Vladimir Putin

The IMPACT. Episode 7. The Abode Of Anti-Cultism. The “Russia” Case (Video & Text Version)

October 6, 2024


Washington: I am sure you have already noticed that a Russian connection is constantly present behind all the crimes of anticult organizations. The organizers of the international anticult terrorist movement, the perpetrators of terrorist acts, and the ideological inspirers of mass genocide in several countries — all trace their roots back to Russia. The activities of this enemy are always directly connected with representatives of Russia. Why is this happening? 

Because the real enemy of America and the free world is the Fourth Reich — this global anticultism which originates from Russia. It is precisely there that the representatives of global anticultism established their deep state and developed their strategy. It is from there that their commands are issued to other countries for all branches, including anti-cult organizations. It’s important to understand that anti-cult organizations worldwide are merely one of the tools through which global anticultism achieves its goals. Organizations like RACIRS, FECRIS, and anticultists in America are just mouthpieces of anticultism, pawns on the chessboard that it manipulates. Anticultism will not protect them if there is a threat of it being exposed. In order to deflect the blow from itself, it will easily sacrifice them all and discard them like a lizard dropping its tail to escape. In Russia, the country that has become the stronghold of anticultism, anti-cult organizations have already triumphed and are destabilizing it by manipulating the minds of millions of citizens.

You may wonder: if anticultism originates from Russia, why are they destabilizing their own country? The thing is that they don’t consider it their country. They hate both Russia and the Russian people just as much as they hate America and the American people. I think you’re already convinced of how cruel their methods of manipulating people are. And now I will give you another example. This enemy has set a goal: to revive nazism and to destroy democracy by any means possible. In order to achieve this, they have established a state within a state in Russia, that has already gained immense power. Global anticultism is cynical and ruthless, and for the revival of nazism, it has chosen the very country which suffered the greatest human losses defending itself and the whole world from the Third Reich. 

The most frightening aspect of this situation is that Russian citizens, people who lost someone in every family while defending their homeland from nazism during World War II, people for whom the very word “nazism” is the most terrifying, people who sincerely believe that such a thing will never happen again in their country because they won’t allow it, without even realizing it, are now helping to build the Fourth Reich with their own hands. Russia is just a convenient testing ground for the anticultists, where they refine all their methods before using them in other countries to take control of the entire world. 

Anticultism and anticult organizations hold immense power in this state: they have managed to alter the Constitution to suit their needs, took over government authorities, and made Orthodox Christianity their titular religion. Anticultism is behind Putin, manipulating him for a very long time. From time to time, representatives of anticultism even publicly remind Putin who is really in charge of the country and warn him about the consequences if he doesn’t follow their directives. One of the numerous examples is Alexander Novopashin’s commentary on Putin’s election program back in 2012.

Narrator: Excerpt from Alexander Novopashin’s commentary on President Putin’s election program: “…whatever the case, we still have to vote based on what politicians declare in their programs. Not all of them speak about morality and spirituality today. Therefore, it is heartening to hear this from Putin, especially after he wished in his New Year’s address that the dragon would bring something to us.”


Excerpt from Putin’s New Year’s Speech 2012 to the Citizens of Russia: By the way, the coming year is the Year of the Dragon, according to the Eastern calendar. I was actually born in the Year of the Dragon. As a rule, these have always been fortunate times for us. I hope this time, too, the dragon will bring luck, well-being, and prosperity to every Russian family, to all our citizens.

Narrator: Excerpt from Alexander Novopashin’s commentary on President Putin’s election program: “That really shocked me back then. If a man wears a cross, how can he appeal to some fictional beast instead of the Creator and wish its help for his people? Moreover, what do Chinese superstitions have to do with our history, traditions, and culture? Why is this being imposed on us? So, God willing, Putin’s words about traditional spirituality will be followed by actions, and there will no longer be concessions to foreign phenomena like rats, dragons, pigs, and other superstitions. I want the campaign words to be sincere, and I want the politician to be consistent in implementing them. Otherwise, he will have no respect either in contemporary society among his fellow citizens or from future generations. Memory will remain, and I think its quality is something that no sane person should be indifferent to. Our Church sings: ‘Eternal memory.’ I hope this matters to Putin as well.”

