. That day, the terrorist wore a T-shirt bearing the phrase shouted by Abraham Lincoln’s assassin after he shot him: “Sic Semper Tyrannis” — “that’s what always happens to tyrants.”

He parked his van in the underground garage directly beneath the building. A few minutes later, an explosion occurred with the force equivalent to a 3.0 magnitude earthquake. Half of the building collapsed, turning into a mass grave. The blast also damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius. The tragedy resulted in 168 deaths, including 19 children under the age of six, and 680 people were injured. The perpetrator, Timothy McVeigh, was apprehended the same day. He explained his actions as revenge for Waco and Ruby Ridge.

To this day, the Oklahoma City bombing remains the deadliest act of “domestic terrorism” in US history.

Timothy McVeigh about Waco Tragedy. Interview with CBS News’ 60 Minutes. March 12, 2000:

Timothy McVeigh: And what did you do to these people? You deprived them of life, liberty and property. You didn’t guarantee those rights. You deprived them of them.

McVeigh: Waco started this war… Hopefully Oklahoma would end it.

Washington: The Oklahoma City bombing vividly illustrates the profound impact of the Waco tragedy and the informational terrorist act created by anticultists on its basis. For many people, the Waco siege “crystallized” an already distrustful attitude towards the government, while for those inclined to radical views, those events contributed to regarding the state as a ruthless enemy of its own people. The events in Waco marked the beginning of intensification and radicalization of the anti-government movement within the country. To this day, Americans consider April 19th to be a symbol of confrontation between the people and the government. 

From that very day, in the eyes of many Americans who witnessed the death of their fellow citizens live on television, America ceased to be a safe land of freedom and democracy. Instead, it became a country where the government could turn against its people.

Recordings of Branch Davidians during the siege, 1993:

Lorraine Sylvia: I don’t know how the American people can stand by and watch such a thing take place. We have people out here. We have all these people – women, children, tiny babies. These men came in here and they started firing on us. The bullets came through the walls and people were killed, people were injured and… It’s… This is America?

I mean, I thought this was the country of, you know, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, whatever, and just human decency. It just doesn’t seem to exist.

“Waco still resonates within the anti-government community as an event that demonstrates the federal government does not protect its citizens, that it is willing to violate their civil rights and take away their guns.” – Heidi Beirich, co-founder of the non-profit organization Global Project Against Hate and Extremism.

The Waco siege became a symbol of discord over a range of issues, such as violence and gun ownership, trust in government and state authority, and religious persecution. The catastrophe sparked a flood of books, articles, news stories, and television segments, becoming an integral part of public discourse. Waco became a vital topic in the country, and to this day, Americans experience its consequences.

The most significant and most frightening consequence of the Waco tragedy was the deepened division among the American population, a divide that, unfortunately, has not been overcome to this day. A country and a people that once stood united were split into two warring camps, and this painful wound on the body of America has not healed to this present time.

Representatives of the anti-cult movement deliberately shaped two extreme viewpoints on the Waco tragedy. As a result, descriptions of the Waco events in various media are often so contradictory that it looks as if groups of people who oppose each other describe completely different occurrences.

Excerpt from “Waco II, the Big Lie Continues” (1994):

Reporter Female: NBC television aired the government’s official propaganda as a movie, showing Branch Davidians at all the windows, with guns waiting for the ATF to arrive.

The anticultists are largely responsible for the enduring impact of the Waco tragedy on America, which goes on to this day. They have used the Waco siege to create new information terror campaigns aimed at destabilizing authority and influencing the political situation in the country, significantly contributing to polarization of US politics. It is because of the anticultists that the fire in Waco was ignited, and it is because of them that it continues to burn to this day.

Back then, anticultists laid the foundation for a future civil war: they artificially created a basis for confrontation between supporters of the two dominant political parties in the United States and provoked the emergence of not only discontent with the authorities, but also extremely radical sentiments in society. The anticultists still use these fruits of their own activities, continuing to incite hatred in society and create conditions for a future confrontation between citizens of one country, between us, Americans. 

