They Cut Out Her Heart Because of Her Faith

Falun Gong. They Cut Out Her Heart Because of Her Faith

Followers of Inquisitors and Nazis Continue the Work of the Latter
September 13, 2024
24 mins read
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While preparing this material, we examined a lot of tragic stories that would break the heart of any normal person. It is terrifying to realize that in the world where we live, raise children, and dream of a bright future, such atrocities occur. Yet, adults differ from children specifically in their ability to face the truth in order to stop and eradicate evil.

Falun Gong. The first survivor after organ removal 

Cheng Peiming is the first surviving follower of Falun Gong after he became a victim of forced organ removal.

Cheng Peiming
Cheng Peiming, Falun Gong practitioner who had parts of his liver and lung forcibly removed in a Chinese prison, speaks with an Epoch Times reporter.

Cheng started practicing Falun Gong in March 1998, and after this practice began to be suppressed in 1999, he was arrested multiple times for his spiritual beliefs. In December 2001, Cheng was sentenced to eight years in prison and subjected to brutal torture there.

On November 16th, 2004, despite the fact that Cheng Peiming was in normal mental condition and had no health issues, officials sent him to Daqing City Hospital No. 4 at 8 p.m. Guards informed his family that he was in a life-threatening condition and there was an 80% chance of his death during the surgery.

Cheng was asked to sign consent for the surgery, but he refused. Then six guards seized him and forcibly administered anesthetics. Upon regaining consciousness a few days later, on November 19th, he found his right ankle handcuffed to the hospital bed, and a tube was inserted in one of his hands for intravenous injection. Injection tubes were also inserted in his legs, and there was a tube in his nose for oxygen supply.

Cheng Peiming, Falun Gong practitioner
Cheng Peiming, Falun Gong practitioner who had parts of his liver and lung forcibly removed in China, shows his scar after the press conference in Washington, DC.

Cheng later discovered that a guard named Zhao had been present during the surgery, holding a weapon in his hand. The guard overheard the chief nurse say, “I’ve been a nurse for 30 years, but this is the first time I’ve seen an organ transplantation.” The guard shared this with his fellow prisoner.

On March 2nd, 2006, officials suddenly took Cheng to Lunnan Hospital in Daqing. Although he had no health issues, the doctor still planned to operate on him again. After the guards fell asleep, Cheng escaped from the hospital via the fire ladder around 2 a.m. on March 3rd.

Cheng Peiming at the press conference
Cheng Peiming at the press conference, holding a poster that shows which parts of his liver and lung were forcibly removed.

In 2020, Cheng Peiming managed to reach the United States where he underwent a medical examination. Doctors confirmed that parts of his liver and lung had been removed. He shared his story with the world at the press conference in Washington, DC in July 2024.

3D reconstruction of the CT scan depicting Mr. Cheng's lungs
3D reconstruction of the CT scan depicting Mr. Cheng’s lungs

“After a series of medical examinations, doctors confirmed that parts of my liver and lungs had been removed. I came to the USA to tell about my tragic experience and to expose the brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, especially the crime related to forced organ harvesting.” 1 

                                    Cheng Peiming

Cheng Peiming, Falun Gong practitioner who was forcibly subjected to removal of parts of his liver and lung in China, at the press conference in Washington, DC.
Cheng Peiming, Falun Gong practitioner who was forcibly subjected to removal of parts of his liver and lung in China, at the press conference in Washington, DC.

Evidence of forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong

Evidence of forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China has been presented to the international community numerous times. Here are just a few examples: 

  1. The China Tribunal: An independent tribunal in London, known as the China Tribunal, concluded in 2019 that organ harvesting from prisoners, including Falun Gong practitioners, continues in China. The tribunal noted that this occurs on a large scale and that Falun Gong followers are likely to be the main source of organs for the surgeries. The tribunal’s conclusion was based on witness testimonies, medical examinations, and other evidence. 2
  2. UN Reports: In 2021, a group of independent UN experts expressed grave concern over reports of forced organ harvesting from ethnic and religious minorities in China, including Falun Gong practitioners. Experts received credible information that detainees undergo medical examinations without their consent, with the results entered into a database of living organ donors. 3
  3. Research and Reports: Canadian lawyers David Matas and David Kilgour carried out an investigation that uncovered tens of thousands of unexplained organ transplantation surgeries in China, lacking identifiable donor sources. Their findings, along with witness testimonies, supported allegations that prisoners of conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners, have been executed for their organs. 4
Screenshot from "The IMPACT" documentary
Screenshot from “The IMPACT” documentary