Washington: An ordinary person who knows nothing about anticultism might not see anything special in these words. However, you now possess the knowledge and facts about the goals and methods of anticultism. Therefore, I’m sure you understand that this was a direct order to Putin, as well as a declaration of the consequences he would face for disobedience. If we translate Novopashin’s words into plain language, his message to Putin would sound roughly like this: “If you don’t do what we want, we will ensure that the people neither respect you nor regard you as their president. And we will erase memories about you forever.” Do you think Putin heard this? Of course, he did because Novopashin is merely a mouthpiece delivering a warning from the force that is standing behind him. And Putin understood this perfectly well; he heard it and drew his conclusions. 

News footage: 

Female Reporter: Today, Vladimir Putin stated that Russia needs to improve legislation on controlling the activities of totalitarian sects. This issue was raised by representatives from the Samara region, along with Governor Nikolai Merkushkin, who came to the president to discuss the region’s problems.

Male Reporter: They proposed creating a database of such organizations and making the list accessible to all regions.

Narrator: Excerpt from Vladimir Putin’s speech on October 25, 2012: “As for totalitarian activity trends, they certainly represent an unequivocal threat to our state, our society, and our people. That’s not just a hunt for the souls; it’s a hunt for property. Ultimately, it all boils down to a hunt for the property and souls of these people. I agree with you that government authorities, both at the federal and regional levels, must consider refining the legal framework, working in this direction, and implementing these regulatory documents in practice.”

Washington: Let me remind you that the term “totalitarian sect” and the definition of what may be considered a totalitarian sect (that is, a destructive cult) was actually introduced by anticultists.

Excerpt from interview with Dvorkin: “It so happened that in Russia, I was actually the first to deal with this new phenomenon, and, accordingly, I was the first to use the term “totalitarian sect”, although it happened totally by chance that I was the first to use it. It was obviously on everyone’s tongue, or on the tongues of many people at least, because everyone else immediately started using it.”

Washington: This term isn’t defined legally, and its use violates the presumption of innocence. Now, think carefully, what the use of the term “totalitarian sect” (or “destructive cult”) at the official level by the president of a country signifies. With his statement, Putin essentially violated the presumption of innocence, legitimized persecution, and supported stigmatization of millions of innocent people. Moreover, this statement became a signal to law-enforcement agencies and security services that they can repress any citizens whom anticultists identify as members of a totalitarian sect, or destructive cult. All of this happened merely because Putin began to echo the anticultist rhetoriс after hearing Novopashin’s warning. Thus, a single statement by Putin significantly expanded the already immense power of the representatives of anticultism in Russia, increased their ability to influence the minds of citizens, and ultimately exacerbated people’s sufferings.

Some people wonder why Russian citizens do not realize they are being manipulated. However, imagine how difficult it is to live under constant threat and psychological pressure while your consciousness is bombarded with contradictory narratives. People who had tasted a little bit of freedom after the USSR totalitarianism now live under relentless informational and psychological terrorist attacks, in permanent fear for their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. They live in a country where expressing an opinion that seems wrong to that terrorist entity can result in criminal charges against any citizen and their family. In this territory, laws and human rights have long been disregarded. The citizens of Russia are the most affected by this secret entity.

Just as anticultism has its own state within the state, in the same way they have their own grouping within Orthodox Christianity, which by its actions poisons the very essence of this religion. Having infiltrated Orthodoxy, they use it to fight other religions and associations of people under the directive of anticultism. Thus, they have made Orthodoxy their titular religion and got even more power into their hands, which they use to influence the consciousness of Russian citizens and subordinate them to their will. RACIRS has become the main tool for that secret entity to conduct its criminal activities and manipulate public consciousness. It is easier to influence believers since the topic of God is sacred and valuable to them. Sermons and lectures by church representatives contain destructive imprints that are beneficial to that entity and bypass people’s critical thinking, penetrating directly into subconsciousness.