The anticultists arranged the terrorist attack in Waco with the help of their main accomplice, the media, and dishonest journalists under their control. And if back in 1993, Rick Ross and his companions labeled a community of about a hundred people as a cult, which resulted in their murder and a chain of terrible consequences for the United States, the other anticultist and deprogrammer, Steven Hassen, has gone even further. At the current stage, he has already labeled tens of millions of Americans as cult followers. Such rhetoric that dehumanizes a part of the American nation creates prerequisites for intranational conflict and violence against labeled citizens. 

It is also noteworthy that this rhetoric amazingly repeats the narratives of anticultists in Russia, who label the people of America as one big cult. Yet, before, they manipulated only their own people in this way, setting up Russians against Americans. Whereas now, the agent of the anticult gang in the USA, who’s been conducting his destructive activities here for many years, repeats the same actions, but this time from inside America, setting Americans against Americans.

Moreover, Steven Hassen has already gone further, saying that the entire USA needs to be “deprogrammed”.

Excerpt from news footage:

Steven Hassan: And the bottom line is all of America needs deprogramming. Because we’ve all been negatively influenced by Donald Trump.

What is meant by deprogramming the entire country? Remembering what happened in Waco, Texas, and how their deprogramming ended, just imagine in what way the anticultists plan to expand their methods to the entire United States of America. The main question is: with whose hands do they want to implement their plans this time? After all, as anticultists understand it, deprogramming implies the use of violent methods to force people to renounce their beliefs. Isn’t this the main motive and driving force of a civil war: to force one part of the population to give up their views and to submit to the will of another part of the population? Thus, labeling a part of Americans as “adherents of the cult of Trump” and calling for deprogramming, Hassen straightforwardly urges Americans to use force against other Americans.

The most terrible thing is these are not just words and not mere appeals, but hidden destructive imprints that are embedded in those words and have repeatedly caused deaths of a huge number of people, and believing that they won’t work this time is foolhardy at the very least. Recall German citizens who assisted Nazis, released gas and poisoned people, being fully confident that they were doing the right thing by ridding their nation of the “Jewish threat.” Those were actually the same people as you, and to this moment, no one has found an answer to the question of what turned them into monsters, or, putting it more correctly, WHO made them that. Yet, now you know the answer.

Just think about it: right now, anticultists are forcing us Americans, a nation that defeated Nazism, to use Nazi methods for destroying each other. They already successfully tested this scenario in Waco, when they carried out a large-scale operation involving the country’s mainstream media, which resulted in the genocide of honest, peaceful and decent Americans, committed by the authorities and law-enforcement agencies.

Washington: How can you explain a situation where American law-enforcement agencies tasked with protecting their people arrived for a routine search and ended up launching a full-scale military operation, using military equipment against ordinary citizens of their country, which resulted in the deaths of almost a hundred people?

Indeed, from the perspective of common sense, a military raid that cost the US government millions of dollars a day and was carried out against a group of American civilians that mostly included children, women and elderly people, looked like a disastrous misunderstanding.

Why did the representatives of ATF and FBI accept the false ungrounded information provided by anticultists as facts? Why did they rely solely on their pseudo-expert opinion at a time when the FBI had materials indicating that those people were incompetent in such matters? Moreover, FBI agents knew perfectly well that Rick Ross had personal hatred towards all kinds of new religious movements and an undisguised desire to urge law-enforcement agencies in their attempt to destroy Branch Davidian Group. In other words, federal agents had all the information they needed to understand that relying on anticultists in the matters of new religious movements was the same as believing that the Ku Klux Klan would remain impartial in assessing racial minorities

Yet, why did the agents trust the anticultists and implicitly follow their recommendations?

Because representatives of intelligence services, law-enforcement agencies and the government were manipulated by anticultists, who pushed for a violent crackdown on their stigmatized victims. In essence, officials were programmed for such actions.

Let me draw your attention to another crucial point: the Waco tragedy occurred in 1993, the same year when the central ideological hub of anticult terrorists was established. Its leader was trained at a Russian Orthodox Christian educational institution in the United States. This means that even at that time, there were already breeding grounds for global anticultism of the Russian origin in the US, and they had enough influence to carry out such terror attacks.