The forcible removal of a body organ or sometimes multiple organs from a living person against their will is a crime of such barbaric magnitude that it’s unimaginable. However, when a person is already a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned solely because of their beliefs, this adds another layer of extreme inhumanity to the crime. Such actions represent a vile manifestation of evil and the pinnacle of human cruelty.

Yet, how is it possible in today’s seemingly civilized world to take thousands of innocent people, who merely had their own views on spiritual self-improvement, and disassemble them to parts? The idea is simple and as old as time: in order to make repressions seem less frightening in the eyes of people, it is necessary to explain to them that Falun Gong is a dangerous cult. 

Back during World War II, the Nazis of the Third Reich justified mass extermination of people by claiming they were soulless animals, unworthy of compassion. This method is called dehumanization. It was used by anticultists during the times of the Inquisition and Nazism, and it is still used nowadays. In this case, China is no exception.

Falun Dafa. History of the conflict 

The Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) teaching emerged in 1992 and was essentially a spiritual and health practice, a system of self-improvement based on traditional qigong exercises combined with elements of Buddhism, Taoism, and folk beliefs. Initially, this movement had good relations with the authorities.

Falun Gong practitioners in a square in Guangzhou in the mid-1990s.
Falun Gong practitioners in a square in Guangzhou in the mid-1990s.

Everything started changing in 1995 when the authorities decided that all qigong groups must establish branches of the Communist Party. Moreover, the government aimed to create a Falun Gong administration and exert leading control over the practice. Since Falun Gong principles fundamentally do not align with such a form of governance, the founder of the practice withdrew it from the state Qigong Association. This event marked the beginning of tension and dissatisfaction with the Falun Gong movement, which at that time manifested as a flow of criticism and pressure from the country’s security apparatus and propaganda department. In 1996, publication of Falun Gong literature was banned, and news broadcasts began to criticize the movement as a form of “feudal superstition,” whose “theistic” orientation contradicts the official ideology and national agenda.

Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong
Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong

In June 1996, an article appeared in the influential nationwide newspaper “Guangming Daily,” where Li Hongzhi (the founder and spiritual leader of the Falun Gong movement) was called a fraud, while his book “Zhuan Falun” was labeled a “pseudo-scientific book promoting feudal superstition,” against which all reasonable people were urged to fight. Soon, similar discrediting articles appeared in twelve more mass newspapers. This informational attack set a precedent for the Falun Gong movement to begin a campaign of peaceful protests against criticism and oppression.

According to religious scholar and historian David Ownby, most participants in the protests acted in good faith and sincerely believed that the Chinese government was generally on their side, and that their public actions were not aimed against the authorities or the public order, but against individual slanderers and other destructive figures seeking to discredit qigong and using deceived officials and journalists for that purpose.

Plainclothes police officers began to detain Falun Gong followers in Tiananmen Square
Plainclothes police officers began to detain Falun Gong followers in Tiananmen Square

Tensions escalated, and on April 22nd, 1999, several dozen Falun Gong practitioners were beaten and arrested in the city of Tianjin during a peaceful sit-in protest. That resulted in a demonstration guided towards the government complex Zhongnanhai in Beijing. 10,000 followers of the movement joined the peaceful gathering near the Zhongnanhai compound with a statement demanding the release of Falun Gong practitioners in Tianjin and cessation of escalating persecution. 

On April 25, 1999, over 10,000 Falun Gong followers in China went to the State Council's Appeals Office located on Fuyou Street in Beijing to file an appeal according to the law.
On April 25, 1999, over 10,000 Falun Gong followers in China went to the State Council’s Appeals Office located on Fuyou Street in Beijing to file an appeal according to the law.