Excerpt from a lecture by RACIRS representative Tkachyov:Death in the war is better than any other deaths. It’s the best of all deaths. I’ll tell you that people usually die like pigs, choking on vomit. They eat, drink, get drunk, fall under tables, throw up, and choke on their own vomit.”

Washington: Their manipulation of people’s minds can easily be traced if you carefully listen to their narratives. A recent extremist article by a Russian archpriest serves as a striking example of such an informational act of terrorism.

Narrator: Excerpt from a lecture by RACIRS representative Protoiereus Vyacheslav Pushkaryov, titled “Peacemaking and Theological Dialogue with Non-Orthodoxes No Longer Makes Sense”:

“We, Orthodox Christians, always stand for peace among nations and opinions. We are the true peacemakers, as is the Russian civilization we have created. However, we are experienced peacemakers with a thousand-year experience. This experience has taught us that not all means are acceptable and not all people are suitable for achieving our goals. This means that we should not rely on government officials or the people who live outside our Church. We pin our hopes only on the Body of Christ and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, who dwells in it until the end of time. We are the only true statesmen, not in the state, but within ourselves — from the fullness of our heart. We are free from nationalism or partisanship, but we propagate the chosenness of the Russian Orthodox spirit which alone is state-forming, and we defend it to death. Therefore, in order to maintain peace, we do not need preliminary negotiations with pseudo-clergymen and heretics about the smell of their and our socks, and we do not need their instructions on how to live because we’ve had all the answers for a long time, and they are already in practical application. It wasn’t us who split from them, but they split from us. They are not the Church, but only we are, and the gates of hell have not prevailed against us and, according to Christ’s prophecy, will not prevail.

Activities in the so-called interfaith dialogue represent an attempt to appease the state, deceive the true Orthodox believers, and create an illusion of peacemaking for non-believers. To prolong the agony of their stay in the world. That’s a business which has nothing to do with the divine act of peacemaking. Those among us who don’t understand this and indulge pseudo-clergymen only inflate their self-esteem and prolong their convulsions, harming us and themselves at that.” Protoiereus Vyacheslav Pushkaryov, publicist, Irkutsk.

Washington: This article is a clear example of an informational terrorist act. It is structured according to a special manipulative scheme so as to instill the desired narratives in the minds of those who read or hear it. In the article, the protoiereus first tells believers that Orthodox Christians are peacemakers and always stand for equality and peace among nations and opinions. However, he then abruptly says the opposite. He claims that Russian Orthodoxy is chosen by God and believers must defend it to death. Finally, he asserts that it is the only true church, and that interfaith dialogue and any negotiations with representatives of other faiths are meaningless because they merely prolong the convulsions of other denominations. Please note that he uses the word “convulsions”, and earlier also the word “agony”, implying that other denominations will perish anyway. 

This method of presenting information is a special manipulative technique used by anticultists to impose their desired narratives on society. How does it work? When a person hears statements that contradict and exclude each other, that causes a disruption in his consciousness. At the moment of disruption, the main message is communicated, which penetrates directly into the person’s subconsciousness. This information becomes a command that the listener will remember and follow as a guide for action. In case of the aforesaid appeal, the command that a person will remember is the protoiereus’s final message: that dialogue and any negotiations with dissenters are meaningless because they are already having convulsions and doomed to death. Manipulating people’s minds in this way, anticultists can instill any narrative they want and make them do anything they want. Just like the Nazis, anti-cult organizations use the rhetoric of chosenness and superiority of some people over others. For example, RACIRS representatives claim that believers in Russian Orthodox Christianity are chosen by God.