But that’s not all. I delved into such detail about those events so that you can fully understand how representatives of anticultism operate and what the consequences of their actions are. 

The thing is that during the Waco siege, the FBI consulted with another cult-fighter, Igor Smirnov, a Russian scientist and inventor of mind control weapons.


Brief information: Igor Viktorovich Smirnov (originally Igor Viktorovich Abakumov) (April 5, 1951 —  November 5, 2004) was a Russian scientist best known for his role in Soviet-era mind control research and the poorly-explored field of human behavior study he called “psychoecology.” His maternal grandfather, Smirnov-Ornaldo, was a renowned hypnotist.

Igor Smirnov was the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer Viktor Abakumov, head of SMERSH from 1943 to 1946, and Minister of State Security (MGB) from 1946 to 1951 under Joseph Stalin. At one time, Smirnov’s father initiated an operation “North” on mass relocation of supporters of Jehovah’s Witnesses organization as well as representatives of other religious associations and their families to Siberia.

Despite his scientific activity, Igor Smirnov, just like his father, had anticult views, as he wrote in his book “Psychoecology”. Thus, in describing various religious groups, he solely used anticultist language and the label “sect”. He also adhered to the same pseudoscientific theory about the use of brainwashing techniques by leaders of new religious movements, which was actively promoted by Steve Hassen and Rick Ross. This was at a time when Smirnov was personally involved in the development of such technologies.

Most of Igor Smirnov’s research focused on remote influence on another person’s consciousness and programming one’s psyche and behavior. Application of psychotronic weapons developed by Smirnov included the potential to affect large groups of people for various purposes. For example, to incite mass aggression in a crowd or, conversely, to calm public unrest. 

The majority of the experiments he conducted remain classified to this day

Smirnov wrote: Psychotechnologies are the culmination of everything humanity has engaged in thus far. They are much more serious than the atomic bomb and space flights. …Right now, we have only created a ‘stone axe,’ although using it, we can already perform surgical operations. We have obtained instrumental ways to access the subconsciousness and correct certain areas. Everything else is just specific applications.”

Smirnov also worked on uncovering hidden information in the subconscious, representing the true motivations behind a person’s actions and intentions. He developed a method for identifying individuals potentially inclined to commit acts of terrorism. The question remains whether the goal of this development was to prevent terrorist acts or to find individuals who could easily be turned into new terrorists if desired. Regardless, this method formed the basis of security systems designed for airports to identify terrorists before they attack. Today, this technology is used in various countries, including the United States.

Washington: Igor Smirnov worked on concepts such as “psychocorrection” — a term he used to describe application of subliminal messages to alter a subject’s will or even to modify their personality without their knowledge. Federal agents intended to use Smirnov’s techniques to resolve the situation in Waco.

Excerpt from BBC programme:

Smirnov: Now we’ll see what it will look like

Reporter BBC: Two Russian psychologists have been brought in from Moscow to demonstrate a technique for analysing the human mind and then influencing it. The concept is that with an understanding of an individual’s mind, key words transmitted in music or white noise will force that person to obey. The FBI examined the system to use against David Koresh at Waco in Texas.

Narrator: Thus, the FBI Counterterrorism Center experts secretly met with Smirnov in the United States. He proposed a plan: during negotiations, they should transmit messages from relatives of the Davidians, encrypted in a certain way, that would bypass critical perception and be instilled directly into the subconsciousness of recipients, compelling them to follow these commands. In this case, the commands would be to leave the building and return to their families. For the leader of the Davidians, David Koresh, a special voice was planned to be used, allegedly the voice of God, that would be played by an actor and urge Koresh to surrender voluntarily.

However, when agents asked what would happen if the subliminal signals did not work as intended, Smirnov replied that Koresh’s followers might slit each other’s throats, committing acts of fatal violence. According to the official version, the FBI declined Igor Smirnov’s services after this kind of response. But that’s the official version. Now, let’s piece together the facts.

Narrator: Fact 1. At one of the press conferences, an FBI representative publicly stated that during negotiations with David Koresh, the leader of the Davidians, an agreement was reached that the people would peacefully leave the building. However, Koresh suddenly changed his mind, claiming he heard the voice of God telling him to stay and wait.