Many Falun Gong practitioners believe that security service personnel anticipated the arrival of the protesters and herded them onto Fuyou Street in front of the government compound in Zhongnanhai in order to later accuse the Falun Gong movement of crimes.

By 8 a.m., there were about ten thousand people there. They didn’t hold banners, didn’t chant slogans and didn’t obstruct traffic, but were standing silently on the sidewalk, closely packed in three to four rows so that outsiders could not intervene between them. Once near the government buildings, the demonstrators decided to submit a collective petition to the country’s supreme authorities, which is a “fundamental right” in China, deeply rooted in history and guaranteed by the current Constitution of the PRC.

Constitution of the People's Republic of China
Constitution of the People’s Republic of China

Article 36. Citizens of the People’s Republic of China shall enjoy freedom of religious belief. No state organ, social organization or individual shall coerce citizens to believe in or not to believe in any religion, nor shall they discriminate against citizens who believe in or do not believe in any religion. The state shall protect normal religious activities. No one shall use religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the state’s education system. Religious groups and religious affairs shall not be subject to control by foreign forces.

On that day, several Falun Gong representatives went to meet the then prime minister Zhu Rongji who assured them the government wasn’t against Falun Gong and promised that the practitioners in Tianjin would be released. The crowd dispersed peacefully, believing their appeal had been heard.

Jiang Zemin. General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee from 1989 to 2002 and PRC Chairman from 1993 to 2003
Jiang Zemin. General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee from 1989 to 2002 and PRC Chairman from 1993 to 2003

On the night of April 25th, 1999, PRC Chairman and CCP General Secretary, Jiang Zemin, issued an official letter indicating his intent to defeat Falun Gong. The letter expressed concern about Falun Gong’s popularity, particularly among members of the Communist Party. He referred to the Zhongnanhai protest as “the most serious political incident since the political disturbance of June 4th, 1989.”

Shortly after midnight on July 20th, 1999, public security officers arrested hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners in many cities across China. One of Hong Kong newspapers reported that 50,000 people were detained in the first week of the crackdown.

Two Chinese police officers arresting a Falun Gong follower in Tiananmen Square, Beijing
Two Chinese police officers arresting a Falun Gong follower in Tiananmen Square, Beijing

Falun Gong followers arranged three-day mass demonstrations in 30 Chinese cities. Protesters in Beijing and other cities were detained and taken to stadiums. State newspapers published articles urging people to give up practicing Falun Gong, while Communist Party members were reminded that they were atheists and should not “become superstitious by continuing to practice Falun Gong.”

Each subsequent stage only increased the severity of the measures and intensified the persecution. The number of victims rose so rapidly that many foreign figures equated the persecution of Falun Gong to genocide. 5

Many researchers of the Falun Gong persecution regard the rapid growth of the movement, especially among members of the Chinese Communist Party, as not just the factor escalating the repression, but also the main cause of the persecution. Chinese authorities viewed the large number of bold practitioners as a threat to the ruling atheist regime. Especially since, by various accounts, at the time the Falun Dafa persecution began in 1999, the number of practitioners in China ranged from 70 to 100 million. On the other hand, many researchers overlook the cooperation between foreign anticult organizations and the Chinese government.

Let’s examine which anticult methods were used in the persecution of Falun Gong

Screenshot from "The IMPACT" documentary
Screenshot from “The IMPACT” documentary

One of the key elements of the campaign against Falun Gong was propaganda aimed at discrediting and smearing the movement and its teaching. During the first month of the operation, mainstream media released about 300-400 articles attacking and defaming the movement, without offering any alternative viewpoints. National television fabricated negative videos about Falun Gong practitioners, presented in a one-sided manner, and aired them during prime time. For several months, the evening news on China Central Television (CCTV) contained nothing but reports against Falun Gong. China researchers Daniel Wright and Joseph Fewsmith referred to that as “complete demonization.”