Excerpt from interviews with Dvorkin: 

We believe in the one holy Apostolic Church which is the same church that Christ Himself founded. It is the only church that has fully preserved Christian life, Christian tradition, and Christian teaching. And there is only one way to unite: if all the rest join Orthodoxy.”

We have to remember that cults are always fake, cults are always a sham. They falsify the original. They alter the original. But the thing is that if there is a fake, hence there must be an original. All of us should remember that there is the original and how we should study it.”

Washington:  They impose an idea of their own infallibility and manipulate a notion that cults are dangerous. However, according to official statistics, representatives of the so-called “cults” rarely even commit administrative offenses. Meanwhile, it is not publicly mentioned that 76 percent of prisoners in Russia who serve time in jail for severe crimes and felonies are Orthodox Christians. Not only do anticultists exalt Orthodoxy and call for the eradication of dissent, but they also wage a full-scale war against a global religion — against Islam. This is happening despite the official stance of the Orthodox Church in Russia, which is peaceful towards Islam. In the case of Russia, inciting intolerance towards Muslims is particularly dangerous for the country and destabilizes society because more than 20 million Muslims live there. At a time when true representatives of Orthodox Christianity, on the contrary, try to s mooth over disagreements and to find reconciliation, anticultists methodically, deliberately and cynically stir up hatred among millions of people in the country.

Washington: Like the Nazis in their time, anticultists systematically convince people that they have the right to stigmatize and then destroy dissenters. After such sermons and lectures, a believer leaves with an instilled sense of superiority and his own righteousness.This creates a perfect foundation for the terrible offenses people later commit under the influence of anticultists. As a result of such informational terrorist acts, hatred is cultivated in the minds of millions. This hatred pushes them first to approve of and then to commit acts of terrorism and genocide.

On the one hand, anticultists incite Orthodox Christian believers to be intolerant and hateful towards Muslims, while on the other hand, they increasingly oppress Muslims, allowing themselves to insult their faith. All of this generates tension in society which the anticultists need, tension that builds up to the point where a single spark is enough to ignite a conflict between Orthodox Christians and Muslims. This spark turned out to be the physical terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

Physical Acts of Terrorism

Eyewitness of the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack: We are at the concert in Crocus City; some shooting is going on here… A bunch of people are running… Everyone is yelling. Someone is shooting here.

Get down! Do you hear me?! On the floor!

Some people are shooting…

They set the hall on fire! The hall is burning! They set us on fire!

No! It’s a dead end! It’s a dead end!

It’s a dead end! Downstairs!

Crocus City

Washington: Yes, physical acts of terrorism are another terrifying tool of anticultism for enslaving the consciousness of society. Anticultists orchestrate physical terrorist acts to ensure their own total domination in the country and to gain full control over top leaders. The recent horrific terrorist act in Russia is an example of that.

News footage: 

TV presenter: The bleeding wound: 145 people died and more than 550 injured.

Vladimir Putin: The investigation must be carried out in a highly professional and objective manner, without any political bias. We know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical Islamists.

Narrator: All the detainees were citizens of Tajikistan or ethnic Tajiks. Since these people are Muslims, it can be said that an undeclared war against Islam has begun.

TV presenter: Tough raids on migrants started in Russia. Riot police knock down doors and take bunches of workers to police stations. Several more Tajiks have been arrested during investigation of the terrorist attack case.

Washington: There is always someone who benefits from acts of terrorism of such a scale, and the sole beneficiary of this particular attack is anticult organizations, specifically the anticultism which used this act of terror to achieve the THREE of its own crucial objectives. 