Recording on tape: 

JIM CAVANAUGH: Steve, I want him to come out.

STEVE SCHNEIDER: I… I understand that.

JIM CAVANAUGH: When does he plan to come out?

STEVE SCHNEIDER: He said his God says that he is to wait.

JIM CAVANAUGH: How long? How long does he_


February 1993 Waco Press Conference | Fox 5 Archives:

Man 1: He says that he did not fulfill his promise to leave immediately with his followers, because God told him to wait.

Man 2:  Do you people believe that Koresh is actually talking to God?

Man 3: Koresh believes he’s talking to God.

This fact “strangely” aligns with one of the steps in Smirnov’s proposed plan, except that the effect of the supposed “voice of God” was exactly opposite to the declared result.

Fact 2. Smirnov used manipulative techniques to influence human behavior by inserting hidden messages. These commanding messages were recorded on tape and technically altered to conceal their presence from conscious awareness. By bypassing critical analysis in one’s consciousness, those commands were directly implanted into subconsciousness, urging a person to carry them out, believing it to be their own conscious decision. To an untrained ear, such technically processed recordings of hidden commands sounded like the squeal of pigs.

Now let’s return to the Waco siege. As already mentioned, the FBI used psychological pressure techniques on the besieged Davidians, one of which involved loud irritating sounds. Official FBI reports and eyewitness testimonies state that among the sounds broadcast through loudspeakers were the sounds of animals being slaughtered, including the screams of rabbits being killed. This inadvertently brings to mind the sounds of pig squeals used in Smirnov’s mind control experiments.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Jack Zimmermann: Sound tapes of rabbits being slaughtered or, Nancy Sinatra singing songs and… And then they would bring out lights at night. And not that Nancy Sinatra always was that bad, but the ones that she had kept… The point was this – they were trying to have sleep disturbance, and they were trying to take somebody that they viewed to be unstable to start with. And then they were trying to drive him crazy. And then they get mad because he does something that they think is irrational!

Excerpt from “Waco II, the Big Lie Continues” (1994):

Reporter Male: Now, I don’t know if you can hear the noise on this tape, but that’s some of the noise being made up there by the compound.

This raises a question: why would the FBI use such strange sounds for a psychological attack on the Davidians? However, these actions gain an utterly logical explanation when combined with Smirnov’s plan and the deprogramming methods used by anticultists against the besieged.

Washington: One question remains: what was the true purpose of the plan proposed by a man who collaborated with the KGB to American intelligence agents as the final SOLUTION to the issue of the supposedly “dangerous and sinister cult”? What hidden directives were then transmitted through those encrypted sounds? And who was the intended target of that influence? We have seen what was the ultimate outcome for the Davidians. However, the law-enforcement officials present at the Waco siege could have also been affected by those sounds. 

Moreover, Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrator of the Oklahoma City bombing, visited the site in 1993 to express his support. The man later bombed the FBI and ATF building to avenge Waco. Did he hear the sounds that echoed throughout the area? The likelihood is very high. Was he a victim of anti-cult programming? He definitely was. We cannot assert that Smirnov’s psycho-technologies alone influenced him. Multiple layers of embedded directives played a role in this case. Those directives were part of other waves of informational programming launched by different branches of global anticultism.

In reality, the psycho-technologies used by Smirnov were merely a “stone axe,” as he himself put it. Far more effective and sophisticated are the hidden manipulative techniques employed by anticultists, including puzzle programming where information codes are embedded in the words themselves and do not require any special technical means. To an average person, such words, phrases and their combinations, or the frequency of repetitions may seem unremarkable and draw no attention. But for those who understand the principles behind their arrangement, they are like precise mathematical formulas. Using those formulas, one can assemble specific people at a particular time and place to perform a specific action. And the likelihood that those formulas will work is close to 100 percent.

These are ancient manipulative methods that predecessors of the anticultists used as long ago as in the times of Christ, to make the crowd shout, “Crucify him!” Just as humanity has been working throughout history to improve various types of weapons, in the same way methods of psychological manipulation were being refined for an external invisible force to subjugate a person’s will and to enslave them.