Li Hongzhi, the man and his acts, part 1, 1999
Li Hongzhi, the man and his acts, part 1, 1999

Everything was done according to the precept of Goebbels who said, “There must be a lot of propaganda, a whole lot. It must be dumped on the masses continuously, day and night, at all territorial points simultaneously. There can be no excess propaganda because people can absorb only the information repeated to them thousands of times.”

Screenshot from "The IMPACT" documentary
Screenshot from “The IMPACT” documentary

Official accusations against Falun Gong became even more violent after July 1999 and reached a point where Falun Gong was accused of colluding with foreign “anti-Chinese” forces. Media reports portrayed Falun Gong as an “abnormal” religious activity harmful to society and a dangerous form of “superstition” that causes insanity, death and suicide.

Li Hongzhi, the man and his acts, part 2, 1999
Li Hongzhi, the man and his acts, part 2, 1999
Devious theories and heretical ideas harm and kill people, expose and criticize the behavior of Falun Gong that hoodwinks people, part 1, 1999
Devious theories and heretical ideas harm and kill people, expose and criticize the behavior of Falun Gong that hoodwinks people, part 1, 1999

In October 1999, three months after the persecution had started, the Chineses Supreme People’s Court passed a judgment classifying Falun Gong as “xie jiao” 6. The direct translation of this term is “heretical teaching,” although, according to Amnesty International, during the propaganda campaign against Falun Gong, it was translated into English as “evil cult.”

As a matter of fact, Falun Gong was subjected to the method of dehumanization used by anticult organizations in the modern world in various countries through media publications, propaganda in the media space, lectures in educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, healthcare facilities and government institutions. Similarly, in various countries, disfavored organizations are labeled with the term “cult” or “sect.”

Screenshot from "The IMPACT" documentary
Screenshot from “The IMPACT” documentary

It is worth mentioning that US anticultists like Steven Hassan currently label supporters of Donald Trump in the same manner, calling them a cult. Meanwhile, journalists who collaborate with the anticultists propose deprogramming Trump’s followers. You need to understand that Falun Gong’s story in China is what anticultists across the world strive for. In view of this information, a question arises: how do they actually plan to deprogram a half of the country’s population, while possessing the well-tested methods and the Chinese experience?

Let’s examine another method frequently used by anticultists

On January 23rd, 2001, five people set themselves on fire in Tiananmen Square. Chinese government sources immediately claimed those were Falun Gong practitioners driven to suicide by their practice. The self-immolation was used as proof of Falun Gong’s “threat” and allowed the government to legitimize repressions against practitioners.

One of numerous images of the self-immolation incident shown by CCTV
One of numerous images of the self-immolation incident shown by CCTV

The self-immolation incident made it possible to apply the anticult method of creating a sensational news hook with the purpose of involving mass media journalists in its coverage (potentially including those from other countries). A high-ranking official of the Chinese government, a representative of the Chinese embassy in Washington, Zhang Yuan-Yuan, told the BBC that the self-immolation of five people in Tiananmen Square, whom government officials identified as members of Falun Gong, evidenced the inhumanity and deadly nature of this movement. His comments came at a time when the European Parliament demanded that China cease its actions against Falun Gong and guarantee freedoms to all religious denominations. Zhang Yuan-Yuan accused the Falun Gong movement of maiming and killing people. 7

Now, let’s compare this incident with the anticult methods described by Egon Cholakian in his video address where he partially shared with the global community the results of a large-scale decade-long investigation, “[It] can be called the ‘method of imposed crimes.’ In this case, a target organization or individual is falsely linked to someone who has committed serious crimes, but has absolutely no connection to the said organization or individual. This fabricates a precedent that inflates a negative image, becoming informational stigma that is massively replicated from article to article.”