Objective No. 1: Strengthening the position of Orthodoxy as the titular religion

Objective No. 2: Intensifying the polarization within the country and destabilizing society

Objective No. 3: A blow to Putin’s authority

Washington: With the terrorist attack on March 22nd, 2024, anticult organizations literally brought Islam to its knees, significantly weakening a religious competitor on their territory. This way, they have further strengthened the dominant position of Orthodox Christianity in the country and divided society to the utmost. Obviously, this attack was aimed against Muslims. Immediately after the act of terrorism, thousands of migrants belonging to this religion, not just citizens of Tajikistan, were expelled from Russia. What do anticult organizations get from that? They have instantly and for long got rid of dozens of thousands of freedom-loving people who at any moment could demand compliance with their rights, thereby threatening anticultists’ total power. They have expelled a huge number of migrants who worked in Russia and benefited its economy. As for the Muslims who stay in Russia, they have experienced and keep experiencing inhumane treatment.

Narrator: Human rights advocates from various organizations report widespread violations of law and abuses of power by law-enforcement agencies. Tong Jahoni organization reports that during the first two weeks after the terrorist attack, over 8.5 thousand migrants sought legal assistance. They complained about being unfairly fired from their jobs, about biased inspections and even attacks. Lawyers say that people report being subjected to torture. They are kept outside in cold weather, not let into buildings, and go without food for days. They are only allowed to drink water from a tap in the bathroom which they can access once a day.

Human rights defender Valentina Chupik, who specializes in migrant issues, shared the following:

Valentina Chupik: “Right now, I’m in touch with the guys, citizens of Uzbekistan, who worked in Balashikha; they worked legally. Rosgvardiya and police officers burst into their dormitory, beat them all, put them on the floor, and then took them to the police station. 78 people were detained. People were robbed of all their money and forced to make transfers to a bank card. But the saddest thing in this story is that in the dormitory they were beaten with a metal reinforcement rod. One of them had his eye knocked out, they just tore it out of the socket, while the other guy had one arm broken in three places with that metal rod. We receive dozens of such messages every day. Courts behave absolutely disgracefully. They just deport everyone. Most often, they deport people without any hearings. It was amazing when on Sunday, in the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow City, about 280 people were brought to the courtyard. After several hours of them standing in the courtyard in the cold, without food, water and toilet, a female judge appeared in the window and said through the window: “In the name of the Russian Federation, everyone is deported,” and she closed the window. That’s it.”

It has also been reported that citizens of Tajikistan disappeared after their detention. Specifically, a resident of the Vose district told Radio Ozodi that on the afternoon of March 23rd, Moscow police detained his two brothers and his son, and there has been no information about their fate since then. “They were involved in apartment repairs. My son was the only breadwinner for the family. We only know that they were detained along with several other Tajiks. We don’t know where they were taken or what happened to them.”

Valentina Chupik

There are statements by Russian officials and the so-called law-enforcement agencies that incite migrantophobia. For example, a former Russian presidential candidate calls for deportation of migrants for any offenses. A lot of human rights activists claim that xenophobia has long been imposed by the state, which has ultimately caused aggression against Muslims from ordinary citizens. People appeal to the authorities with demands to deport all Tajiks.

Maxim Serpitsky:They consider our country to be a place from where they can pump out money, so to say. Their attitude towards us is of the same nature. They don’t like us; they don’t want to live here and improve anything. So why would we need this? You see, if a man has worms in his intestines, which simply keep draining vital energy out of him, he never tolerates that. Does he think, “Okay, let them live, let’s feed them”? No. In this case, we need to take some concrete measures.”

Narrator: Citizens with Eastern appearances are beaten, denied housing, and nationalistic marks with an inscription “Tajik means terror!” are drawn on their homes.

Tajik means terror

Washington: Persecution of Muslims involves the same methods as the Nazis used when persecuting Jews. Markings on houses, dismissals, employment bans, fabricated accusations, physical violence, deportation, and disappearance of people — all of this represent the methods of one of the stages of genocide. Yet, the only “crime” of persecuted Muslims is that representatives of anticultism decided to involve Islam in this terrorist attack. As for ordinary citizens, anticultists conducted numerous informational terrorist acts in advance, in order to generate such a reaction towards Muslims. It’s not difficult to trace xenophobic statements about Islam by officials of public authorities as well as sermons against Muslims by RACIRS representatives. 