Based on these ancient methods, further developments were conducted in secretive research bureaus in the Soviet Union. These same ancient methods were adopted, refined, and implemented by the Nazis of the Third Reich. Today, using these manipulative technologies, representatives of the anti-cult movement turn ordinary people into biorobots who become remotely controlled weapons aimed at targets the anticultists designate. These are facts supported by the 30-year history of the criminal network of anti-cult organizations.

That’s exactly how the FBI agents, officers of other law-enforcement agencies and government officials who were present at the Waco siege became victims of anticultist manipulations. They were all caught in the crossfire area of exposure to the informational programming waves created by the anticultists. They were literally zombified. This explains why they were confident in their actions, considered themselves professionals, and believed they had the situation under control, while in reality, they were basically puppets externally manipulated by a maniac.

How else can we explain the strange behavior of those who carried out the Waco operation? 

Why lock those people up like lab mice in a cage and subject them to acts of psychological terror using hidden manipulative techniques? The siege of the Davidians and the final assault didn’t look like a hostage rescue operation, but rather resembled a prolonged and excruciating torture. And who were actually the hostages if everyone remained in the building voluntarily?

Official representatives and operation leaders stated at press conferences that they were primarily concerned about the children in the building, fearing they might be subjected to abuse by the Davidians. But what did they actually do to those children? They not only exposed them to danger, creating conditions for a tragic outcome, but also let them burn alive by preventing fire trucks from reaching the burning building.

FBI Representative: We thought that their instincts, the motherly instincts, would take place and that they would want their children out of that environment. It appears they don’t care that much about their children, which is unfortunate.

Moreover, on the day of the assault on Mount Carmel the FBI used the combat chemical agent CS against civilians, including  innocent children and infants. Those who gave and  executed the orders knew the Davidians had gas masks. But they also knew that the only ones unprotected from this gas would be the children, as their faces were too small for wearing the masks.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

Clyve Doyle: They actually drove right through the middle of the building, into the kitchen area, basically at point blank range, uh, fired gas into the concrete room where the women and children were, in a cul-de-sac, like that, where there was no ventilation, they must have been going through… 

Reporter: There was only one door?

Clyve Doyle: Front, yeah. Yeah, there were no windows, no, no back door or anything like that.

FBI Representative: We put massive gas in there. Their gas masks by that time had to be failing.

Mr. Zimmermann: I believe that using CS gas against infants, against old people with respiratory problems, there were 60-70 year old men in there and there were young children. That’s torture. And I can just see those kids barfing, vomiting, screaming, because you can’t possibly have a gas mask to fit a little kid.

John Mica: Didn’t their report say that gas masks don’t fit on these babies?

Mr. Zimmermann: That’s correct.

John Mica: And didn’t they know that?

Mr. Zimmermann: They should have known that.

Even small doses of CS, much smaller than those used at Waco, can kill children. In large quantities, this gas causes severe muscle spasms, so intense that they can break bones.

The Waco events resembled a torture chamber created for those people by a deranged maniac, where the parents were powerless to act and were forced to watch their children suffocate and suffer from broken bones due to severe muscle spasms, and then to burn alive along with the kids.

Those who were still able to move after being gassed tried to escape the fire through the only door leading outside from their shelter. But they were shot. Government defenders claim that the Davidians killed each other in an attempt to escape the torment. Meanwhile, government critics refer to infrared surveillance footage and argue that the Davidians were shot by law enforcement from an armored vehicle as they tried to flee the burning building.

Excerpt from 1995 Congressional Hearings on Waco:

Clyve Doyle, event participant: …in my rolling on the floor and trying to protect myself from the heat and being in the pitch black not able to see that the voices of those behind me screaming kind of got through to me.

Excerpt from “Waco: The Rules of Engagement” (1997):

James Brannon: My God, torturing babies! And saying it’s part of their job?! And saying it’s okay because their parents were bad?!