Excerpt from Egon Cholakian’s video address “Undeclared war. America is under attack”

Since it has never been proven that the individuals who self-immolated were Falun Gong practitioners, it can be stated that the method of imposed crimes was used when the incident was reported. In this case, the very practice of the Falun Gong movement was equated to a crime as it supposedly caused people to commit suicide. This incident became a turning point in Falun Dafa’s fate and allowed eliminating the restraining factor of public opinion, which had still been present among the Chinese population before the self-immolation. After the incident, the Chinese government propaganda convinced those who previously hadn’t believed the informational discrediting of Falun Gong of the need to apply forceful measures. For the population, the government’s actions were no longer an attack, but rather appeared as protection of citizens against the destructive influence of the “cult.” At the same time, additional accusations against Falun Dafa followed, which no longer seemed to be defamatory or improbable.

Remains of Liu Chunling after the self-immolation
Remains of Liu Chunling after the self-immolation

All of this took place despite Falun Gong sources disputing the authenticity of the government’s presentation of facts and noting that their teaching unequivocally prohibits violence and suicide. Some western journalists and researchers also noticed inconsistencies in the official version of the events, causing many people to believe the self-immolation had been staged to discredit Falun Gong. The Chinese government didn’t allow independent investigations and denied western journalists and human rights organizations permission to meet with the victims. Nevertheless, two weeks after the self-immolation incident, The Washington Post published an investigation by their reporter Philip Pan into the identities of the two self-immolated victims, where he stated that “no one ever saw (them) practice Falun Gong.” 8

Anticultists openly support mass repressions

Another clear sign of anticultists’ involvement in the persecution of Falun Gong is their active and open support of the persecution. Below we will provide just a few examples that clearly demonstrate the inhumane nature and hypocrisy of the followers of global anti-cultism.

Chinese cooperation with Rick Ross

American anticultist Rick Ross engaged in deprogramming — a method of forcibly changing the views of cult followers. By means of kidnapping and applying physical and psychological violence, a “cult victim” is “returned” to their former beliefs. Courts have banned deprogramming in nearly all democratic countries, yet it is still practiced in many places. Deprogrammers have received huge and often exorbitant amounts of money for their work.

Anti-cultist Rick Alan Ross. November 24, 1952
Anti-cultist Rick Alan Ross.November 24, 1952

It is noteworthy that, before becoming a deprogrammer, Rick Ross engaged in petty criminal activities that had nothing to do with “cults.” On July 23rd, 1975, Ross and his accomplice, a store clerk, managed to steal 306 pieces of jewelry from a store in Phoenix by pretending they had a bomb in a box, ready to explode. On April 2nd, 1976, Ross was sentenced to four years in prison for robbery. He was convicted of burglary and grand theft, after which he discovered that posing as an expert on “cults” and offering deprogramming services was less dangerous than stealing jewelry. 

When already being a “cult expert” and deprogrammer, he traveled to China to support the suppression of Falun Gong. In 2010, he visited deprogrammed former members of Falun Gong in Beijing and compared the deprogramming experience he had with what is being done by the Chinese. 10 

To this day, American mass media invite Rick Ross to speak as an “expert”. Yet, in order to understand what the so-called “expert on cults” openly supported in China, it is essential to understand the type of deprogramming taking place in that country. 

After being detained, Falun Gong adherents, whether they are young or old, male or female, are regularly subjected to various forms of psychological and physical torture in an attempt to break their will. The most common methods include forcing them to watch videos that defame Falun Gong and its founder, sleep deprivation, beatings, stretching into uncomfortable positions for extended periods, and hitting with electric batons, particularly on the chest and genitals. Such violence is known to cause long-term disability and sometimes death. 

The case of orthopedic surgeon Li Lizhuang is one of those that Falun Gong practitioners have managed to bring to national and even international attention through their skilled use of social media.

Li Lizhuang (left) and the Hulan Prison in Harbin, where he is detained and tortured
Li Lizhuang (left) and the Hulan Prison in Harbin, where he is detained and tortured

Li, born in 1973, graduated from Harbin Medical University in 1995. In the same year, he started practicing Falun Gong. With the start of repressions in 1999, Li was repeatedly harassed by the police. In 2001, he was arrested and sentenced to spend time in a labor camp and then in prison, for a total term of six and a half years. He reported that he was tied to an iron chair and repeatedly tortured with electric batons, but he suffered the worst indignities from other inmates, ordinary criminals who were not restrained by the guards. They compelled him to walk naked and bath in cold water outdoors with a temperature of –20° Celsius, and repeatedly raped him by inserting various objects into his anus.