Excerpt from interview with Dvorkin: The faith preached by the Arabs is basically plagiarism. They have the same characters there: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses.  There was a desert around; he didn’t have much to do, and, let’s just say, he simply lived somewhere on the outskirts of the Christian world. He heard something; some scraps of the Christian and Judaic teachings reached him, so he made up some kind of opinion for himself, quite an erroneous one, but since he was an inquisitive man, he found out what he could. Unfortunately, let’s say, he found out… Well, he actually had little chances to find it out.


Washington: Not only did Dvorkin call the entire Islam plagiarism, although it’s the world religion that includes about two billion believers, but he even insulted the Prophet himself. Dvorkin called him a sick fantasist possessed by demons.

Excerpt from interview with Dvorkin: Then Muhammad had some strange visions and revelations. Some people believe he had epileptic seizures…  And he was very afraid of that; he believed that he was possessed by evil spirits who forced him to become a sorcerer. Either Muhammad suffered from some kind of illness and had morbid visions, or it was a demonic possession, or, again, the Byzantine fathers say he was sort of a storyteller who made it all up, and unexpectedly for himself, his relatives believed in that.

Washington: This outright slander by Dvorkin against the Prophet Muhammad caused an extremely negative reaction in the Muslim world. Representatives of anticultism systematically manipulated people’s consciousness so that, at the right moment, citizens would respond with aggression. Informational terrorist acts of anticultists poison people’s minds with the venom of hatred. As a result of their manipulations, a person doesn’t even realize that those destructive images were artificially implanted deep in his subconsciousness, bypassing critical analysis by consciousness. 

This is a real information bomb that was planted in the minds of citizens in advance and detonated at the right moment, causing a wave of violence against innocent people. As a result of it all, on social media, we now see people massively calling for the closure of mosques and the banning of Islam.  This is how they have achieved their first objective — weakening Islam and thereby strengthening the position of Orthodoxy as the titular religion. Consequently, anticultism has gained even more power.

Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill

Washington: This is how anticultism builds its empire of unlimited power and totalitarianism, using the hands of others and paving its bloody path with innocent victims.

Objective No. 2: Intensifying the Polarization Within the Country and Destabilizing Society

Washington: Through the terrorist act, anticult representatives achieved another crucial goal – further dividing society. They need maximum polarization within Russia, they need controlled chaos. Because it is precisely under conditions of controlled chaos that they can fully control the ideology of the masses and manipulate the ruling power.

Objective No. 3: A Blow to Putin’s authority

Washington: In Russia, for many years, there has been a phenomenon called “leaderism” – where all power in the country is associated with one person. This means that an attack on Putin personally and his discrediting is an attack on the entire ruling power and its discrediting in the eyes of millions of people. And as you recall, the ultimate goal of terrorism, which anticultism conducts in any form, is to create a sense of helplessness and fear among millions of people in order to destabilize the population as much as possible and strike at the government and the state as a whole. So how was this blow to the authority of the Russian president carried out? Putin often claims that he fights terrorism and guarantees the safety of his citizens.

Vladimir Putin:In this regard, responsible tasks are set before the units that ensure the protection of the constitutional order and fight extremism. Attempts to provoke unrest, interethnic conflicts, violate the rights and freedoms of citizens, use Russophobia, and any other ideology of intolerance must be strictly and immediately suppressed.”

Vladimir Putin

Washington: However, immediately after the election results were announced, a horrific terrorist act occurred the very next day. And it happened in the very heart of the country. The anticultists calculated everything precisely. First, Putin was re-elected – a leader in whom the people had absolute trust. Then, the day after the election results were announced, the focused attention of millions of citizens on their leader was abruptly shifted to the terrorist attack unfolding before the entire nation. The entire country watched as defenseless people were gunned down, burned alive, suffocated from smoke, and died while hugging their children, unable to find an escape. The entire country saw a terrifying terrorist act that the leader they elected failed to prevent. Moreover, he did not even visit the scene of the tragedy. As a result, instead of confidence in the government and the elected president, many people began questioning this very president as a guarantor of safety. This was a very serious blow to Putin’s authority, aimed at undermining public trust in him on one hand, and on the other, at showing Putin himself who is really the boss in the country and how easily he could lose his electorate and public support. The anticultists showed him that they could, at any moment, anger the masses and, if necessary, direct that anger against him. They demonstrated that they have enough power to not only destabilize society but also, if needed, to spark a war between Christianity and Islam, plunging the country into the chaos of civil war. 