 Excerpt from 1995 Congressional Hearings on Waco:

Mr. Zimmermann: The mother of Pablo Cohen, an Israeli Jew, talking to an American Jewish lawyer, watching that gas be inserted into that building, watching an American tank knock down an American house, and then it burst into flames… And you imagine the images in an Israeli’s mind with the Holocaust survivors in Israel. I couldn’t answer… I think you can tell from today it’s not often that I’m without words. I could not explain to her how that happened. And her question was, ‘I thought he would be safe in America’.

The final point of the Waco tragedy was when law-enforcement officers raised their flag over the ashes of the burned building and the charred bodies of the deceased, just as one would after winning a battle in the war. But can the siege, psychological torture, and militarized confrontation against a group of peaceful civilians, who were unable to resist such an overwhelming force, be considered a battle? Does such behavior by individuals who are supposed to serve their country and uphold the law resemble the actions of normal, sensible people? Why did these people become like this? Who impaired them? The answer is clear: these individuals, much like the Davidians who died at their hands, fell victim to manipulative techniques employed by anti-cult gangs.

In fact, everyone understands perfectly well who actually burned down the building in Waco while people were still inside. In this way, the law enforcement and authorities tried to cover the traces of their crime and safeguard themselves. They were aware that the American people would never forgive them for such an egregious crime against their own citizens. As seasoned professionals, the operation commanders must have realized they had gone too far with the use of gas, resulting in the tragic deaths of people, especially children. That’s why the order was given to shoot Branch Davidians who attempted to escape the burning compound in order to prevent them from revealing the torture they endured, how their children died from the gas, and who actually set their house on fire. You can intimidate or bribe one or a few witnesses, but if all these survivors had given the same testimony about what happened to them inside the building besieged by the law enforcement, the authorities wouldn’t have been able to hide the truth about the Waco tragedy.

Yet, don’t be quick to blame only the federal agents and authorities. There are no mentally healthy people in the world who could resist the level of psychological brainwashing techniques used by the anticultists in Waco against law-enforcement officers and other officials. Only those with special training and awareness of the principles behind such technologies can protect themselves from these covert manipulative methods which influence human subconsciousness, bypassing critical perception by the conscious mind.

At that time, no one among the US federal law-enforcement officers knew about these techniques of covert subconscious behavioral programming used by anti-cult organizations. For this very reason, the anticultists succeeded in carrying out such a powerful terrorist act in Waco, which, in terms of its role and consequences, is no less significant than the 9/11 attacks they later orchestrated, too.

Yes, the federal law-enforcement officers acted unlawfully; they broke their oath to serve and protect the American people and waged war against their own citizens. However, by then, they had been literally brainwashed by the anti-cultists and had themselves become victims of coercive psychological influence. In this case, the subconscious destructive commands and directives for aggressive and violent actions, embedded deep within their subconsciousness without them knowing it, significantly overrode their conscious behavioral motives. That’s why the real actions of the Waco operation commanders directly contradicted their official statements and declared goals, and that’s why they caused horrific and painful deaths to children despite numerous expressed concerns for their fate. During the Waco siege, all of the decision-makers were largely unaware of the real causes of their own actions.

It was precisely the destructive commands embedded in their subconsciousness that compelled law- enforcement officers to act with Nazi-like methods. Hence, in the United States, a free country, law enforcement locked their own citizens inside a compound and released gas into it. They acted this way because they had undergone severe psychological manipulation by the anticultists, just as the Nazis had once been manipulated. At that moment, U.S. law enforcement no longer regarded the Branch Davidians as human beings. They treated them as the Nazis treated Jews at the final stage of genocide.

The tragedy in Waco, with the horrific deaths of all those innocent people and their children, was not merely a terrorist act, but a genuine act of genocide perpetrated by anticultists with the hands of government officials and representatives of law-enforcement agencies, meaning, with the hands of American citizens against other American citizens. At that moment, those who committed it were no different from Nazis during World War II.

This underscores the insidious power of subconscious suggestion and covert techniques of manipulating consciousness that are used by representatives of the transnational terrorist network of anti-cult gangs. This is why all anticultists pose a great danger: by employing methods of zombifying the population, they turn good people into criminals, terrorists, and murderers. They compel those entrusted to uphold the law and safeguard democracy to violate these laws and strip people of all their rights and freedoms.