After Li was released, he continued his practice, which led to his re-arrest in 2020 and another heavy penalty of ten years and eight months in prison. Currently, Li is subjected to severe torture again, including with electric batons, pepper spray and needles. He is compelled to wear a straitjacket, to drink urine, and to be molested again with electric batons hitting his penis and anus.9 It’s not surprising that Rick Ross who faced lawsuits for his sadistic inclinations supports these kinds of atrocities.

The role of RACIRS and FECRIS in the repression of Falun Gong practitioners

Screenshot from "The IMPACT" documentary
Screenshot from “The IMPACT” documentary

The FECRIS federation has been supporting both Russian and Chinese anticult policies for decades. While anticult movements in the West are small, the China Anti-Xie-Jiao Association (known abroad as the “China Anticult Association”), which is basically a department of the Chinese Communist Party, claims to be the largest anticult association in the world. The claim isn’t false. CAA has thousands of members and like-minded individuals in all provinces and regions of China. Local authorities are encouraged to cooperate with it. The association plays an important role in designating what groups will be listed as xie jiao.

Russian anticult organizations such as RACIRS may have fewer activists, but they play a key role, as discussed in detail in “The IMPACT” documentary. Our editorial team is currently preparing an article on RACIRS’ influence and the management of anticultists worldwide through it.

It is worth noting that western and Russian anticultists believe in the theory of an American conspiracy. This brings them closer to Chinese activists who oppose “evil cults” and believe that xie jiao (meaning, evil cults) are promoted in China by the United States with the intent of undermining the regime. Similarly, Russian anticult ideologists claim that Russia’s “spiritual security” is threatened by American conspiracies that introduce “cults” in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. In recent years, this has become a mainstream narrative at the national level.

Cooperation between FECRIS affiliates and China began at the very start of Chinese crackdown on xie jiao, including the Falun Gong movement. As the United States and leading human rights NGOs protested against arrests, tortures and extrajudicial killings of Falun Gong practitioners, the Chinese regime sought to portray the movement as a “cult” and reached out for support to western anticultists.

CCMM, a French affiliate of FECRIS, sent its representatives to Beijing to attend the “International Symposium on Destructive Cults” on November 9-10th, 2000. CCMM proudly reported that France was “cited as an example because of the scope and coherence of the measures taken to respond to the cults’ threat. The French representatives invited to the symposium received a warm welcome and were listened to with particular attention.” “CCMM delegation was composed of Jean-Pierre Bousquet, who was also responsible for representing the president of FECRIS, Patricia Casano, and Hayat El Mountacir.” Thus, FECRIS was officially represented.10

Russian renowned anticultists, such as Alexander Dvorkin, Alexander Novopashin and others, also support and collaborate with the Chinese government on repressions against Falun Gong. Their support is evidenced by the following facts:

On April 23-25, 2001, an international conference “Totalitarian Sects: Threat of the 21st Century” was held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Alexander Dvorkin was the chief organizer of the conference, while prominent Russian and foreign anticultists were speakers there, including anticult professor Zhang Baichun from Beijing, China.

Anti-cultist Zhang Baichun
Anti-cultist Zhang Baichun

Zhang Baichun delivered a report titled “Sects and State in Modern China.” In the introduction to his report, Baichun informed the audience that he came to the conference at the invitation of A. Dvorkin. In his report, Professor Baichun attempted to provide a scientific basis for the Chinese government’s repressions against Falun Gong and publicly stated that the government had banned the “main Chinese sect” (i.e. Falun Gong). The anticult advocate concluded that Falun Gong is a commercial sect. As for the concept of “commercial sect,” Zhang Baichun had borrowed it from Alexander Dvorkin’s book “Sectology” (“Cult Studies”).

“In the final document of the conference in Nizhny Novgorod, the Falun Gong movement was listed among the ‘most famous and dangerous contemporary destructive cults… Adopted on May 25th, 2001, unanimously by 201 conference participants, representing seven countries (Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Russia) and 22 dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church.’