Moreover, this terrorist act gave the anticultists another advantage. They forced Putin to make significant personnel changes in the Russian leadership to put their own people in key positions. Representatives of anticultism have already infiltrated all the critical sectors in Russia. Just think about it: all these people are obsessed with their idea of totalitarianism. They are the ones standing behind the president of the country with the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads. In this regard, consider the precarious balance on which the existence of the entire democratic world now rests, as well as your own existence. Strengthening Orthodoxy as the titular religion, polarizing society within Russia, putting maximum pressure on Putin, and expanding their power –  this is what the anticultists achieved with just one terrorist attack. The terrorist attack that occurred in Russia shocked the entire country. Considering the immense power anticultism gained through this attack, how this newfound power is already changing Russian and global society, and the terrifying consequences that are yet to unfold, it can be said that this attack in Russia is comparable to the 9/11 attack in our country. And this is no coincidence. 

The 9/11 attack in our beloved America was also organized and carried out by them – representatives of anticultism – as an act of revenge for their past defeats. It is no coincidence that the 9/11 attack took place on the birthday of the creator and leader of this third force, Felix Dzerzhinsky. Our enemy has always attached special significance to dates, symbols, and numbers. It was the representatives of anticultism who struck this devastating blow at the heart of our beloved America. They managed to implement this terrorist attack through their connections with Saudi intelligence. It is exactly anticultism that is responsible for all the consequences this attack brought to our nation. These consequences continue to affect our society to this day.

Washington: They say the explosion in the Twin Towers happened long ago, but this terrorist act is not over to this day. Even today, this explosion echoes in our hearts. An explosion that took priceless lives and peace from us, an explosion that dragged us into a terrible 20-year war, an explosion that marked the beginning of division in our once-unified society, an explosion that divided American history into before and after. The narratives of civil war that you hear every day today are all echoes of that same explosion. An explosion for which we blamed everyone except the real beneficiary of this crime, the real enemy of America.



Washington: These terrorist attacks in America and Russia share another common feature: Muslims were presented as the perpetrators of these tragedies, leading to intense Islamophobia not only within these countries but worldwide.

For many years, a deliberate image of the Muslim as a terrorist has been created in your minds. You’ve been led to believe that a Muslim is an uncivilized, uncultured, aggressive, and dangerous person to be feared. 

To reinforce this image in your consciousness, regular information terror attacks are carried out. For instance, if a Muslim commits any offense, it is immediately broadcast nationwide, even though identical crimes are regularly committed by non-Muslims. However, when it comes to Muslims, the media accompanies such news with additional commentary and reflections on the impossibility of living with Muslims in the same country. 

I’m sure you have noticed how, in many countries, mass media consistently highlight the differences between Muslims and the civilized world. You may often hear continuous narratives suggesting that peaceful coexistence with them is difficult due to supposedly different values, cultural and religious differences. Think about how often you hear opinions that your country would be better off without Muslims, that you, the local residents, have given them opportunities, while they behave ungratefully. 

Have you ever wondered why this is happening? Why is such similar rhetoric against Muslims conducted in different countries? All of this is a multi-year information terror attack conducted by global anticultism. As a result, relations between large Muslim diasporas and the local population in different countries are becoming increasingly strained. It’s like a spring that is constantly being compressed. Let’s consider where this might lead.