In the same way, law enforcement and military entities in Russia, Ukraine, and China are victims, too. They are those whom anticultists have set on targets they marked with yellow stars, those who have been suggested that it’s acceptable to use force against their own citizens and even torture them; those who, under the influence of coding mindsets embedded in their subconsciousness by anticultists and their accomplices, are currently depriving innocent people of their freedom and lives; those who have been persuaded that physical destruction of a brotherly nation is a righteous and worthy cause.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter what a person’s occupation is, even if he is a representative of intelligence services or law-enforcement agencies, no one is immune to such an impact. The only defense against the methods of covert manipulation of consciousness and subconsciousness is to be aware of their existence and how they operate. Otherwise, it’s impossible to resist these manipulations.

In this regard, it is crucial to emphasize once again the value and profound significance of the investigation that uncovered such methods. Dr. Egon Cholakian publicly disclosed the findings of this investigation on April 12th, 2024, and they are freely accessible to anyone interested.

So, what really happened in Waco? Was it a manslaughter resulting from the careless actions of law enforcement and unprofessional decisions by the government, as anti-government groups believe? Or was it a suicide by mentally unstable people who couldn’t withstand the pressure, as government defenders claim? Now each of you can answer these questions for yourself. Now you know that neither the first nor the second option reflects the true nature of what happened.

The cause of the Waco tragedy was a deliberately planned terror attack and an act of genocide orchestrated by representatives of anticultists. By carefully studying the details of the events of those days, you can see how the threads from the Waco massacre lead straight to its organizers and ultimate beneficiaries — right into the heart of the global anti-cult stronghold from where it spreads across the world.

Now, let’s go back to the events at Columbine High School. It turns out that the starting point for both the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine shooting was the tragic death of members of the religious organization in Waco, stigmatized by anticultists. If the Waco siege hadn’t occurred, there would have been no bombing in Oklahoma City. Therefore, there wouldn’t have been two powerful information terrorist attacks that led to Columbine. The two teenagers would not have been subjected to the waves of information programming launched by anticultists, and the key event that now serves as a powerful informational terrorist act, generating more and more school shootings, would not have occurred. If, at the outset of the Waco events, when the word “cult” was first applied to the Davidians, society had reacted immediately and taken measures to stop the activities of anticultists and their accomplices, a large number of deaths could have been avoided, and children would not be killing other children today.

The true culprits behind the Waco tragedy and the subsequent tragedies it caused remain unpunished. It is the anticultists who bear responsibility for the deaths of all those who perished in Waco and as a result of the Oklahoma City bombing. On their hands, they also have the blood of the children who have died and are still dying from the school shooting epidemic. For all of these and many other crimes against humanity, representatives of anti-cult organizations must inevitably be held accountable, corresponding to the severity of their crimes.

Now you can clearly see how all three attacks are interconnected: the Waco siege, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Columbine shooting. The critical link between them is the single guiding hand, the unified ideological center where these attacks were planned to be executed by others. These are all sequential, interconnected elements in a single strategy by the enemy to push America into a state of  civil war through the actions of Americans themselves, and thereby to destroy the stronghold of democracy from within. If a civil war did take place, the Waco siege in 1993 could be considered the beginning of it.

To this day, the architects of the Waco terror attack and genocide consider it to be one of their most successful operations in terms of its far-reaching consequences. For them, the Waco case is a benchmark. It was the final straw that was meant to destroy freedom in America, the spark to light the flames of civil war according to their plans. The war, the foundation of which had already been laid by representatives of anti-cult organizations, and the image of which is already being shaped in your minds by those sinister architects of consciousness who stand behind the anti-cult terrorists and who are the masterminds behind the entire global anti-cult movement. It is these very architects of consciousness who are the sole beneficiaries of a civil war in the United States.

But now, 30 years later, with the activities of the global criminal network of anticultism exposed, we Americans can finally extinguish this fire and prevent it from ruining our country. Now that the truth has triumphed, the victims of the Waco tragedy and all the innocent victims who suffered at the hands of anticultists, those who were stigmatized and whose remembrance was tainted with lies, can finally find peace. Now it’s in our hands, fellow Americans, to prevent a civil war in our beloved country.