Then a series of joint annual symposiums and conferences of anticultists from around the globe followed, where Falun Gong was classified as one of “the most famous destructive totalitarian sects and groups.” Given China’s grievous practice of repressions, the real purpose of such international anticult meetings, conferences, symposia and other events dedicated to “exchange of anticult experiences” becomes quite clear.

Cooperation of Russian, French and American anticultists with the Chinese government and their “expert advice” on religious minorities result in the fact that members of the well-known Falun Gong movement in China are exposed to countless repressions, provocations and outright genocide.

Anti-cultist Alexander Dvorkin
Anti-cultist Alexander Dvorkin

Alexander Dvorkin is one of the key public voices among RACIRS anticultists. This man is mentally unhealthy, but that doesn’t prevent him from positioning himself as an “expert” and engaging in hectic activities that ruin millions of human lives. Dvorkin has been actively, publicly and persistently supporting Chinese repressions against xie jiao. Here are just a few examples.

At an event in Beijing in 2008, Dvorkin stated that Falun Gong operates with the support of “governments and parliaments of some western countries.” He said that cultists turn individuals into tools of their cult and destroy people’s families… “Cults harm people, families, communities and countries like ‘cancer cells’ harm a healthy body. They do not contribute anything to society, but keep devouring human resources and wealth from it. Like cancer cells, cults draw nourishment from the healthy body of society until it collapses.” These statements sound particularly chilling, taking into account they were made amid fierce persecution and torture of Falun Gong followers. By comparing “cults” to “cancer cells,” Dvorkin dehumanized Falun Gong practitioners. What is done to cancer cells when they are found in the human body? They are removed or destroyed. Therefore, the comparison to cancer effectively justifies elimination through arrests and murders.

In 2016, Dvorkin attended a symposium on “cult studies” in Wuhan and again stated that “Falun Gong is certainly one of the most destructive cults, ruining human minds and physical health” (Liu and Zhang 2016). In 2017, Dvorkin traveled to Harbin to give a lecture against “totalitarian cults” as enemies of the Orthodox Church and the state.

Dvorkin makes no secret of his belief that the presence of “cults” in both China and Russia is the result of an American conspiracy. In his 2008 lecture, Dvorkin said, “Falun Gong is a rigid totalitarian cult whose members are used by its leader in his vendetta against the Chinese government, while he himself is used by American intelligence agencies to achieve their foreign policy goals.” In one of his interviews, he added, “Cults have long become a political factor actively used primarily in US foreign policy… Currently, the United States supports various cults around the world: in Russia, France, Germany, China, and so on. For example, there is Falun Gong, a destructive Chinese cult… If such a cult didn’t exist, American intelligence agencies would have to invent it; that’s a very convenient method of influencing China.”

Anti-cultist Alexander Novopashin
Anti-cultist Alexander Novopashin

Another anticult figure — corresponding member of FECRIS, Orthodox archpriest Alexander Novopashin — has repeatedly commented on Falun Gong and repressions by the Chinese government. Here’s one of his quotes: “The cult poses a serious public danger (the Chinese realized this a long time ago) because Falun Gong followers, driven to madness, can become weapons in the hands of those who seek to organize riots in a district, a city, or a country with subsequent seizure of power.” 11

It is astonishing how people who tell us about God and position themselves as defenders of human rights openly support such brutal crimes! There are more than 3,500 documented and acknowledged cases of violent deaths of Falun Dafa practitioners as a result of repressions, while the number of imprisoned amounts to hundreds of thousands.

However, bare numbers may seem distant and unrealistic. In order to understand what exactly anticultists are actively supporting and carrying out, let us present to you a small photo report with victims of tortures and then an excerpt from an interview with a police officer who witnessed murders of Falun Dafa followers (the interview was published by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong).

According to the German branch of Amnesty International, Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong from Liaoning Province was tortured to death in detention in 2005.
According to the German branch of Amnesty International, Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong from Liaoning Province was tortured to death in detention in 2005.