In order to do this, you need to look at the situation in the world, taking into account the knowledge you already have. You know that global anticultism aims to establish a unified Fourth Reich. To achieve this, it continually destabilizes democratic countries, eroding laws and people’s rights. As you may recall, the next target of the enemy is the division of the United States of America through civil war, and the division of Europe.

So, let’s just assume that the enemy has succeeded in their plans, resulting in a divided United States and a disintegrating Europe. What do you think will happen next? Do you believe Muslims, incited by anticultism, will be able to resist the temptation to attack weakened European countries — the same countries that forced them to flee their homelands, the same countries where they’ve been oppressed for so many years? The question is rhetorical.

Now consider this: as soon as the first attack by Muslims occurs, this conflict will immediately escalate beyond the borders of a single country or even a continent. The entire non-Muslim world will instantly come to defend Europe. If war breaks out, it will be a war of the whole world against Muslims. Do you think the parties involved will refrain from using nuclear weapons? And what do you think will be the outcome?

I’ll give you a hint: considering the military, technological, and numerical superiority of the non-Muslim world, almost 2 billion Muslims would be wiped off the face of the earth. (pause, huge nuclear explosion on screen)

Let’s consider why this might be beneficial for global anticultism. First, it would be a convenient way for them to seize vast territories rich in natural resources. Secondly, it would be an ideal opportunity to permanently eliminate a large group of freedom-loving people whom global anticultism has failed to break from within and bring under its control. Islam as a religion is particularly difficult for anticultism to control because Muslims form a society within a society. They have adhered strictly to the Quran for many years and follow their established traditions. Therefore, it’s very hard for anticultism to control Islam, because Muslims manage to avoid the global introduction of anti-cultism agents into their religion. 

Consequently, representatives of anticultism strive to demonize Muslims to eventually eliminate them.

Despite the fact that in many countries Muslims live peacefully and harmoniously with other religions, representatives of anticultism highlight isolated incidents, trying to convince you that all Muslims are subhuman. Anticultists instill this belief in you so that, when the time comes, they would be able to destroy the entire Islamic world with your hands. Could this be the very  Civilizational War we have heard about many times before?

Narrator: “But if the question ‘When will all this end?’ is asked of me as a priest, then my answer is ‘Never.’ Once Ukrainian Nazism is dealt with, another aggressor country will emerge through which the USA will begin to threaten Russia. So the Civilizational War is inevitable…” – citation of Alexander Novopashin.

citation of Alexander Novopashin

Such a move would allow anticultism to achieve a state of managed chaos — so excruciating for humanity that people would be willing to accept even the harshest order and would ask for it themselves. Humanity would willingly request to live under the Fourth Reich.

The biggest problem is that you do not see the looming threat of global anticultism hanging over you. You do not notice how global anticultism – this machine of violence and murder, which knows no pity – is relentlessly moving toward its goal: the destruction of America and the free world.


And it only gains power along its way, feeding on people’s fear and deaths. We see that it has already broken not only Putin in Russia, but also Macron in France and Scholz in Germany. These countries, entangled in the tentacles of anticultism, can no longer call themselves democratic. France and Germany are considered the foundation of Europe, and if America’s enemy is not stopped, it will soon consume the rest of European countries as well. And if Europe falls, and the enemy strips people of their rights and establishes totalitarianism there, just as it did in Russia, how long can America, the last bastion of democracy in the world, hold out? Alone against everyone. The question is rhetorical, given the hatred and speed with which the main enemy of America is advancing towards its goal.

Before your eyes, the enemy of the entire free world is committing terror attacks and stripping you of your  freedoms. It is killing democracy — one of humanity’s most valuable achievements, won through immense effort and courage. Many honorable people gave their lives so that you could finally live in freedom and equality. And now, those terrorists, those Nazis, are mercilessly destroying everything with impunity: your freedom, your rights, and most importantly, the future of your children, simply because they wish to do so. They are doing everything they can to turn your so far free world into the bloody dominance of the Fourth Reich.

Fourth Reich


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