Washington: Now the activities of the criminal terrorist anti-cult group will inevitably be stopped. For a long time, the threat they posed was underestimated. But now, their true essence has been revealed.

It might seem that anti-cult organizations and their representatives act independently, but as you already know, they are actually well-organized, and their actions are coordinated. The control center for international anti-cult terrorism, where those snakes have made their nest, is located in Russia. From there, they were picked up by a hidden force — grandmasters who have placed anticultists on the geopolitical board as their pawns and begun their game. They have turned various media outlets into transmitters of destructive, manipulative messages, inciting citizens to hate, kill each other, and commit terrorist acts. At the same time, they urge government officials and law enforcement to act unlawfully, immorally and inhumanely, and they compel politicians to make catastrophic mistakes.

Representatives of anti-cult organizations in various countries of the world are already behind judges, law-enforcement officers, politicians, and government officials, exerting covert impact on them. They have already gained leverage in some European countries. The most damage during their activities has been inflicted on Russia and Ukraine, and for 30 years, they’ve been methodically and purposely moving towards starting a civil war in the US and Europe to ultimately destroy democracy worldwide.

Once, the ideological inspirers of anticultists turned the ideology of national socialism into the monstrous racist totalitarian form that we know today as Nazism. At that time, anticultists managed to embed their perverse brainchild at the government level. Thus, the ancient methods and tactics of predecessors of anti-cult organizations became the national ideology of Nazi Germany. They succeeded once, and now the anticultists of your time, along with the force behind them, are trying to replicate their success in Russia and Ukraine, aiming to eventually spread and reinforce Nazi methods and practices in the European Union countries, so as to ultimately reach the United States.

Behind all the provocations against Islam in recent years, which you observe and wonder why they are happening, there are anticultists and global anticultism as a whole, striving to implement their plan of establishing a totalitarian regime worldwide. They have pushed our world to the brink of nuclear war, genocide against Muslims, and complete destruction of democracy, freedom of speech, and human rights. What I’ve just said is backed by facts.

Recall what you have seen and learned in this film and rest assured that it shows just a small part of the horror that anti-cult organizations and their architects of consciousness are perpetrating with impunity nowadays. They have destroyed families, ruined lives, and caused millions of deaths. 

All of this has been done by just one branch of the entire global anti-cult network, but it is the most advanced and active of all. It includes those who have managed to dismantle many democratic laws and bring much suffering to people. And I must say, they have achieved a lot. Through their informational terrorist attacks, the anticultists have managed to manipulate public consciousness so thoroughly that now people must work hard to rid themselves of deep-seated beliefs which they think to be their own. Although in reality, many of those beliefs are dangerous foreign bodies embedded by anticultists; and they are so deeply rooted in people’s minds that many of you no longer distinguish them from your own ideas.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing investigation, we cannot reveal everything today because the situation is actually even worse. But even what has been said is enough to realize the danger our world is in and to understand what must be done to ensure that freedom and democracy do not become relics of the past and mere history. Now you know how to save this world.

Before your eyes, a phenomenon far more horrifying than Nazism has unfolded, the one that has already harmed more people than both World Wars combined. Representatives of anti-cult organizations and global anticultism are guilty of numerous crimes against humanity. Having revived the legacy of Nazism, they engaged in organized terrorist activities for an unacceptably long time, initiated wars, committed acts of genocide, and planned a large-scale genocide that could engulf billions of people. Using deceitful and cynical methods, they have waged a hidden undeclared war against the entire humankind.

But now the time has come for the activities of the anticultists to be scrutinized, exposed and brought to public trial, and this will not just be a judicial process. It will be a historical moment when justice will triumph over evil. It’s a moment when the world will hold accountable those who violate the most fundamental human rights. It’s a moment when all of us must rise and say, “Never again!”


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The IMPACT. Episode 6. Genocide of the Entire Country. The “Ukraine” Case. (Video & Text Version)

Washington: Representatives of the terrorist network of anti-cult groups have