Falun Gong practitioner

Falun Gong practitioner

Falun Gong practitioner

Falun Gong practitioner

Witness: We had been interrogating and severely torturing her for about a week. She already had countless wounds on her body. Also, [we] used electrical batons to beat her. She had already become delirious. <…> However, we didn’t know at this time, it was possibly a certain office in the Public Security Bureau of Liaoning Province [anyway, it was a very secretive office] that sent two people over. One of them was a military surgeon from the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region of People’s Liberation Army [PLA], and the other one was a graduate of the Second Military Medical University. Specifically, one of them was relatively old, and the other one was young. They were doing something to her in an operating room of the mental hospital she was sent to. No anesthetics were used. They cut her chest with a knife without shaking their hands. If it were me, I would be shaking. Although I am an armed police, I held guns, I participated in live ammunition maneuvers, and I had seen many corpses, but when I saw these military surgeons, I was really impressed. Their hands didn’t shake at all; they put on their surgical mask and started cutting immediately. At that time, we [armed policemen] were standing on guard, each with a pistol in hand. It sounded like something was being ripped apart, and then she continued “ah”. Since then she always had her mouth wide open, with both her eyes wide open.  [Her] heart was carved out first, next were the kidneys. When her cardiac vessels were cut by the scissors, she started twitching. It was extremely horrible…”

Excerpt from “The IMPACT” documentary


Few people have wondered why the Chinese government has carried out such a complex, long-lasting and brutal operation which started 25 years ago and continues to this day. Why was the term “cult” specifically applied to Falun Dafa? Why was the method of dehumanization used? Who is behind such horrific antihuman methods that resemble total deprogramming? There are numerous questions of this kind, but somehow the search for answers always comes back to the Chinese government’s connections with anticult organizations.

Today, thanks to the international investigation and public exposure of relevant materials, we know the true criminals, their methods, goals and plans. Now we understand why many human destinies have been destroyed, why hundreds of thousands of people have lost their reputations, jobs, and many even their lives.

In public, anticultists call themselves experts and defenders of people, appear in mass media and government institutions, and cooperate with law enforcement. However, in reality, those maniacs dream of expanding their experience of persecution and destruction of Falun Gong practitioners throughout the world.

Everyone whom anticultists label a sectarian or a cult follower becomes a potential target, just like Jews whom Nazis as the followers of anticultists once herded into gas chambers to suffocate or skinned alive to preserve skin elasticity for a high-ranking official’s gloves. Yes, we really mean it: Nazis were the followers of anticultists, but that’s another story… 

Anticultists and those who are behind them dream of a totalitarian world where any of you can be disassembled alive to parts simply because it pleases a handful of deranged inhumans. To implement this bloody dream, they are ready to exterminate billions by plunging the modern world into a civilizational conflict.

Now is the time to regain our sanity and take a clear look at what is happening right before our eyes. Anticultism is a phenomenon that shouldn’t have existed in our society. Present-day anticultism is not just a continuation of Nazism, but a new and more sophisticated form of it. Concentration camps have already been built. Can you comprehend that there are already facilities where doctors remove organs without anesthesia, and tomorrow those facilities will become torture chambers and real concentration camps for millions of people?

We’ve presented all of the above cases to show the extent to which dehumanization and other methods used by anticultists can lead. It seems there are only a few insane sadist maniacs obsessed with destroying human lives. Yet, due to their impunity, millions of people suffer, and billions are standing on the brink of an abyss.

That was the case until recently, as long as their activities remained in the shadows. Today, the investigation is underway, and everyone who’s been an accomplice in the horrific crimes of anticultists worldwide will face fair punishment. Humankind is close to eradicating any manifestations of Nazism once and for all.



  2. China Tribunal: Final judgement detailed, the hearings records, submissions etc.
  5. (PDF) Cold Genocide: Falun Gong in China (
  6. Xie Jiao | Bitter Winter
  9. Falun Gong Surgeon Raped in Prison and Forced to Drink Urine (
  10. Microsoft Word – tjoc_6_3_2_whitepaper.docx (

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